Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1081: Kong Xiangyi was injured

"Master Shaogu, Miss." The people in Kongminggu surrounded Kong Xiangyi and her elder brother Kong Xiangqi.

"Little girl, I'll hold these people a while, you rush out with someone, don't look back, you know?" Kong Xiangqi has been injured, blood dripping from the fingers of Kong Xiangyi.

Kong Xiangyi covered Kong Xiangqi's wound. Even if he took the medicine, the blood did not stop, knowing that the wound must be poisoned.

"Brother, what stupid thing do you say! If we leave, we will go out together! I won't leave you alone and run away!" She growled angrily.

"Little girl!" Kong Xiangqi grabbed Kong Xiangyi's hand. "We can't all die here, so father and mother will be sad! Do you want them to lose two children at once ?!"

"That's my stay, you go!" Kong Xiangyi said, "You look like this now, even if you can't drag it for a long time, they will catch up with me soon, it's better for me to drag you a bit longer! "

"Why are you so disobedient!" Kong Xiangqi roared angrily, but because of his injuries, his voice was no longer deterrent.

"I haven't been obedient, you didn't know it!" Kong Xiangyi looked at Kong Xiangqi.

Kong Xiangqi looked at her stubborn little face, her heart filled with helplessness. He could feel the condition of his body, his vitality was losing fast, and even if he escaped, he could not survive.

But in the face of his most beloved little girl, this young girl who has been stubborn and disobedient since she was a child, how can he tell her?

"Well, no one of you wants to escape today, so you don't have to drag me here!" The man in black said in a low voice.

"Huh, are you the people who have been killing all forces in Wonderland recently ?!" Kong Xiangyi helped Kong Xiangqi, looking at those men in black, with strong murderous eyes.

"Master, I'll deal with them, you go first!" Kong Xiangyi's contract beast, a beautiful woman stepped forward and came in front of Kong Xiangyi.

"Shuier!" Kong Xiangyi looked at the decisive back with too much perseverance in her eyes.

But she had to make a choice. If she stayed here, she would end up in the army.

"Master, Shuier is very happy to be your contract beast. I hope that the host will find a better contract beast in the future. She can protect the master instead of Shuier!" Shuier turned his head and smiled at Xiang Xiangyi.

"Five elders, let's go with your big brother!" Kong Xiangyi put Kong Xiangqi in the middle of a middle-aged man. "Be sure to take your big brother out!"

"Miss!" The five elders couldn't bear it. "I'm still ..."

"The five elders!" Kong Xiangyi said, "Now you can go out alive only if you bring your elder brother! Don't forget the identity of the elder brother! Hurry up!"

The five elders were very reluctant, but Kong Xiangyi was right, Kong Xiangqi was the owner of Shaogu Valley. If he died, he would have a greater impact on Kongmu Valley.

He gritted his teeth and led Kong Xiangqi to the weakest part of the siege.

"Don't let go of one!" The men in black waved their hands slightly, and those men in black attacked the rest of the empty valley.

The strength of the people in Kongminggu was originally lost to each other. In addition, many people were injured, and more and more people fell down.

Kong Xiangyi waved his whip, each whip falling would fly the person in front of him, but even so, he could not reach the other person.

What kind of force is it? How can he completely kill him? !!

"Master is careful!" Scream's exclaiming voice came from behind Kong Xiangyi, and before she turned around, she heard the sound of the sword entering her body.

"Shuier!" Kong Xiangyi killed all the people in front of him, turning around, just holding Shuier's body falling down.

"Master, Shuier, Shuier, can't continue to protect you!" Shuier leaned against Kong Xiangyi's arms, and blood on his chest kept pouring out, soaking Kong Xiangyi's skirt.

"Shuier, don't talk, eat the elixir!" Kong Xiangyi took out an elixir and fed it to Shuier's mouth. She wanted her to eat it, and her tears kept falling.

"Master, master, you want, want, well, remember what Shuier just said, remember Shuier ..."

Shuier turned into a water-blue little marten in the arms of Kong Xiangyi. When she was out of breath, Kong Xiangyi felt a sweet smell in her throat, and then she spit out a large mouthful of blood.

She was swallowed by the power of the contract!

A man in black behind her attacked her, but she was not close to her, but she felt a dangerous approaching, and the light flashed. He gave up the attack and avoided her.


A spear flew from the air, passed through the position where the person was, and finally inserted into the soil behind Kong Xiangyi.

Kong Xiangyi held Shui'er's body and looked in the direction where the spear flew, just to see the person he had been waiting for.

Simon Feng saw the blood on Kong Xiangyi's body and the corners of her mouth, thinking of the scene just now, she was distressed and angry. He came to her, hugged her, and said, "Sorry, I'm done."

Kong Xiangyi looked at Ximen Feng with tears, and spit blood before speaking.

"Shangyi, how are you?" Simon Feng looked at her like that, panicking.

"Sister Xiangyi, what's the matter with you?" Xiaoqi ran over and saw the blood of Kong Xiangyi's body, and his temper burst into flames.

"I'll get revenge on you!" After that, she fisted and attacked those men in black.

Sima Youyue asked Huahua and the Broken Gut to do it, and came to Ximenfeng himself, looked at the body of Shuier on the ground, and said, "She should have died of a contracted beast, and she was backwashed by the power of the contract! Fortunately, that Not a destiny beast, she has no worries about her life! "

"Those people **** it! Disciples in the Guchang Valley obey, these people, none of them!" Simon Feng's voice was a little mute, showing how angry he was now, but he had to restrain his emotions.

"Save my elder brother ..." Kong Xiangyi prayed and looked at Sima Youyue.

"Rest assured, your elder brother is fine." Sima Youyue looked towards Qi Xiang, just to see Huahua dragging him up with flowers.

"He's poisoned," Kong Xiangyi said.

Sima Youyue froze and said, "Let me see his condition first."

The ordered flowers sent Kong Xiangqi over, and the flowers stuck to the ground, acting as a bed.

Sima Youyue took out an elixir and ate it to Kong Xiangyi, then leaned over to check Kong Xiangqi's condition.

Dozens of wounds were scary, but the scariest thing was the blood that was constantly leaking out.

"Big brother has been bleeding since the injury and can't stop it." Kong Xiangyi said.

"It's really poisoning." Sima Youyue checked it and said, "But fortunately, this poison just happens to have an antidote."

"Do you have an antidote?"

"When Shi Qianzhi was with me, I took a lot of poisons and antidote with him." Sima Youyue said.

"You mean, this poison is Shi Qianzhi?" Kong Xiangyi's eyes narrowed slightly, and an endless chill erupted from her body.

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