Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1067: They are the same person!

Everyone saw the look of silver coming over, everyone who was laughing and laughing stopped, saluting respectfully,

"Master Yinlin!"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Yin Lin's mouth, and he did not respond to them, but it did not make him feel arrogant, but raised a feeling of intimacy in his heart.

He came to Sima Youyue and said, "In Xia Yinlin, can you talk to Sima Gong alone?"

Sima Youyue was stunned, was he too direct?

She glanced at Wu Lingyu, saw him nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "Master Yinlin, please."

"Deputy Valley Owner ..."

Now Wonderland may open at any time, what if she can't catch up?

"Relax, the entrance to Wonderland won't open so early." Yin Lin understood the man's mind and said softly, "Sima, please."

Lord Yinlin had to chat with Sima Youyue alone, which shocked the people outside.

Lord Yinlin, as the youngest operator of the operator, has been called the most powerful operator in ten years. He has never contacted anyone alone, let alone found the person on his own initiative. For a while their views on Sima Youyue changed and changed.

Even the adults of Yinlin have to take the initiative to invite, this person ...

Sima Youyue and Yinlin came to a nearby crater, and people on this mountain automatically came to the foot of the mountain to make a solitary environment for them.

Silver Pro waved a hand and laid an enchantment around to prevent others from hearing their conversation.

Seeing this, Sima Youyue was slightly surprised, and said, "Is there anything you can do with Yin Lin?"

Yin Lin feels something like Xuan Qiuhe. They are all elegant men, so when talking to him, she lowered her voice subconsciously.

"Some things I want to say to you." Yin Lin felt the kindness of Sima Youyue and smiled. "Miss Youyue, I'm sorry to you first."

Sima Youyue raised her eyebrows. She knew her identity? Then he felt relieved again. He knew even the entrance of Wonderland, and it was no surprise to know the identity of his woman.

"Why apologize to me?" She asked.

"Because of what I said, you will have to make women dress as men for so many years." Yin Lin said apologetically.

"The original prophecy was originally said by Lord Yinlin." Sima Youyue only responded in a moment, and only they could say such words, and only they said words that would make Shengjunge At all costs, kill more than four female spiritual masters.

"I owed him a favor before," Yin Lin said, seeming to have an explanation.

Sima Youyue saw his favor in his eyes. Although he was a little puzzled why he was so, she still accepted his suggestion for such an approachable boss.

"You are not sorry for this." Sima Youyue said, "Although I have to dress as a man, I have to be pressured to grow even harder. Besides, you did n’t know me before, or you said that. At the time of the prophecy, I was not born yet! "

Yin Lin did not expect that Sima Youyue would be so sensible. If the average person saw that they had to wear women's clothing in front of them these years, I am afraid it would not be so calm.

"You're not right," Yin Lin said. "As Sima Youyue, you weren't born at that time, but for Ximen Youyue, you were already a lot of years old."

Sima Youyue watched Yin Lin's eyes suddenly became alert, he knew his identity!

"Relax, I won't say it." Yin Lin saw her change, said.

Sima Youyue relaxed herself, smiled, and said, "Thank you."

"Do you think there is a connection between Ximen Youyue and Sima Youyue?" Yin Lin asked.

"Should not." Sima Youyue could not think of any connection.

"You are her, she is you." Yin Lin said, "you are all alone."

"Are we alone?" Sima Youyue was a little surprised. "I saw her soul at the time. She was complete and independent, and it finally dissipated."

Not as incomplete as before Wu Lingyu's fusion.

Yin Lin shook his head. "Your soul is different from the people in this world. When you come to this world, you are divided into two, one part with memory becomes Ximen Youyue, and the other without memory becomes Sima Youyue. The dissipation you see is nothing more than a return to your subject. "

Sima Youyue was stunned, is it so?

Yin Lin saw her so surprised and said, "Otherwise, why do you think you can survive in her body?"

"Um, I always thought it was because I was born again." Sima Youyue said.

"No, your rebirth has nothing to do with this." Yin Lin said, "You belong to this world. The previous world was just a mistake, so everything will be returned to the right place."

"If we belong to the same soul, why are the ages so different?" Sima Youyue asked puzzledly.

"You became Ximen Youyue as soon as you came, and she became Sima Youyue after a while in the world." Yin Lin said, "but because you are one and have a mutually attractive relationship, so you are only after you die. Will enter her body, and the souls of the two will be truly united. "

"So ... I am indeed Sima Youyue, and her parents are also my parents." Sima Youyue said blankly, "Then the problem I had before was not a problem. Thank you, Lord Yinlin!"

Knowing this, her tangled heart suddenly opened up. She is still their child. When facing them in the future, there is no need to rush to guilt!

"You're welcome."

"Yueyue has a question." Sima Youyue gathered her excitement and calmed herself down.

"Excuse me."

"Why are you telling me this?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Because you have doubts about this in your eyes, and I just happen to know it." Yin Lin looked at her and kept staring at herself, not very convinced of her words, and had to be frank, saying, "I'm looking for you. I want to ask you something. This is a little gift I gave you. "

"Is there something to ask for me? Youyue is just a humble person, far worse than those known to Lord Yinlin, why should you ask me?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Because this thing can only be done by you. Can you promise me?" Yin Lin still smiled, but her eyes became a little dignified.

Only she can do it? Sima Youyue felt that Alexander was not a trivial matter, and it was not an easy thing to do.

"Can I know what happened first?"

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