Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1037: Cheerful group of people

Sima Youyue was a little speechless when she saw the smile on Feng Dong's face.

"Did you also join that gamble?" She asked.

"Hey ..." Feng Dong scratched his forehead and said, "The disciples who participated in Danby came back and spread the news that you are going to be here all over the valley. Everyone is waiting for you. This gamble is just for you Just look forward to it. "

"Are many people betting?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Well ... not many, at least those who were retreat did not join in." Feng Dong said.


The tea that Sima Youyue just drank was all sprayed out. Doesn't this guy mean that the entire Valley of Gods and Demons is involved? Actually told her not much!

"How boring are you?" Sima Youyue rubbed her eyebrows.

"This is what everyone expects of you," Feng Dong said. "I bet you will pass smoothly, so you have to cheer tomorrow."

"... I try." Sima Youyue waved and motioned that they could leave.

Feng Dong left, and the disciples of Shenmogu all rushed to the door. They wanted to come in to see what it was, but was stopped by the guards left by Feng Dong.

Sima Youyue is grateful to Feng Dong for doing this at this time. If these people come in, she may collapse.

After a good rest, Feng Dong came to her early the next morning. He took Sima Youyue and Xiaoqi to the entrance of Shenmogu, and many peripheral disciples followed.

At this moment, the disciples in the inner circle also gathered in the square, watching the images refracted from the air, waiting to see Sima Youyue come in.

It was the first time in history that everyone got together to watch someone break through the barriers, but today it really happened!

"Come here!" Someone cried, pointing at the entrance to the valley.

"She's the only one. I don't know if she can come in smoothly."

"Sure it can! I bet she can come in, Master Shaogu, don't let me lose!"

"I'm sure I won't lose it! I believe in Master Shaogu!"

"This formation is not so easy to break, otherwise those people will break in. Although Master Shao Gu is very powerful, it can't be broken!"

"Let's wait and see!"

Sima Youyue didn't know that the disciples in the valley were watching her going through the barrier at this time. After bidding farewell to Feng Dong, she entered the valley, stepped into the valley, and the scenery immediately changed.

When viewed from the outside, the trees here are short, but a dense jungle appears before entering.

"How can there be a jungle here?" Sima Youyue glanced around, trying to determine whether she was seeing a vision outside or a vision inside.

"No panic, yes." An old man with white beard touched his beard and nodded approvingly.

"Xiao Lao, you brag too early, she is not sure if she can come out!" Said the middle-aged man next to Xiao Lao.

"Xiao Tang, I remember, you seem to bet that she can't come here by herself, right?" Xiao Lao said to the man, the master of craftsman Tang Yi.

"Yes." Tang Yi said, "Otherwise, there will be another bet between us. If I win, you will give me the armor you refined before. If I win, I will give me Refined Wuliang Dan is for you. How? "

"My armor is a magic weapon. You want to exchange it for a bottle of Wudan ?!" Tang Yi was not fooled by him.

"Aren't you convinced she can't come out on her own?" Xiao Lao said, "Or do you think she can come out on her own?"

"Do you want to provoke me less, don't you just want me to gamble with you? I just gamble with you." Tang Yi said, "But Xiao Xiao, let's just say, if you lose, you can't be as bad as before Pledge. "

"When did I blame it ?!" Xiao Lao stared at him with a beard, very angry.

"You think." Tang Yi put his hands in his cuffs, ignoring his angry expression.

Xiao Lao pulled out a delicate jade bottle and put it on the table, saying, "We have everything out, and no one can deny it!"

"Xiao Lao, have you really refined Wuliang Dan ?!" someone said in amazement.

"That is of course!" Xiao Lao said with a smile on his beard.

"Xiao Lao is really unusual!"

"Hey ..."

Some of the disciples below did not understand. They pulled the people around and asked, "What kind of panacea is Wuliang?"

"In fact, it is a kind of elixir to improve combat effectiveness, but generally this elixir is very harmful to the human body, but this immeasurable elixir has no side effects and can increase human power several times."

"Is this elixir rare?"

"Of course it is rare! If there is no side effect to improve the strength of the elixir, if everyone has it, then it is not equivalent to passing several helpers in the battle!"

"So too."

"Looking at Mr. Xiao, his beard is almost flying!"

"Xiao Lao is this kind of temper, and you don't know it."

"Well, you say, who will win, Xiao Lao and Tang Tang?"

"Of course I hope Xiao Lao won, because I also bet the owner of Shaogu could come in by himself!"

"I said Tang Tangzhu would win."

"That's because you bet that the owner can't come in by himself!"

"Hey, guess what!"

"Whoever loses wins, just wait and see!"

"Well, she seems to have noticed!" Exclaimed the disciples of Zhenfatang.

Everyone hurriedly looked into the air, and sure enough she saw her walk through the jungle.

"How come so fast!" Those disciples rubbed their eyes incredulously.

At the beginning, they all went there when the formation was small, but no one had left the jungle so quickly.

"The jungle wasn't long before. As long as the formation was broken, it only took a few minutes to come out." Xie Ziming, the master of the formation, said.

"But the first lineup was broken so quickly. I am afraid that the strength of Shaogu's main lineup is ahead of us." Some disciples lamented.

"The people selected by the blood finger are really different! Danby is the first and the formation is so powerful ..."

At this moment, Sima Youyue's image in everyone's heart is much higher.

Sima Youyue, who is cracking the formation, suddenly frowned. How did she feel that the power of faith was increasing? Although it is rare, it is a dangerous time now, and a little deviation may cause spiritual riots in the body.

She quickly stopped to adjust her breath, and opened her eyes only after confirming that the two breaths did not tend to run away.

"Who is worshipping me somehow? Let me know, you have to beat him!" She cursed in her heart, got up and patted the dust on her ass, and continued to study the formation.

This formation is much more difficult than the first formation. The formations are hidden and complicated, not easy to find, and they are still in the formation. If you are not careful, you will be trapped in the formation.

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