Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 409: That pervert, you stop (twenty-five)

  Summer's painting skills are very good, and he draws nine points similar to himself.

   She in the picture has a shallow arc at the corners of her lips, as if she is smiling, but she is not smiling.

   Mu Qianxiu frowned slightly, feeling that no matter whether it was the appearance of summer or the eyes and expressions of summer, he felt very familiar.

   seems to have seen it somewhere, but can't remember exactly where.

   An unfamiliar fragment flashed through his mind, but because the flashing speed was too fast, Mu Qianxiu couldn't catch the flashing fragment at all.

   "Are you a mixed race?" Mu Qianxiu asked Xia Xia curiously.

  Because of the hair color and pupil color in summer, and the facial features are very delicate and three-dimensional, you can see that he looks like a mixed race.

   Hearing Mu Qianxiu's question, Xia Xia chuckled and said, "Maybe."

   "Huh?" Mu Qianxiu tilted his head to look at Xia Xia.

   He clearly felt that the mood of summer had changed.

  He… asked something that shouldn’t be asked?

   Mu Qianxiu opened his mouth and was about to speak when he heard Xia Xia say, "I'm an orphan, so I'm not sure if I'm a mixed race."

  There are several people of different races living on the main planet, with different pupils and hair colors.

  Summer looks like a half-breed indeed.

   She once wanted to find her biological parents based on her looks and DNA, but then she just thought about it and didn't do that.

   Let them die.

   In this way, her heart can feel better.

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Mu Qianxiu felt inexplicably distressed and pity.

   Obviously he always felt that being an orphan was much better than having parents!

   Mu Qianxiu looked at the computer screen and carefully looked at the pictures on the screen.

   In my mind, there seems to be another picture flashing through...

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mu Qianxiu's favorability for you is 100%, the task is completed, congratulations!"

  Xiamen didn't expect that the remaining 1% of her favorability would be added because she drew her own appearance?

   She tilted her head to look at Gu Yanyu who was recovering his memory, waiting for him to fully recover his memory.

   Gu Yanyu's ability to adapt has always been very strong, and he quickly recovered all his memories.

   Glancing at the portrait on the computer screen, Gu Yanyu said with a smile, "My wife is so pretty! But the real one is even better!"

  Xia Tian smiled and turned to look at Gu Yanyu: "My husband looks good too!"

   Gu Yanyu stretched his arms around Xia Xia, pressed his forehead against hers, and said with a smile: "Miss~ good evening~"

   "A Yu, you did a great job this time!"

   It only took less than ten days to fill up the favorability level, which is really fast!

   Gu Yanyu was also a little surprised that his favorability increased so quickly this time. Although he added the favorability, he himself didn't know what was going on.

   He just thought that his wife was too charming, so he couldn't control it, so he filled up his favorability with a swish!

  Gu Yanyu reached out and took the laptop away from Xia Xia's lap, then turned over and pressed Xia Xia under him.

   "So, for the sake of increasing my favorability so quickly this time, how will the lady reward me?" Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia, his hands were restless.

  Xiamen raised his hand, pinched Gu Yanyu's cheek, and said with a smile, "We'll talk about the reward later, you have to accompany me to do something big tonight!"

   "Huh? What's more important than making a younger brother for Lingling?" Gu Yanyuyi wasn't too happy, this world only ate meat once, how could it be enough!

  Get up from the bed in summer, open the closet and take out the clothes to change: "Go and ask the President to change the law."

  Since the law is so tolerant to those who suffer from domestic violence, then she will change the law!

   "Okay!" Gu Yanyu was also excited when Xia Xia said he was going to change the law.

   Before, Sharon changed Gu Yanyu's system so that he had the golden finger like those restorers of the Plane Association.

  What golden finger?

   For example, he had a body that was a martial arts master before, so when he arrived in the next novel world, he would also be able to master martial arts.

   But this is only limited, he recovered his memory.

  If there is no memory recovery, there is no cheating finger.

  Gu Yanyu has regained his memory now, and of course he can visit the Presidential Palace at night with Xia Xia!

   It was twelve o'clock in the evening, and Jian Peiling had already gone to bed because she had to go to school tomorrow.

   In summer, Gu Yanyu and Gu Yanyu changed into darker sportswear, and then went out together.

   Twelve midnight, although it is not too early, it is not too late.

  It is estimated in summer that the President, who has worked hard day and night, has not slept yet!

  The two ate supper outside, and then walked to the Presidential Palace like a walk.


  The Presidential Palace is built on the outskirts of a certain hillside. It is a very large castle and is heavily guarded.

  There are patrolling soldiers with guns inside and outside the presidential palace, and the security monitoring and defense systems are the best.

   A place like this is completely unobstructed in summer.

   In fact, she can come to the presidential palace by herself, but who made her like to stay with Gu Yanyu?

  The two walked through the presidential palace holding hands, as leisurely as in their own home.

  The area of ​​the Presidential Palace is too large and there are many rooms. In order to find the President, a positioning system is also used in summer.

  As soon as the positioning system was turned on, it was easy to find the location of the President——

   When Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu entered the president's bedroom, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

  The president is an old man over fifty with a thin body.

  According to what Xia Xia knew, the president was still very responsible and worked very hard every day.

   Originally wanted to hypnotize the president in the summer and directly control him to change the law.

   But she also felt that the effect of hypnosis might not be so good, so she might as well go directly to the president of the country with magic drugs.

   Using magic drugs, let the president see the children who have been abused, and then show him the scenes when the law does not protect those children.

   I bought a magic medicine once in summer, and bought a drug converter to convert the magic medicine into a spray.

   sprayed on the president's face, and the magic medicine entered his body along his breath.

   The effect of the drug came soon, and the president frowned, and it seemed that he had entered a hallucination.

   The effect of phantom medicine is five hours. It is impossible for Gu Yanyu and Xia to stay in the presidential palace for five hours.

  After staying at the Presidential Palace for a while, they left——

   When I got home, it was already five in the morning.

  I was so sleepy in summer, I changed my clothes and fell asleep on the bed.


   In just one week, new laws and regulations have been promulgated across the country.

  The new laws and regulations are specifically aimed at domestic violence and are very strict on the perpetrators.

  Domestic violence causing minor injuries shall be sentenced to more than five years in prison.

  Domestic violence causing serious injury shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment.

   Domestic violence causing death, death penalty!

   As soon as the new laws and regulations came out, many TV stations made public service advertisements to promote the prohibition of domestic violence.

   And most of those women who have been subjected to domestic violence all year round choose to report to the police.

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