Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 341: Professor Wen, please give more advice (thirteen)

  Xiamen and Wen Linxia were still walking at the back of the team, talking while walking.

   Wen Linxia actually didn't believe the explanation that Xia Xia gave to everyone.

   When he faced off against two tigers in the summer just now, he was the closest and could see the clearest.

   The situation at that time was a bit strange. The two tigers looked at Xia Xia as if they were... communicating with her.

   But the whole process, Xia Xia just looked at the two tigers and didn't say anything.

   Didn't say... Or did they say they didn't hear it?

   "Why do I think you were actually communicating with two tigers just now?"

   Although Wen Linxia used a question sentence, her tone was a little firm.

   Hearing the words, Xia Xia stopped with a smile.

   Seeing that Xia Xia stopped, Wen Linxia also stopped.

The people in front of   , except Cheng Minghua, no one noticed that the two people stopped.

  Cheng Minghua recorded the video of Xia Xia's confrontation with the tiger, and then began to secretly film her interaction with Wen Linxia.

   Under Cheng Minghua's mobile phone, I photographed Xia Xia approaching Wen Linxia, ​​then gently tiptoed and whispered in his ear.

  The handsome men and women are pretty, although they are all wearing sports clothes and carrying mountaineering bags, although the background light is very dark, but the picture is extraordinarily beautiful...

   "If I say, I can understand what the tiger says, will Professor Wen believe it?" This is what Summer whispered to Wen Linxia.

  Because he was too close, the heat sprayed out when he spoke in summer warmed his entire ears and side face.

  I don't know why, Wen Linxia suddenly felt that his heartbeat became a little faster.

   He heard himself answer: "I believe."

  From the beginning, he believed every word Xia said.

   As if he would believe what she said!

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 85%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"


After the    tiger incident, we didn't encounter any large beasts again.

  Although danger has also been encountered, some people have been injured, and they have even been hungry and cold.

   But fortunately, none of them were in danger of life.

  Everyone climbed the mountains and mountains, shuttled and wandered in the virgin forest of Bunia during the day, and stopped to camp and rest at night.

  In this way, the seven-day adventure spring outing has finally passed!

  Leaving the virgin forest of Bunia, everyone has gained more or less and felt that they have grown a lot.

   But in summer, she felt the most rewarding.

   In seven days, her relationship with Wen Linxia became much closer.

   Even though the favorability level was increased to 88%, it suddenly stopped and stopped moving, but at least the remaining favorability level is not much!

   When she returned to M City, she applied to take the graduation exam in advance.

   In this way, when she wants to pursue Wen Linxia, ​​she will no longer be his student, justifiably.

   For seven days, everyone is satisfied and exhausted.

   As soon as we got in the car, everyone quickly fell asleep in their seats.

   When we got to the airport and boarded the plane, everyone slept until they got off the plane like a sleeping god.

  The seat in the summer is still so coincidentally right next to Wen Linxia, ​​just enough to make him a human pillow.

   leaned on his shoulder and could sleep comfortably.

  Everyone slept soundly, Wen Linxia was also sleepy and fell asleep with his head resting on Xia's head.

   This picture also entered Cheng Minghua's mobile phone——

   When the plane returned to M City, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

  Song Yanming was originally going to come to pick up Summer in person, but in the afternoon there was a very urgent matter that needed him to go out of town to handle it, so there was no way to pick up Summer in person.

  When she got off the plane in summer, Song Yanming called specifically, saying that the driver, Uncle Li, had been called to pick her up.

   "I see, Dad, don't worry, I'll call you when I get home."

   "Okay, alright, dad will be back early tomorrow morning. I heard that there is a dessert shop in I city that tastes good. Then dad will buy some and bring it home for you to taste!"

   "Okay, Dad, I saw Uncle Li, I'll hang up first! Bye!"

   "Okay, call Dad when you get home."

  Xiamen hummed and hung up the phone.

  The school actually arranged for a car to pick them up, but since Song Yanming had already called Uncle Li to come over, he would definitely take his own car back in the summer.

   "Mr. Jiang, Professor Wen, seniors, then I'll go first, see you at school!"

  Xiamen originally wanted to invite Wen Linxia to take her car, but think about it and forget it, just say goodbye to everyone.

   "Okay, see you at school!" The students who got on the bus stretched out the window and waved at Xia Xia.

   Wen Linxia was standing beside Xia Xia before he got in the car.

   "Go home and rest well," he said to Summer.

  Tomorrow is Sunday, and there is still a day off.

  Xiamen smiled and nodded at him: "Professor Wen too, soak your feet in hot water before going to bed, you can sleep better."


  Uncle Li opened the car door for Summer, got in the car and left in Summer.

   Someone couldn't help but whispered: "I didn't expect Song Zhiyun's family to be quite rich!"

   "Just kidding, Song Zhiyun owns a car! I've seen that car, although it's not the kind of millions, but it's worth a million! It's not cheap!"

   "I heard that Song Zhiyun was fostered before, but I don't know if it's true?"

   "How is it possible, didn't you hear that Song Zhiyun was calling Dad on the phone just now!"

   "Isn't it popular to call rich dads or husbands?"

   "You don't give people the daughter of a rich family!"

   "It's not what I said, didn't I hear it before!"

   "Then maybe people are jealous of Song Zhiyun?"

   "Aiya, no matter what happens to someone's private life, Song Zhiyun's character is still very good after spending at least seven days together! At least she's not squeamish like some girls, and she's still very strong!"

   "Yes, yes, we are seniors anyway, so talk about junior girls like that?!"

   "Okay, the teacher is coming up, don't say anything!"

   The topic stopped at this point, and Wen Linxia also got into the car at this time.

   He didn't hear what the students were talking about, and sat down on the seat near the door.

   In the last row of the minibus, Cheng Minghua sat there, silently looking at the photos on his phone.

  Seven days, a short video, plus hundreds of photos.

   Hundreds of photos, all photos of Wen Linxia and Summer together.

  There are two people looking at each other in the dimly lit forest, and one is catching fish in a small river with their trouser legs rolled up...

  In Cheng Minghua's view, the two are definitely together.

   So he scoffed at the remarks of those students just now.

   What is fostered, what recognizes father and husband.

   A girl like 'Song Zhiyun' would definitely disdain to be supported!

   Those people are really slow to respond and not at all careful.

   For seven days, except for him, no one noticed that there was something tricky between Professor Wen and 'Song Zhiyun'!

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