Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 388: That pervert, you stop (4)

  What he said, Xia Xia nodded seriously.

   Now, she also wants to take care of Jian Peiling's body as soon as possible, so that she is white and tender.

   took Mu Qian to repair the medicine list, and in the summer was going to take Jian Peiling to get the medicine and leave the hospital.

   As for the issue of increasing favorability, we should consider it later...

   However, when Xia Xia was about to leave, Mu Qianxiu opened his mouth and said, "Miss Jian will leave little Jian Peiling here to get the medicine by herself. When the medicine is back, I will teach you how to give it to little Jian Peiling!"

   Xia Xia knew that Mu Qianxiu left Jian Peiling to ask her how she was doing at home, and she was glad she gave Jian Peiling the medicine last night.

   Otherwise, with the scars all over his body, it is estimated that Mu Qianxiu could reduce his favorability to her to minus 100%?

   sighed inwardly, even in such a situation, what can she do?

   Let’s take a step by step, if Mu Qianxiu wants to kill her, she can’t just lie down and let him kill!

   "Okay, then I'll go get the medicine first, Lingling, you stay here, you know?"

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Jian Peiling nodded quickly: "Mom, I know, I will be obedient!"

  Xiamen hummed, no matter what Mu Qianxiu could ask from Jian Peiling's mouth, he took the medicine list and turned around and left the office——

   By the time he took the medicine back to the office in summer, Mu Qianxiu seemed to have finished talking to Jian Peiling.

   Xia Xia concluded that Jian Peiling must trust the gentle Mu Qianxiu very much, and then told him all about Jian Jing beating her.

Because when queuing up to get the medicine, Xia Xia heard the voice of the system prompting: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mu Qianxiu's favorability for you is minus 60%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible. Oh!"

   minus sixty percent! ! !

   Hearing this sound, the mood of summer can no longer be described in words.

   But what can she do? Who made Mu Qianxiu a pervert who hated domestic violence against his own children?

  If he didn't hate him, he wouldn't kill Jian Peiling because he knew that Jian Jing missed her and killed her...

  Yes, she also died a few months after Jian Jing accidentally injured Jian Peiling, causing her to die from a brain hemorrhage.

   As for how he died, I am afraid that no one knows except Jian Jing and Mu Qianxiu.

  Because her body was not found by anyone——

   Seeing the summer coming back, Mu Qianxiu was still gentle and gentle, and he explained to her how to give Jian Peiling the nutritional supplements.

   After finishing the talk, Mu Qianxiu told Xia Xia to let Jian Peiling keep up with her nutrition, otherwise she would definitely get sick in the future.

   In fact, if Jian Peiling hadn’t been given medicine in summer last night, today’s physical examination would be more than just stunted growth and malnutrition.

   "Okay, thank you Dr. Mu! Then we'll go first." Xia Xia stood up from the chair, and Jian Peiling also stood up immediately.

   Seeing Xia Xia reaching out to her, Jian Peiling tilted her head and glanced at Mu Qianxiu before passing her small hand to Xia Xia's.

  Xia Tian left the hospital with Jian Peiling in one hand and medicine in the other—

   Sent Xia Xia and Jian Peiling away, Mu Qianxiu sat on the office chair with a book in his hand.

   The opened book has a few lines written on it:

   Jian Jing, twenty-three years old.

  Address: No. 301, No. ×× Road, ××

  Telephone: 13××…

   This information was written by Mu Qianxiu when he saw Jian Peiling's medical record.

   When he went to get medicine in the summer just now, Mu Qianxiu really asked Jian Peiling.

   He has determined that Jian Jing is a person who is usually violent to children.

  It's just weird, according to Jian Peiling's description, she should be covered with scars.

   But whether it was Mu Qianxiu's naked eyes or what was shown in the inspection report, Jian Peiling didn't have any scars on her body.

   Of course, Mu Qianxiu would not think that Jian Peiling lied, but that it must have been the summer's tactics too high to leave no trace.

  Summer is so wrong...

   At this moment, the smile on Mu Qianxiu's face had long since disappeared, and his eyes were terrifyingly gloomy.

  Suddenly, he raised the corners of his lips, revealing a penetrating smile.

   He opened his lips and murmured, "Jian Jing? I'll only give you one chance..."

   "Knock knock knock."

   "Director Mu, can you call the next child in?"

   The soft question of the nurse outside the door brought Mu Qianxiu back to his senses: "Yes!"

  When the door of the office was pushed open, Mu Qianxiu put the book into the drawer naturally, with a gentle and approachable smile on his face: "Li Jiajia kid? Please come in!"


   In order to avoid trouble, I took Jian Peiling to the hotel in summer.

   ordered lunch for the hotel to bring to the room, and then she said to Jian Peiling: "Lingling, stay in the room, Mommy go back and get something."

   Jian Peiling sat on the sofa and nodded obediently, her eyes moving to the dining table.

  There are so many delicious food on the table, she really wants to eat...

   Thinking that she still ate so much this morning, my mother would definitely not allow her to eat any more.

   Just when she was lost, she heard Xia Xia say: "You can eat anything on the table, you can eat whatever you want, but you can eat when you are full, don't push hard, you will eat a bad stomach, you know?"

   Jian Peiling couldn't believe her ears, did her mother let her eat the food on the table? !

   "Okay, Mom, I know." Jian Peiling replied obediently, but still sat on the sofa and didn't move.

  In summer, when Jian Peiling was not hungry, she took her bag out the door and went back to the rental house——

   As soon as she left, Jian Peiling called Mu Qianxiu from the landline in the hotel room.

Before    left, Mu Qianxiu told Jian Peiling his phone number, and told her to call him when something happened.

When    received the call from Jian Peiling, Mu Qianxiu was a little surprised that she called him so quickly, thinking that she was called by her mother again.

   "What's wrong with Lingling?" Mu Qianxiu's voice was as gentle as Jian Peiling's impression.

   "Doctor Mu, I'm in the hotel room now. My mother ordered a lot of food to put on the table. She asked me to eat it, but I didn't dare..."

   Mu Qianxiu raised his eyebrows and asked Jian Peiling, "Why are you in the hotel room? Isn't your mother here?"

  Jian Peiling shook her head, and then realized that Mu Qianxiu wouldn't be able to see if she shook her head, so she answered, "Mom said, she's going back to get something, so let me stay in the room."

   Don't say that Mu Qianxiu didn't understand why he didn't take Jian Peiling back to the rental house in the summer, even Jian Peiling didn't understand!

   After thinking about it, Mu Qianxiu comforted Jian Peiling: "Since your mother asked you to eat, then you can eat it, are you hungry?"

   "Well, I'm hungry. But my mother has never been so kind to me... Doctor Mu, do you think my mother poisoned me in the food?"

   Hearing the words, Mu Qianxiu thought about it, there is also this possibility!

   "Then don't eat it."

  Unknown Summer: "..."

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