The man put the elixir in a jade plate on the table, and everyone could see his results.

Qipin Advanced!

This result is already very good, as the first to complete, he has been able to seconds all the people below the seventh grade. If there is no seven-pin superb or eight-pin elixir behind him, he is the first place in the competition.

As soon as this result came out, it immediately put tremendous pressure on others. Everyone wants to be first, but it is not easy for him to get ahead.

After all, few of them can exceed the advanced level.

There are two people with unstable mentality. They didn't withstand the pressure for a while, and didn't keep up with the movements of their hands. Although they immediately responded to the rescue, they had an impact, and they lowered their final level by one level.

However, a few people remained unaffected. Shen Yexuan, Mo Yu, and Sima Youyue did not seem to see that person's performance at all. They only looked at the elixir in their hands.

Subsequently, several people completed the refining, seven grades of intermediate three, senior three, plus the person just now, seven people have completed the refining, just three Youyue left.

They took much longer than others. Mo Yu finished refining half an hour after the others finished. As soon as the elixir came out, everyone immediately found out that it was two seven-grade elixir, better than any of the previous ones. people!

If Sima Youyue and Shen Yexuan are only refining the top seven products, then she can become the first in the competition. If both of them refining the eight-pin elixir, then she will also be in this competition. Third place.

But the eight-pin elixir was refined? Everyone is not convinced that this will happen, so everyone believes that Mo Yu will be the first place in this competition.

The Shen family and the Song family sat together. Song Mingzhu played abnormally during this game. He can usually refine seven top-quality products, but this time only refined high-quality elixir.

"Oh, your family's mentality is too bad, how can it be abnormal?" Shen Qing, the elder of the leader of the Shen family, said with regret, but the expression on his face was not like this, and the smile stabbed the Song family. Eye pain.

"I heard that you came here in the first place this time, I'm afraid I can't." Song Jia, the leader of the Song family, hummed. "Shen Yexuan is the same as Mingzhu's, which is just a top seven. The girl at home has already refined seven excellent products. Even if Shen Yexuan is working normally and successfully refining the elixir, she won't get the first. "

"Oh, you're wrong." Shen Qing said with a smile, "My lady has recently broken through the top seven products and became an eight-pin alchemist!"

"What ?!" Song Jia cried out in surprise. "She is only in her eighties, how could she have become a master of alchemy in eight grades?"

Shen Qing's face was full of pride, and she said proudly, "It's not uncommon for my lady to be so intelligent and to become the eight-pin alchemist."

"Huh. I didn't expect you to keep it tight." Song Jia coldly hummed.

"My lady is low-key, even if she has become the eight-pin alchemy master, she doesn't want to show it off. Unlike Song Mingzhu of your family, I am afraid that when she broke through the alchemy master, she already preached it." Shen Qing said.

"My lady likes to share joy with others." Song Jia said, "But I would like to say that Shen Yexuan was not a master of alchemy in eight grades. This technique is not yet mature. In this kind of competition, the eight grades of elixir are refined. It's hard to succeed. "

"My lady is very strong," Shen Qing said affirmatively, "this time I can definitely take the first place."

"Really?" Song Jia laughed. "Maybe another person? This Sima Youyue has been in the first place in the finals."

"She? We have already investigated her. A student of Tianfu College had no outstanding results in alchemy before. I don't know how it would suddenly pop up this time." Shen Qing said.

"The lack of outstanding results does not mean that she has no strength, but people are low-key, after all," Song Jia said with a smile, "more low-key than your lady."

"Well, even so, she could not become the eight-pin alchemy master." Shen Qing said, "In fact, the seven-pin alchemy master in his thirties is already very surprising."

"That's what it says." Song Jia's interest just raised was extinguished again.

Becoming a Qipin Alchemist is already very bad. If you become a Qipin Alchemist again, it would be too dare to imagine. How can she let others live like this?

It's a pity that she still hopes that someone will weigh Shen Yexuan's head, otherwise this Shen's **** will be up in the sky.

While they were talking, there was a movement in Shen Yexuan's furnace, and Dan Xiang passed out, making people feel refreshed.

"Success!" The Shen family cried first.

Shen Yexuan is also a joy in her heart. This Danxiang shows that she has initially succeeded, after the most dangerous stage, as long as the operation is proper, she will have no problems.

However, things were not as she expected. Bapin medicine must also pay great attention in the follow-up, because she was almost relaxed and the medicine was almost destroyed. Fortunately, she had a good quality in her heart and quickly saved it. Not so good looking.

"It's done!"

Those present were all shouting in excitement. Such a young eight-pin alchemy master set a new record in the alchemy world.

Shen Yexuan showed a smile on her face, closed the fire, took out the elixir, and put it in the jade plate.

"Bapin alchemy is really Bapin alchemy!"

Everyone was more excited to see the successful refining of the elixir.

"She must be number one this time!"

"Definitely is!"

"No surprise!"

"That Sima Youyue is still making."

"It's just a waste of time."

Sima Youyue took a look at Shen Yexuan's success and did not pay attention. Shen Yexuan admired her calmness, glanced at her with approval, then stepped aside and stood with other people to see Sima Youyue game.

Sima Youyue put all her mental energy into the Dan furnace, as if looking at the situation inside, and if there was something wrong, she immediately remedied it.

She felt that she didn't care about anything, she couldn't see anything, and she had alchemy in her heart. This state of venting is the same as when she last practiced alchemy in Jiuxing Minghai.

It was a bit difficult to condense the Dan, but the herbs were still fused together and slowly agglomerated into Dan.

"She succeeded too!" Song Mingzhu whispered.

"This medicine is ..."

Others were also surprised, they all smelled this scent, which is Bapin medicine!

"She's actually a master of alchemy in eight grades!" The whole venue was quiet. Everyone is not boiling like this last time, but has been speechless in surprise.

"Well, even if she made Bapin Pill, Xuan Xuan succeeded earlier than her, she wouldn't win first!"

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