Liang Wuming was resting in his room, and felt that Sima Youyue had entered his yard.

"Come in." Liang Wuming waved his hand, and the door of the room opened.

Sima Youyue walked in and saw Liang Wuming sitting on the main seat, with several church leaders sitting below.

"Master Gu, fellow church masters." Sima Youyue saluted to Liang Wuming and the church masters.

Although she has the title of Shao Guzhu, her status is not low, but psychologically, she still respects the elderly.

Seeing that Sima Youyue was so humble and did not have a shelf of talented young people, the church owners gave her a lot of points in her heart.

"You Yue, we are talking about you, sit down and listen." Liang Wuming said.

"Tell me about it?" Sima Youyue sat in doubt at the position pointed to by Liang Wuming, and looked at the crowd curiously.

"Do you know that when you go through the barriers, all the disciples in the valley are watching?" Liang Wuming said.

"Looking at each other?" Sima Youyue glanced at him in surprise, what did it mean to see?

"You know, all the disciples in the valley participated in the gambling game, so we used some methods to pass the image of your breakthrough. Everyone saw it on the square." Liang Wuming said, "Then ..."

"Then what?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Then Xiao Lao and Tang Lao quarreled, vying for you to join their branch." Liang Wuming said.

Sima Youyue widened her eyes, and this one?

Liang Wuming looked at her expression and said, "More than that."

"Also?" Sima Youyue was even more surprised.

"Because you gambled in Yunhai City, they also knew that you were a spiritual seeker." Liang Wuming said, "So Du Lao also hopes you can go to him."

Sima Youyue looked at Du Yanghui, and he nodded at her with a smile.

"and also……"

"Also?" Sima Youyue turned to look at Liang Wuming.

"Everyone knows that you are a trainer, so ..."

"Would you like to join the Tamer Hall?" Yu Shibo asked with a smile.

"Also, we know about the fact that you are a pharmacist from the college, so ..."

Sima Youyue had a headache, twitched her lips, and asked, "Anything else?"

"The poison division also wants you to pass, and I heard that you are also good at poisoning." Liang Wuming said.

"Yes, Master Shaogu, would you like to come to my poison division?" Dou Bai looked at her with a smile.


Sima Youyue hesitated. How did they know all these identities?

"It's a headache, isn't it?" Liang Wuming said, "Now apart from the Refiner Church, other church owners are willing to invite you there."

Sima Youyue rubbed her forehead, which really made her feel a headache.

She has just arrived in the valley, and it is not good to offend anyone.

"Um, that, I should listen to my master. Since my master is not here now, then, I don't think I need to choose which branch to enter now?"

After speaking, she looked at Ying Baichuan. Why didn't this guy tell her that she would encounter such a thing when she came here?

Ying Baichuan returned her calm eyes, and then said nothing.

Sima Youyue blinked, some did not understand what he meant.

"You really don't plan to join any of them?" Liang Wuming asked again.

Sima Youyue looked around, then nodded surely, and said, "I'll talk about this until the master comes back."

"Oh, how about, I said she wouldn't choose any one, right?" Liang Wuming glanced around at the people present, smiling a little flat.

"It seems that we can only implement our previous agreement." Xiao Lao said.

"What agreement?" Sima Youyue wondered.

"We said just now that you definitely won't choose any one of them." Ying Baichuan said.

"Then you still ask me?"

"We just want to see if you want to join." Liang Wuming said, "Now we are pretty sure of what you think."

"and so?"

"So everyone is happy now." Liang Wuming said, "As the young valley owner of Mystery Valley, you don't need to join any of the branches. But you can study in any of the branches.

"Really?" Sima Youyue thought the transition was a bit quick.

"Yes." Liang Wuming said, "Given that you have just arrived in Guli, although Baichuan told you something about Guli, you should not be very familiar with it. So in the days to come, you are familiar with things in Guli , And follow Baichuan to follow the assessment of Tanai. After this time, you will follow them to learn from them.


"Of course." Liang Wuming said, "Your master is not in the valley and your brother is not, so we, the elders, will naturally arrange for you."

"Thank you, Master Shi." Sima Youyue looked at Liang Wuming gratefully.

"So, Master Shaogu, after the assessment is over, you have to walk to the alchemy hall. Your master used to stay at the alchemy hall." Xiao Lao said.

"I will." Sima Youyue nodded with a smile.

"Also come to the Zhenfa Hall often. Your talent in the formation is unparalleled. I believe you will become the most powerful array master here." Xie Ziming said.

"Thank you very much for your compliment." Sima Youyue nodded at her, "I will continue to work hard."

"Don't forget to go to us," Dou Bai said. "You will find that we are better than the college here."

"I'm already looking forward to it." Sima Youyue said.

Both the old man and Wu Lingyu have said that Shenmogu is a place suitable for her to study. If it wasn't because she happened to be on the periphery and happened to meet the enrollment of Tianfu College, she would probably go directly to study here.

"Baichuan, you will take her with you later." Liang Wuming said.

"Yes, Master. I will take Shishi to become familiar with it as soon as possible." Ying Baichuan responded.

"There are a few days left for the assessment. You go back and let the disciples below you hurry up and practice." Liang Wuming said, "Well, you are all busy going to your place."

"Master Shaogu, don't forget to go to us." Xiao Jingzhong turned to confirm with Sima Youyue before leaving.

"I will." Sima Youyue smiled at him before he turned and left.

After they were gone, only Liang Wuming and Ying Baichuan were left in the room, and Sima Youyue breathed a long breath.

"Brother Ying, you should tell me this earlier." Sima Youyue turned and looked at Ying Baichuan, a little speechless.

"Master, they won't let me say." Ying Baichuan shrugged helplessly, "Let's go, I'll take you to visit the Valley of Gods and Magic."

Sima Youyue looked at Liang Wuming and saw nothing to see him. He followed Ying Baichuan and went out to visit Xiaogu Valley, which has been known for a long time.

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