Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1077: Demon chased and found the identity of Xiaomeng!

Sima Youyue glanced at Simon's wind and Xiao Rou, and you can say that there is a taste in it.

"Cough—" Simone coughed, pretending not to see Sima Youyue's eyes.

Xiao Qi patted Xiao Meng on the shoulder and said, "That's right, who will look at these guys!"

"Huh, ignorant humans!" Ghosts sneered, "I will let you know in a while, what is the power of Ghosts!"

"Noise!" Xiao Meng kicked her feet, flew into the air, and hummed softly, her voice was long and soft, but fell into the ears of the ghost clan, but it was like a lifeline.

"What's this sound ?!" Ghosts yelling, covering their ears, but even if they covered their ears, the sound would penetrate into their heads, as if they were sawing with a saw, making them explode!

"Is this the sound attack?" Feng Yan looked at Xiaomeng and asked excitedly.

"That's right," Sima Youyue responded.

Xiao Meng is good at mental attack, which she said is sound attack now.

"Hurry up and stop her!" The clan's people couldn't bear it, shouted.

But they can't move now, and no one can stand up to stop Xiao Meng!



Some people couldn't stand it, and didn't know what Xiao Meng had let them see, and let them wave themselves. Many people fell because of the blood flow.


The people in the Broken Gut are all watched by the people, and the Ghosts have been very difficult to deal with. It is even more impossible for them to commit suicide. It was unexpectedly easy for Xiaomeng to do it.

At this moment, not far from here, the resting demons suddenly stood up.

"This-am I right ?!" the red-haired woman called.

"Impossible!" Cried another demons. "The Nightmare Tribe has been destroyed by us. They cannot appear here!"

"But this breath, yes, it is the breath we felt in the demon world before!" The red-haired woman called.

"But the Nightmare tribe has been destroyed, and it is impossible to have it!"

"Is it really exterminated?" Another red-haired man stood up slowly. "Isn't there another one?"

"Luo Li, you mean the undead who was suppressed on the mainland of Yilin ?!"

"Yes," Luo Li said quietly, "Isn't that guy still dead?"

"But she was suppressed on the mainland of Yilin and she couldn't escape!"

"What's impossible? Do you see her alive with your own eyes?" Luo Li said.

He said this, everyone was silent, yes, although they knew that the only surviving Nightmare tribe was suppressed on the mainland of Yilin, but no one had verified it. After all these years, was she still there.

If she's not there, then this is probably her!

Thinking of the baby on her, they all moved.

That's what everyone dreams of!

"Since it might be her, let's go check it out," said the red-haired woman.

"Yes, just go and see!" Luo Li flew in that direction first.


"it hurts!"


The ghost clan kept screaming, and those who could not stand still persisted, and those who couldn't bear to commit suicide.

The bee in the distance saw many people flying towards them, and some people from the demons reported to Sima Youyue.

"Xiao Meng, someone is here, and the battle will be resolved quickly." Sima Youyue instructed Xiao Meng.

Xiao Meng nodded and changed to a high-pitched tune. Those who were still stubborn and unbearable just now couldn't take it anymore, and took up arms to commit suicide.


Those who were still arrogant just now are committing suicide. Seeing this scene, the people in the broken heart valley are even more awed by Sima Youyue.

By her side, there are always so many powerful beasts!

Soon, the thousands of ghosts were all solved by Xiaomeng, and the fighting force was dripping.

"Yueyue, how am I ?!" Xiaomen ran over, looking like a compliment.

"Little dream is awesome!" Sima Youyue praised with a smile.

"Someone is here!" Wu Lingyu reminded, "there are people of the Demon Race."

"Xiaomeng, do you want to avoid it?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Why avoid?" Xiaomeng asked.

"Uh ..." Sima Youyue was speechless, how could she tell Xiaomeng that she was suppressed by the demons on the mainland of Yilin? If you tell her, will she continue to question her life?

"The strength of those people is not enough to look at," Wu Lingyu said.

"But what if they spread the news of Xiaomeng?" Sima Youyue was a little worried.

"Have they ever returned, how can they spread the news?" Wu Lingyu said, "Moreover, even if it is spread, the people in the demon world can't treat you. Everything is mine!"

Sima Youyue laughed, and everything made me feel warm.


Sima Youyue looked forward, and several figures flashed quickly. The breath emanating from them is different from these ghosts, and they feel pressure as soon as they stand in the air.

"All masters," Simon said.

"Such a dozen people have reached the thousands of ghosts just now," said his whole life.

"Ah-" Xiaomeng saw the red hair of the demons, and suddenly shouted, covering his head.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaomeng?" Xiaoqi quickly hugged Xiaomeng, not knowing what happened to her, looking at Sima Youyue for help.

Wu Lingyu walked over, put her hands on Xiaomeng's head, and injected some spiritual power into her body. She suddenly closed her eyes and passed out.

Sima Youyue took Xiaomeng and received her in the soul tower.

Wu Lingyu looked at the demons and said, "The people who sealed Xiaomeng had their share."

"Did you see them and touch the memory?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Very likely!" Wu Lingyu said.

Sima Youyue glanced down, thinking of the cruel pictures in Xiaomeng's memory, she didn't want her to remember the past.

If she thinks about it, will her innocent happy smile still exist now?

It was only a minute or two from the screaming of Xiaomeng to Sima Youyue taking her back, but it was still enough to force them to confirm their previous guess.

"Sure enough, it's the Nightmare tribe." Luo Li licked his lips, his eyes brightened, and he looked like a prey.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, she actually broke through the suppression." The red-haired woman Luo Lixie said with a smile.

"I'm afraid she didn't break the suppression by herself!" Said another demons, "obviously the human below is her owner."

"Well, if you let the former Nightmare people know that their only bloodline recognizes human beings as the mainstay, I don't know if they will be annoyed to live!"

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