Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 406: That pervert, you stop (22)

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mu Qianxiu's favorability for you is 96%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mu Qianxiu's favorability for you is 97%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mu Qianxiu's favorability for you is 98%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mu Qianxiu's favorability for you is 99%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Summer: ... This 1% 1% bonus, do you dare to top it up directly? !

   However, after brushing the favorability a few times, it stopped at 99%.

  Before falling asleep, Xia Xia, who was exhausted by the toss, was nestled in Mu Qianxiu's arms, thinking that it would be good to increase his favorability to 99%.

  You know, she has only been in this novel world for a week.

   This favorability increase should be the fastest in history, right?

   I estimate that the last 1% should be added soon.


   The next day, I slept in the summer until I was hungry and woke up.

When    woke up, Mu Qianxiu was no longer by her side.

   took a look at the time on the phone and found that it was already half past eleven.

  The first thing that came to mind in summer was that Jian Peiling would definitely be hungry, so she quickly sat up from the bed.

   It turned out that my back was sore and my legs were so soft that I almost lay down again...

   unconsciously recalled the madness last night, and Xia Xia only felt that her face was a little hot.

   shook his head and shook away the dirty memory.

   As soon as I lifted the quilt in summer and was about to get up, the door was opened from the outside.

   She was startled, and quickly covered her body with the quilt.

   It was Mu Qianxiu who opened the door. He was wearing very ordinary light gray home clothes and slippers, looking very casual.

   Seeing Xia Xia's actions, he walked into the room with a smile, and closed the door with his backhand.

   "I've seen it all, what else is there to block?" When he was talking, Mu Qianxiu had already walked to the bedside, and reached out and tugged at Xia Xia's quilt.

   Xia Xia slapped Mu Qianxiu's hand away with a slap, and said with a blushing face, "Can't I block it politely?!"

   "Puff, cough... OK!" Mu Qianxiu's face was full of smiles, especially for summer.

   He raised his hand and straightened summer's messy hair, his eyes full of doting and love.

   "Are you hungry? Lunch is ready, I was about to wake you up for lunch!"

  Originally, when he woke up in the morning to make breakfast for Jian Peiling, he wanted to wake up in the summer.

   But it seemed that last night he was too unrestrained and exhausted the summer, so Mu Qianxiu couldn't bear to call the summer up.

  Xiamen nodded, didn't he wake up when he was hungry!

  If she's not hungry, she can sleep until the afternoon!

   "You go out, I'm going to get dressed!" Summer ordered to evict guests.

   However, Mu Qianxiu raised his eyebrows and lay directly on the bed: "I don't want~ I'm right here~"

   OK, here it is!

  In the summer, I just lifted the quilt, and got out of bed with a 】 【silk】 【no】hang】, and calmly opened the closet to look for clothes.

   Mu Qianxiu is a little regretful now, he should go out.

   At this time, he wanted to eat 'meat' again, but he couldn't bear to starve him in summer!

what is it now? Just endure it!

  Fortunately, after taking the clothes in the summer, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

   When the summer came out again, Mu Qianxiu had already gone to the kitchen to cook.

   Seeing Xia Xia coming out, Jian Peiling, who was helping Mu Qianxiu to bring out the meal, hurriedly pounced on her.

  Jian Peiling hugged Xia Xia's thigh and looked up at her: "Mom, Dad said you gave me a younger brother last night, so do you have a younger brother in your stomach now? When can I see him?"

  ! ! !

   Xia Xia was so shocked by Jian Peiling's words that he forgot to say what to say.

   But Mu Qianxiu, who came out of the kitchen, replied to Jian Peiling very indifferently: "Mom doesn't have a younger brother in her womb right now, it will take a while to have one!"

  Jian Peiling snorted, let go of Xia Xia's hand, and pulled her to the dining table to sit down and prepare to eat.

   Xia Xia stared at Mu Qianxiu with a red face, and whispered and gritted his teeth: "What did you say to the child!?"

   also made a younger brother...

   Mu Qianxiu replied, "Lingling saw me coming out of your room this morning, and asked me how to get out of your room."

   "Then I answered her, I made a brother with you last night."

  Xiamen: "..." She was negligent.

   Mu Qianxiu put a bowl of soup for Xia Xia and motioned her to drink the soup before eating.

  Xiamen glared at him, but was not angry.

   She was just speechless about Mu Qianxiu's answer to Jian Peiling.

   Well, to be direct, I'm a little shy.

  Especially when Jian Peiling looked at her with her particularly pure eyes and asked her when she could see the younger brother she built with Mu Qian...

  Xiamen did not speak, just lowered his head and drank the soup.

   Mu Qianxiu sat opposite her and glanced at her from time to time.

   That look, as if no matter how many times I look at her, I can't see enough.

   Jian Peiling, who still can't eat dog food, doesn't know what Mu Qianxiu looks at Xia Xia, but only knows that Xia Xia and Mu Qianxiu are more and more like her parents.

very nice!


   Halfway through lunch, Mu Qianxiu received a call from the hospital, saying that Deng Yong's son was in critical condition.

  Mu Qianxiu didn't even bother to change his clothes and shoes, he rushed to the hospital wearing slippers——

   Deng Yong's son, I remember that he was not dead in the summer.

   But because of the serious injury, he was hospitalized for more than a year.

  Deng Yong's ex-wife had no money, so even the medical expenses were paid by Mu Qian.

   Mu Qianxiu is a kind pervert.

   So even if he is not Gu Yanyu's host, there is no way to hate him in Summer.

   Deng Yong's son's condition was really serious, and Mu Qianxiu stayed in the hospital all afternoon.

   He didn't even bring his cell phone because he was in a hurry.

   I thought no one would call Mu Qianxiu, because no one called Mu Qianxiu yesterday.

   In addition, Mu Qianxiu's profile does not show that he has friends or the like, so there should be no interpersonal relationships.

   However, by coincidence, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Mu Qianxiu's cell phone rang.

   Xiulen Mu Qian was in the hospital, so it was impossible for him to call from the hospital.

   Look at the caller ID in summer: Yang Shiyu

With the name   , you can tell she is a beauty at a glance!

   Xia Xia checked Mu Qianxiu's personal information carefully, and did not mention Yang Shiyu at all.

   Yang Shiyu couldn't have come out of thin air, so it could only be that the information given to her by the Plane Association was not comprehensive enough.

   If it is not comprehensive enough, it is not comprehensive enough. It is enough to have basic information. I am too lazy to ask for too much in summer.

  The ringtone is still ringing, if she doesn't answer, she will hang up automatically.

   After thinking about it, I still pressed the answer button in summer.

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