Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 397: That pervert, you stop (thirteen)

  Noon, after lunch is made in summer, go to Jian Peiling's school gate and wait.

   At half past eleven, Jian Peiling and her classmates lined up to come out.

  Because she was too short, Jian Peiling was placed in front, and she saw the summer waiting for her as soon as she came out.

   "Sister Fairy!"

   Jian Peiling's eyes glow when she sees summer.

  Xiamen walked over, held her hand, and said hello to her homeroom teacher.

   Although Jian Peiling is introverted, she is still polite, even though Jian Jing has not taught her.

   Before leaving school, Jian Peiling said goodbye to the teacher obediently without the summer reminder.

   "Goodbye Lingling!"

  Jian Peiling's head teacher is a relatively young female teacher. Appearance is not important, but her temperament is very good.

   "Then Mr. Li, let's go first, goodbye!"

   said goodbye to the head teacher, and took Jian Peiling to go home in the summer.

   Along the way, Jian Peiling was telling Xia the interesting things she saw at school.

  Jian Peiling said that the school is very good, the students are very good, and the teachers are also very good.

   Anyway, compared with the previous school, it is really much better!

   Seeing that Jian Peiling is so happy, she is also very satisfied in summer.

   At least this school is not wrong from the current point of view——


   When Jian Peiling was in school, her daily activities in summer were very regular.

   Stocks, grocery shopping, cooking, housework, pick up Jian Peiling from school.

   Although it was a bit busy, it was also very fulfilling.

   There are still a few days to go to the amusement park on the weekend. In summer, I still look forward to taking Jian Peiling to the amusement park with Mu Qianxiu——

  In the blink of an eye, it's already Friday.

   They made an appointment to leave at 8:30 on Saturday morning.

   In the past few days in summer, I invited Mu Qianxiu to have dinner on the second day after I moved in. After that, I didn’t invite Mu Qianxiu to come to my house for dinner.

   She was worried that if she was too enthusiastic, what if Mu Qianxiu was no longer curious about her?

   But if you are not enthusiastic, what is more appropriate?

  Thinking about it, in the summer, I just took time every day to take Jian Peiling to school when Mu Qianxiu went to work, and in the afternoon, I would take time to throw out the trash when Mu Qianxiu came back.

   In this way, they can meet each other every day because of 'random encounters', and then say hello.

   Doing this in summer is obviously useful.

   The favorability level increased from Monday to 10%, and it only took a few days until Friday, and the favorability level actually increased to 70%!

   To be honest, I was a little shocked in summer to increase the favorability to 70% in a few days.

   After all, she really didn't do anything except say hello to Mu Qianxiu twice a day!

   It’s not normal to gain so much favorability just because of curiosity…

   But think about it, Mu Qianxiu is not a normal person, can he be confused with a normal person?

   Of course not!

   It's a good thing to be able to increase the favorability points, no matter why he adds so many favorability points!

  Mu Qianxiu spends more time watching surveillance videos every day, even though the videos are basically sitting on the sofa in summer studying the stock market or doing housework.

   is very common, and even if you let others see it, you will find it quite boring.

  But Mu Qianxiu was able to keep watching the surveillance in his spare time.

   Then somehow, he would feel that his mood had never been calmer, and his mood fluctuations were not great.

   Mu Qianxiu didn't understand why this happened, but he knew clearly that he was very interested in summer!

   For several days, Mu Qianxiu watched surveillance video during the day.

  At night, he would enter the summer home as if he entered his own home.

   Then he would sit by the summer bed for a while.

   Mu Qianxiu seems to be a person who has no sleep.

When    comes, they are always at twelve or one or two in the morning, and then stay longer and longer every time.

   How long to stay each time, I really don’t know in summer.

   At most, she could only know when Mu Qianxiu came, and after a while, she fell asleep.

  There is no way, it's not too early, plus there is a walking 'sleeping pill' sitting beside her, it's no wonder she can't fall asleep!

  If you think about it in summer, just come, Mu Qianxiu will definitely not do anything to her anyway.

   But on Friday night, Mu Qianxiu didn't come!

   People who come every night, why didn't they come today?

  Is it because I was thinking of going to the amusement park tomorrow morning, so I went to bed earlier today?

   In fact, it is normal for Mu Qian to not be able to repair, but Xia Xia always felt that something was wrong.

  It is probably intuition, maybe the reason why Mu Qian can't come to repair directly is that he has a new goal?

   Thinking of this, summer is not calm.

   Of course, the 'new goal' in her mouth is not something to pursue.

   After all, someone like Mu Qianxiu can't fall in love at all!

  'New target' can only be the one he wants to kill——

  In the summer, I started a location search for Mu Qianxiu's location, and found that he was indeed in the suburbs!

   Mu Qianxiu has a villa in the suburbs, it is no secret.

  The information also said that Mu Qianxiu would actually go back to the villa in the suburbs every weekend.

   As for what to do back home, the answer is obvious.

  When Mu Qianxiu was positioned in the summer, there was indeed another person beside Mu Qianxiu.

   She took a look and found that that person was the last perpetrator Mu Qianxiu killed after killing Jian Jing.

   It was the perpetrator who led the male protagonist, who is a policeman, to find clues, and then Mu Qianxiu was arrested.

   I'm a little worried in summer...

   Of course, she was worried about Mu Qianxiu, not the perpetrator who was about to die at the hands of Mu Qianxiu.

  The information shows that the man named Deng Yong was originally a violent person, often beating his wife and children.

  Three years ago, Deng Yong's ex-wife wanted to divorce Deng Yong with her children because she couldn't stand being abused every day.

  Deng Yong disagreed. In his anger, he poured sulfuric acid on his ex-wife's face, causing his ex-wife's face to be disfigured.

   Also three years ago, Deng Yong killed his eldest daughter, who was only five years old.

After   , Deng Yong was sentenced to three years in prison, and he has just been released from prison.

   Then, with the help of a lawyer, Deng Yong's ex-wife divorced Deng Yong unilaterally.

   After Deng Yong was imprisoned, Deng Yong's ex-wife has been living with his youngest son.

  Because of the disfigurement, it is difficult to find a job, and the mother and son are not doing well.

   But at least during Deng Yong's three-year sentence, they don't have to worry about being beaten.

  But after Deng Yong was released from prison, the nightmare came back...

  Deng Yong went to his ex-wife who had divorced him just after he got out of prison, and stayed there.

   Just a few days ago, Deng Yong beat his younger son violently just because he was sleeping because of his talking.

   As a result, the youngest son suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and he is still in the intensive care unit and is not out of danger.

   The doctor who operated on Deng Yong's youngest son was none other than Mu Qianxiu!

   So, can the perverted Mu Qianxiu let him go?

   Even in summer, she won't let him go!

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