Mao Sanquan was not surprised by the arrival of Sima Youyue.

"Stabilized?" He asked, lowering the paper in his hand.

"Well, it's stable." Sima Youyue said.

"So are you going to leave today?" Mao Sanquan asked.


"You have to go too?" Mao Sanquan looked at Xiao Qi.

"Where will Yueyue go, I will go." Xiao Qi said without hesitation.

"Then your being ..."

"The body is still here, I just follow Moon Moon." Xiao Qi said.

Mao Sanquan breathed a sigh of relief. If she wanted to take her body away, the advantage of the inner courtyard's accelerated cultivation would be lost.

"Since you have all decided, I will not stay with you," Mao Sanquan said, "but You Yue, please be careful when you go out."

"What's wrong?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Some news came out, and some people recognized that you were the one who killed many people in the dark forest that caused thunder, and now many forces have issued hunting orders." Mao Sanquan said.

"It seems that my last promotion to the robbery made people associate the dark forest." Sima Youyue said, "but this is not an accident, all students of the college can survive thunder robbery. I can think of it anyway. "

"People outside now know the truth, you have to be more careful when you walk outside. Although you are quite famous now, some forces will not give up because of it." Mao Sanquan reminded, "But fortunately, you are also good now. So many people protect you, just go out and break. Just remember, be careful. "

"The academy has been protecting me, and has been under pressure from those forces for so many years. Now that they know it is me, the academy does not need to bear those pressures," said Sima Youyue.

"You are our student, and protecting you is what we should do," Mao Sanquan said. "The college is proud of being a student like you."

"Thank you, Director Mao." Sima Youyue said gratefully.

"When are you going to leave?" Mao Sanquan asked.

"A few days later," said Sima Youyue, "I still have something to deal with, and leave after finishing processing."

"You hold this thing. If you and Xiaoqi encounter any danger, you can return to the college directly." Mao Sanquan took out a box and handed it to Sima Youyue.

Sima Youyue took it and opened it. When she saw the stones inside, she felt warm.

He was saying, no matter what the situation, is the college backing her strong?

"If the college needs me in the future, I will definitely rush back." Sima Youyue said.

"Well. Go. Come back when you have time." Mao Sanquan said.

"I will." Sima Youyue nodded.

She had planned to leave immediately, but after knowing that someone was chasing herself, she decided to leave.

A few days later, she and Han Miaoshuang went to Yiyuelou, found a place in the hall, and sat down, calling for a table of dishes.

"Little brother, are you really leaving?" Han Miaoshuang asked.

"Well, I've almost dealt with things outside. It's better to continue to practice here." Sima Youyue said, "Besides, I have been here for so long. I haven't visited Guli yet. Things I deserve to go back. "

"Well, it's okay to go to Zhongwei, there is really more suitable for people to cultivate." Su Xiao Novel.

"You are in the college. If any news comes back from the master, you must inform me." Sima Youyue said.

"Do not worry."

"Nothing will happen if you leave like this?" Han Miaoshuang said uneasily.

"What can happen." Sima Youyue said, "Did they dare to come and kill me? If they do come, I will let them come back."

"If they knew you had gone to the inner wall, they would not put pressure on the college, but would they move their anger to the Valley of Gods and Demons?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

"They don't dare to move the Valley of Gods and Demons." Sima Youyue said, "The forces of the Valley of Gods and Demons are too involved. They don't dare to come out with the Valley of Gods and Demons. They can only kill me or anything when I go out. "

"People with a little brain will not be against you." Su Xiao Novel.

"Yes, Danby is the first place, the owner of the King of the Peng bird, the Lord of the Demon Valley Shaogu, and the array mage. It is better to treat you better," said Han Miaoshuang.

"There will always be some short-sighted eyes." Sima Youyue's mouth evoked a wicked smile, "or trying to strangle me in the cradle before I grew up."

With that, she glanced outside, and the gaze from there disappeared instantly.

Full of food and drink, Han Miaoshuang reluctantly sent Sima Youyue out.

"You go back." Sima Youyue said to Su Xiaoxiao.

"Well, remember to contact us if something happened," Han Miaoshuang said.

"I will." Sima Youyue answered.

Han Miaoshuang and Su Xiaoxiao returned to the city, and Sima Youyue led Xiaoqi to continue to the suburbs.

"Yueyue, so murderous." Xiao Qi stopped and looked around.

"Well, someone followed us all the way." Sima Youyue said, "This is far away from Tianfu City, aren't you planning to show up?"

"You are really sensitive." A figure flew over quickly and landed behind Sima Youyue. At the same time, people from all directions flew in and surrounded Sima Youyue and Xiaoqi in the middle.

Sima Youyue took a look at their clothes. They were all night clothes, and they couldn't figure out which force they were.

"Don't you wear it like this, are you afraid that I know who is chasing me?" She said quietly.

"Come on!" Those people didn't talk nonsense with her, and went straight up.

Xiao Qi greeted him, and those who attacked were all blocked by her.

"You know, you shouldn't follow us here." Sima Youyue smiled at those people, and then injected a spirit into the ground. A huge enchantment enveloped everyone.

"Array formation ?!" Those people did not expect that she actually arranged the formation here.

"Yes." Sima Youyue said, "This was specially prepared for you yesterday. I said that you shouldn't follow me here. This is the sleepy dragon formation after my improvement. You enjoy the last Temple. "

After that, she pulled Xiaoqi back out.

As soon as they went out, the sleepy dragon array officially started, and those people were trapped inside, not even opening the space channel.


A thunderbolt emerged from nothing, hitting people directly from the air to the ground.



After a series of thunder and lightning, many people in Tianfu City were attracted by this movement.

When those people arrived, they only saw a group of people trapped in the formation that was completely unrecognizable, and a one-time formation next to them. Sima Youyue held Xiaoqi, smiled at them, and disappeared Everyone's eyes.

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