Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 453: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (Twenty-eight)

   Seeing that Ouyang's parents were so angry that they had nothing to say, Xia Xia smiled on Gu Yanyu's back.

   When she looks at Ouyang Tianhao now, she really doesn't feel anything special.

   Remembering that Gu Yanyu said that he wanted to fix Ouyang Tianhao, he was looking forward to it in summer.

   She already understood that the current 'Li Jingxia' was no longer the Li Jingxia she was familiar with.

  Although it has become different from before, in summer I prefer the current 'Li Jingxia'.

  Because she thinks he and her get along very well!

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 90%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

   Gu Yanyu, who was listening to the summer breathing attentively, was a little overjoyed when he heard the prompt tone of the system.

   Ninety percent favorability!

   With a 90% favorability rating, you should like him, right?

  Does he want to take the opportunity to confess?

   When Gu Yanyu hesitated and considered, Ouyang Tianhao broke up with his parents, he got up and went back to the room.

   After Ouyang Tianhao returned to the room, Ouyang's parents also returned to the room.

   Xia Xia patted Gu Yanyu on the shoulder without speaking.

  Gu Yanyu carried her on his back, went upstairs and went to Ouyang Tianhao's room.

   They stayed on the balcony and didn't go in right away.

   After the lights in the room were turned off, Gu Yanyu put the summer on his back on the ground.

   He turned towards Xia Xia and made a silent gesture, and after Xia Xia nodded, he entered the room.

   After about a minute, the lights in the room came back on.

  Xiamen thought it was Gu Yanyu who was discovered and was so frightened.

   She even planned to rush in, but when she saw Gu Yanyu come out, she smiled and said, "I ordered Ouyang Tianhao's sleeping hole, come in."

   Sleeping hole? !

   Oh my god, what a fantasy~

   Did she enter the world of martial arts? !

   Xia Xia let Gu Yanyu lead her into Ouyang Tianhao's room in a daze, and didn't react for a long time.

After entering the room, her eyes unconsciously fell on Ouyang Tianhao, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

   "Brother Jing Xia... After you are sure that Ouyang Tianhao's sleeping hole will be clicked, will he not wake up?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu in a low voice.

  Gu Yanyu nodded: "Well, unless he sleeps for eight hours, he won't wake up."

   As for Gu Yanyu's words, Xia Xia believed it.

   She looked at Gu Yanyu with the eyes of a little fan girl: "Where did you learn this, Brother Jingxia? It's amazing!!"

   Being looked at by his wife with this kind of admiration is quite a sense of superiority.

   Gu Yanyu almost got carried away: "I have a lot more... Let's not talk about this, go to Ouyang Tianhao's workbook."

   "Ah? What are you doing with Ouyang Tianhao's workbook?" Xia Xia didn't quite understand.

  Gu Yanyu patted her on the forehead: "Didn't you say you want to fix Ouyang Tianhao? Let's take away his weekend homework, so that he has no homework to hand in tomorrow, and then I will punish him again."


  Xiamen really can't believe that such words came from the mouth of a people's teacher!

   Oh, she forgot that the people's teacher is just a 'cover up' for his identity, Gu Yanyu's true identity is a 'special agent'!

   But: "Brother Jingxia, if you do this, is it considered to bend the law for personal gain? Abuse of power? Public revenge for private revenge?"

  Gu Yanyu grinned: "Whoever told him not to believe you, he always wronged you, even if he yelled at you today, I won't allow others to yell at you!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 91%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

   added again? ! Did this favorability increase smoothly? !

   "Well! Then let's find Ouyang Tianhao's workbook and take it away!"

   After saying that, Xia Xia took Gu Yanyu to find Ouyang Tianhao's workbook——

  Ouyang Tianhao's bedroom is connected to the study. When he found the study, he naturally found Ouyang Tianhao's workbook.

  Ouyang Tianhao's academic performance is very good, ranking in the top three in the grade.

   He has already finished the homework assigned on the weekend, and now it is properly placed in his schoolbag.

   took out all Ouyang Tianhao's workbook, then Xia Xia hugged the workbook, Gu Yanyu carried her on his back, and left Ouyang's house.


   On the way back, Summer threw Ouyang Tianhao's workbook into a trash can.

   The car window is open, the night wind caresses his cheeks, and the summer mood is so good that it will explode.

   "Ah! I really want to see what it will be like when Ouyang Tianhao arrives at school to hand in his homework tomorrow and finds that he didn't bring his homework."

   In fact, they don’t have much handwritten homework. They are usually done online, and they are uploaded and submitted after they are done.

  If Ouyang Tianhao had already uploaded and submitted his homework, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu would probably have deleted all the homework he had done online.

  Xiamen tilted his head to look at Gu Yanyu who was driving, and asked him curiously, "Brother Jingxia, how are you going to punish Ouyang Tianhao?"

  Gu Yanyu chuckled twice and said, "How about punishing him for copying the language documents? And it must be purely handwritten."

   "This is good, this is good!" Summer's eyes are about to light up.

   Thinking of Ouyang Tianhao's aggrieved appearance, Xia Xia thought it was quite interesting.

   "Hey, Brother Jingxia, can you tell me now, what is your secret mission?"

   Gu Yanyu didn't expect that Xia Xia was still thinking about this matter.

  'Simple girl' is too foolish!

   Well, he can fly over eaves and walls and sleep well. It's strange that he doesn't believe that he is a 'special agent' in summer.

   With a helpless smile, Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia, "Are you sure you want to know what my secret mission is?"

   Xia Xia nodded quickly, for fear that Gu Yanyu would not tell her if he nodded slowly.

   In order to avoid being heard of this 'secret mission', he closed the car windows quickly in summer.

   Seeing her actions, Gu Yanyu laughed again.

   Thinking of the 91% favorability rating, Gu Yanyu thought, let's confess tonight.

  So, when the car drove to the door of Xia's house, Gu Yanyu confessed.

   He said to Xia Xia: "My secret mission was actually set by myself."

   "Huh? I set myself a task? What task?"

   "Let you fall in love with me, and then I will protect you forever!"

   If it were to be a normal day, I would be very moved to hear it in summer.

   But on this big night, she has no memory of her own, so she happily waited for Gu Yanyu to say the 'big secret'!

   In exchange, it was indeed a shock!

   "Li Jingxia... Are you kidding me...?" Xia Xia looked at Gu Yanyu.

   Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia affectionately, the tenderness in his eyes would drown her.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 90%. Please fill up the favorability as soon as possible in order not to affect the energy collection!"

What? !

   down? !

   Are you kidding him? !

   In this case, shouldn’t it be to increase the favorability? Why is it still down? !

   Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia, but Xia Xia had already said in a hurry, "I'm going home first!"

   Then he opened the door and got out of the car, and ran away without looking back, scared away...

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