Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 377: Cute zombie, follow me (22)

   One month flies, very fast.

   As if in the blink of an eye, Jixiang was much bigger than when I first saw him.

   The wrinkled skin has grown, no longer wrinkled, white and tender.

  Before, because the auspicious moon was not yet full, I did not dare to take him out in summer, and stayed in the villa every day.

   Gu Yanyu has already eliminated all the zombies above the second rank in City Y, and now there are only those low-level zombies left in City Y.

   When he was okay, Gu Yanyu also stayed in the villa, or went out for a walk.

  Auspiciousness has a habit of making noise at night and sleeping during the day.

  Gu Yanyu doesn't sleep at night, so he can take care of him without much trouble.

   During this period of time, he was relatively free, so he asked Xia Tian to teach him to read, and then he would go out and read some books when he had nothing to do.

   Now he is no longer ignorant about some situations before the end of the world.

   And he can understand what a child is, what a parent is.

   He also understood a very important thing, that is, the little Gu Gu who always looks up to the summer, is not a precursor to him going crazy.

   But he wanted to cough, cough, cough...

  's feelings for summer became more and more obvious as I understood this.

   His thirst for knowledge is very strong, and he always finds some books to read, even some novels.

   Xia Xia didn't know what kind of mess Gu Yanyu read, but he only knew that one day, he wanted to sneak (kiss) her while she was asleep.

   The result was such a coincidence that he was caught by the summer.

   It is also fortunate that Gu Yanyu is not a human but a zombie, or else that face so tender that it could be squeezed into water would have been red enough to drip blood.

He was very guilty there, but Xia Xia patted his head with a smile, and said, "Want to kiss me? When will I forget the scene where your mouth is full of zombie brains, let me be honest with you now. Oh boy!"

   Just kidding, she has a great psychological shadow, okay?

   At that time, Gu Yanyu's heart was broken, and he had never regretted it so much, really!

  If time could be reversed, he wouldn’t eat the core like that after killing him.

  Unfortunately, time can't turn back time for him, so he is destined to not want to kiss summer in a short time...

   After staying in Y City for a month, auspicious parents still haven’t come.

   This is the expected result, but it is also the most unhappy result of summer.

  Since Jixiang's parents didn't come to him, he was going to leave Y City with Jixiang in the summer, so there was no need to wait any longer.

   In the future, even if auspicious parents find her, she will not give auspiciousness to them.

   And auspicious, she will tell him that he is her own son...

   Before leaving Y City, Xia Xia gave Jixiang a big name, Tianyi.

   and Gu Yanyu's surname Gu: Gu Tianyi.

   For the surname Xia Rang Jixiang, Gu Yanyu was both happy and angry.

  Happily, Xia Xia told him that in the future, Jixiang would be their son, his father, and she would be his mother.

   In other words, they are husband and wife!

  Whether it's true or not, at least his identity has become summer's husband!

   And summer, it's his wife!

   But what makes Gu Yanyu angry is that he is not 'not' the real Gu Yanyu!

   But what's 'tragic' is that Xia Xia has always regarded him as Gu Yanyu...

   But, no matter how angry he is, he can't let Xia Xia know.

   Ever since he knew that what he feels about Summer is actually love and that he wants to be with her for the rest of his life, he has become more cautious.

  Because he was very afraid, very afraid that the happiness he got by 'passing off' would suddenly disappear one day.

   In the previous twenty years in the lab, no one had ever treated him like summer.

  The warmth given to him in summer, he can't lose, and he doesn't want to lose it!

   So that 'Gu Yanyu', it's best not to appear for the rest of your life!


The morning after    decided to leave, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia were leaving with auspiciousness.

  Carrying auspiciousness in the summer, Gu Yanyu packed the bags and put them in the car.

   After all, it's not just the two adults who can just do whatever they want. Now there is a little baby who needs diapers and milk powder.

   So there are a lot more things to bring than before.

   The luggage was loaded into the car, and it was only in the summer that he said to Gu Yanyu: "Ayu, come and drive, I hold the auspiciousness."

   Before, in order to be able to be lazy, she also specially taught Gu Yanyu to drive.

   After Gu Yanyu learned it, she always asked Gu Yanyu to drive, without worrying about his driving skills.

   Hearing that Xia Xia let him drive, Gu Yanyu nodded.

   Open the rear door for summer and let her in.

   He said in the book that it is safer to sit in the back while holding the child.

  Xiamen blinked, surprised by Gu Yanyu's move.

   During this month, she felt that Gu Yanyu understood a lot.

  It seems that it started when he knew words.

   Since Gu Yanyu knew the words, he no longer needed her to explain the things he didn't understand, and he could find the answer himself.

   I didn’t notice it in summer before, but I just realized it suddenly today.

   However, the favorability level can be increased to as much as 95% at once, so it must be related to this part, right?

   Now Gu Yanyu is taking care of her everywhere, it is not her who takes care of him anymore.

  I don't know when it started, they switched.

  I can't remember when the summer started, because everything is so natural.

   Sometimes Gu Yanyu would find a recipe and cook for her according to the recipe.

  The taste, of course, is still very good!

   "Thank you!" Xiachao thanked Gu Yanyu with a smile, and then got into the car with Jixiang in his arms.

  Gu Yanyu opened his mouth, and almost said the words 'no thanks'.

   During this period of time, he couldn't help but want to talk to Xia Xia, and Xia Xia wanted to hear his voice.

   But he was worried again, worried that the voice of 'Gu Yanyu' would be different from his.

  What if it’s really different?

   So no matter how much he wants to talk to Xia Xia, he has to endure it.

   also smiled at Xia Xia, Gu Yanyu then closed the door and got into the driver's seat.

   Fasten the seat belt and start the car.

   Gu Yanyu looked back at Xia Xia and signaled with his eyes: Shall we go?

  Xiamen nodded and replied, "Okay, let's go!"


  After the car started, Xia Xia looked down at Ji Xiang with innocent eyes wide open in his arms.

  The auspiciousness of the full moon is now white and plump, with big eyes and long and thick eyelashes, which is very beautiful!

   Jixiang loves to laugh very much, and there are two small dimples on his face when he laughs.

   Jixiang likes to be held, especially Gu Yanyu.

  I don't know why, as long as Gu Yanyu growled at him, he would giggle.

   Now auspicious nights don’t make much noise, just don’t sleep, just hug.

  Summer gently stroked Jixiang's tender cheeks and said in a gentle tone, "Little Jixiang, we are going! Mom and Dad will take you to travel around the world!"

   Jixiang moved his mouth and made a sound of "oh...oh...", as if responding to summer.

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