Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1056: Pit you do n’t want (4)

The yin yang palace and the patriarchs felt a shock, and then the old ape who had been running away finally stopped.

"You wicked humans, chasing me all the time, what do you do next ?!" the old ape shouted.

"Don't you know what we want?" Cao Le stopped, and a group of people surrounded the old apes.

"I have given you human blood. You can go to those people to ask, why should you hold me ?!" the old ape said angrily, his body condensed with spiritual power, and shouted at those people.

The breath around him became chaotic, and the hurricane surrounded the valley.

"Old ape, just like you are now, still want to fight us?" Zong Zhengquan approached the old ape and said, "Today you follow us, you have to go without us."

"Just because of your little humans, you want to fight me! Even if I am injured, you are not my opponents!" The old ape shouted, no more to say, and attacked directly to those people.

Neither the Zongzhengists nor the people in Yinyang Palace were vegetarians. They shot back one by one, and in the valley for a time they were illuminated by various spiritual skills.

Outside the valley, the old ape and Qin Yue stood together, listening to the sounds of fighting and screams from the valley, and imagined what the dense fog was like.

"This magic array is too powerful!" Although I know the power of human arrays, the old apes were shocked by what they saw.

Since Sima Youyue knew that he had injuries in his body, he changed his plan that he had to solve the people in Yinyang Palace before, and got along with this one, let him lead people to the formation, then start the magic formation, and let them in the formation Here kill each other.

"It's really shocking," murmured Qin Yue, "I didn't expect her to be so powerful!"

Even the illusion array will have different effects, which can make so many people have the same illusion, which is not what ordinary array mage can do.

According to their knowledge, Sima Youyue did not play in the previous life, so it was said that she was only exposed to this life.

This talent really makes them feel ashamed!

After a while, Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu both came, and Qin Mo and Kong Xiangyi also came.

"Is anyone in there?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Well, it's all in there." Qin Yuan nodded.

Sima Youyue looked at the thick fog, listening to the screams coming from inside, and the sight of Ximen's house being destroyed at the beginning appeared again.

Wu Lingyu felt the cold air overflowing from her and reached out to stop her shoulder.

After a while, the voice inside was getting weaker and quieter, many people were killed, and only a few people were still fighting.

"Master, our people are almost gone." Zong Zhengquan severed one arm and covered the wound with the other hand. The wounds in other places were also bleeding.

"How do I feel that our combat effectiveness has decreased a lot?" Zong Zheng Songmao frowned as he looked at the few remaining people.

"Sir master, where is the energy to control whether the combat effectiveness has weakened, he has attacked again, ah ..."

A silver light flew towards him. He just waved his hand and prepared to attack. The light seemed to have turned a corner and cut his hand directly. Then a blaze of flames didn't know where it came from, wrapped him in, and soon he turned into a pile of ashes.

"What's going on, how does it feel like more than the old ape is attacking?" Zong Zhenghai came to Zong Zheng Songmao and said.

"That's true," said Zongzheng Songmao, "do you find it strange?"

"It seems to be there, but it can't be said." Zong Zhenghai said.

Zongzheng Songmao looked at fewer and fewer people, his eyebrows twisted into a Sichuan word.

He also felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't see what was wrong.

"Zong Zhengsong Mao, what are you doing there ?!" Cao Leding couldn't help attacking, and saw Zong Zhengsong Mao in a daze, and shouted at him.

Zong Zheng Songmao looked up and saw that he couldn't hold his head, his eyes flickered, and he stood still.

"Zongzheng Songmao, what do you mean?" The yin yang palace said coldly when he didn't move.

"Your young master, don't you save him yet?" Zong Zheng Songmao said coldly.

"What is our young master? Zongzheng Songmao, do you want to betray?"

Zong Zheng Songmao glanced at him lightly and said, "Yes, so what?"

"You are so brave! Your patriarchs really have a bad heart, and the young master should not believe you!"

"Zong Zheng, the young master, let's not talk about the others, save the young master! Let's be like a family!"

"As close as a family?" Zongzheng Songmao said, "You let my Zongzheng rush to the front. When we were the dead, why didn't you say we were close to one family? When did you treat us as a family? "

"Zongzheng Songmao, don't you dig your own grave!"

"Is that so?" Zongzheng was unmoved, not even the family members.

"You dare to do this, when we go back, we must report this to the palace master! See how your patriarchs escape!"

"Do you think you still have the opportunity to return to report?" Zong Zheng Songmao sneered.

Feeling the crisis, those people stepped back and said, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? Does this need to be said?" Zong Zheng Songmao laughed.

"Hum, now that you can't escape, it's better to deal with the old apes with us!" Some people know the situation better.

Zongzheng Songmao did not speak, but did not act on the people in Yinyang Palace.


Cao Le was shot by the old ape and fell to the ground.

"Little Master!"

All the people in Yinyang Palace flew over, some went to help Cao Le, and some went against the attack of the old apes.


A force erupted, blasting them all into pieces.

"No, this power is not ape! The person who attacked us is not the old ape!" Zongzheng Songmao called.

"Not an old ape?"

Everyone looked at the old ape, how could they say that it was not the old ape?

"Those attacks are your own attacks. Don't move, those attacks are naturally gone!" Zongzheng Songmao shouted.

The people in the Yinyang Palace were all blown up by the power explosion just now, or else they were seriously injured, and only those who remained the patriarch were standing. As soon as Zong Zheng Songmao spoke, they were all motionless.

Although the old ape was still there, he never moved.

"It really stopped!"

"That old ape is fake!"

"How is this going?"

The crowd froze, but Zongzheng Songmao first responded.

"We're in the formation. If I guessed correctly, this is a magic formation!"

"Hahaha ... Master Zongzheng is really smart!" With a laugh, the thick fog covering the valley gradually dissipated.

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