Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 359: Cute zombie, come with me (4)

   Originally wanted to clean up Chi Fu Chi Mu, but it was... a bit difficult.

  There was nothing in the coffin. In summer, I found a quilt, wrapped the mother and father of the pool, and put them in the pit.

   Reluctantly, he made two humble tombs.

   raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and Xia Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

   turned around with the tool and walked towards the car.

   She was going to pull Gu Yanyu out and go to the bathroom to wash well!

   However, when the summer approached, I saw that the rear door was opened by force.

   Not only that, but Gu Yanyu, who was lying in the back seat 'obediently', has disappeared, only the rope was broken and broken.


   Hearing the sound, Xia Xia turned around and saw Gu Yanyu rushing towards her.

   She couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately thrown to the ground by Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu leaned over to bite the summer, but...

   "Hahaha! Gu Yanyu, you idiot! You should spit out the towel in your mouth and bite!"

   Xia Xia kicked Gu Yanyu away, then got up from the ground.

  Gu Yanyu broke the rope with brute force, and pushed open the car door with brute force, not knowing that his mouth was blocked.

  If you want to bite, you have to spit out the towel first.

   But Gu Yanyu is now mentally handicapped, not at all.

   So just now Gu Yanyu leaned over and wanted to bite the summer, but couldn't.


  Gu Yanyu got up from the ground and came to bite the summer.

   In summer, he was so dirty that he didn't even bother to play with him.

   shook his head and dragged him into the house.

   Regardless of whether Gu Yanyu kept holding her hand and wanted to chew, he took him upstairs to the bathroom.

   In order to avoid being bitten, Xia Xia did not remove the towel covering Gu Yanyu's mouth.

   He took off his clothes and trousers three or two times, revealing his scarred body.

  Gu Yanyu's body this time is also quite tall, about 1.8 meters, but very thin and skinny.

  The skin of the zombies is ugly, blue-gray, and black blood vessels are all over the body.

   Shots in the shoulder and in the stomach, the bullets got stuck in the flesh.

   In addition to the wounds left by bullets, there are also wounds caused by sharp weapons.

   and some pinholes and scars from previous experiments in the laboratory.

   Such a body makes me feel distressed in summer.

   What's more distressing is that Gu Yanyu's 20-year life as a host has been spent in the laboratory.

   was treated as a guinea pig.

   "Mmmm!" Gu Yanyu hugged Xia Xia's shoulders and leaned over to nibble.

  Xiamer came back to his senses, picked up the shower and started to wash Gu Yanyu's body.

  I don’t care how your skin is, just wash the dirt off your body.

   The wounds of the zombies cannot heal automatically, and Xia Xia didn't know whether to keep the two bullets in Gu Yanyu's body or to dig them out for him.

   Fortunately, there will be no blood, otherwise it will be more ugly.

  Water rushed over him, Gu Yanyu seemed to be frightened, and ran around in the bathroom screaming.

   If Xia Xia hadn't pulled him, he would have slammed the door open and ran away.

   This bath for Gu Yanyu was very difficult...

   Xia Tian felt that this was far more difficult than burying the father and mother of the pool!

   But seeing Gu Yanyu standing there neatly dressed, she still felt a sense of accomplishment.

  Gu Yanyu was wearing Chi Fu's home clothes, which didn't fit well, but could barely see.

   Xia Xia didn't know whether Gu Yanyu was a low-level zombie at this time, or what grade he was, but seeing him dodge the heroine's bullet tonight, it seemed different from what the data showed.

   The data shows that the experimenter No. 1999 was shot in the head by the heroine, and in the summer, I deliberately searched for the plot mentioned in the plot of the novel, and it was indeed a simple shot to get a headshot.

  Perhaps, it is because Gu Yanyu lives in his body now, so it is different from what is shown in the data.

  Xiamen raised his hand and patted Gu Yanyu's head, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Ayu, even if you are a zombie, your wife will not dislike you!"

   Gu Yanyu stared at Xia Tian with his gray pupils, with a clean towel in his mouth, his face expressionless.

   It seemed that he didn't understand what Summer was saying.

  When it first started, he was about to bite the summer at every turn.

   However, Gu Yanyu seemed to realize that he couldn't bite the delicious food in front of him.

  So now, he has stopped, and he has no energy to pounce on Summer.

  I have been tired for so long in summer, my body is sweaty and dirty, and I am ready to take a shower.

   But, she was worried that if she didn't pay attention, Gu Yanyu would run away...

How to do it?

   After thinking about it, in the summer, he simply shut Gu Yanyu in the bathroom and took a bath in front of him.

   It's not that they haven't bathed together anyway, and she's not shy either.

   What's more, what can Gu Yanyu know at this time?

   took off his clothes swiftly, and walked to the shower to take a bath.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of experimenter No. 1999 towards you is 1%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

  Summer: "?!"

   She tilted her head to look at Gu Yanyu, and found that Gu Yanyu had been staring at her intently.

   raised his eyebrows, how did you add this one percent favorability?

   Just because she took a bath in front of him?

   Summer's mouth twitched, it shouldn't be possible...

   After all, Gu Yanyu is irrational now!

   I really can't figure it out. I don't bother to think about it in summer. It's a good thing to increase the favorability, which means that there is still hope for her to increase her favorability.

   So, she should be happy.

  I didn't look at Gu Yanyu again in summer, closed my eyes and washed my hair.


   After taking a bath and putting on pajamas in summer, Gu Yanyu was still standing in the bathroom very obediently.

Xia Xia went to pull him out, and regardless of whether he understood it or not, he just talked to him: "I'm too sleepy, can you just stay obedient? Don't run around, you know, or what if someone else shoots you in the head? Are you afraid?"

  Gu Yanyu: "Mmmmmmm!"

  Xiamen: "I don't understand what you are saying, so just pretend you are afraid?"

  Gu Yanyu: "Mmmm!"

   "Okay, I'm going to bed, do you want to lie down together?"

  Xiamen thought for a while, then pulled Gu Yanyu to lie down on the bed.

  I thought Gu Yanyu would be very resistant, but I didn't expect him to be stupid. He was lying on the bed in the summer, but he just lay down obediently.

   Such a well-behaved Gu Yanyu makes Summer very satisfied.

   patted Gu Yanyu's cheek and said with a smile, "A Yu is so good, I will reward you with one!"

   After finishing speaking, Xia Xia really kissed Gu Yanyu on the face.

  I don't know why, but Gu Yanyu's body didn't have the smell of putrid corpse, but his skin was not good-looking, and his body was still a little cold.

   Looking at the facial features, Gu Yanyu's body is actually very delicate, the type of small fresh meat.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of experimenter No. 1999 towards you is 2%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

Um? One percent more?

   Just because she kissed him?

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