After packing up the yin and yang palace, a group of people set off to the depths of the island, preparing to find the opportunity on the island.

"Oh!" Xiao Qi leaned on Han Miaoshuang on Chongming's back, suddenly sat up and looked at the direction of the sea.

"What's wrong?" Han Miaoshuang asked her.

"I seem to smell something, well, it's familiar, but I can't remember what it is." Xiao Qi said.

"You have smelled so much and it is normal to not remember. It must have been something to eat again!" Han Miaoshuang said with a smile.

"No." Xiao Qi said with certainty, "This is not the taste of radishes. I haven't smelled this before, definitely not."

"You haven't heard it before, how could you feel familiar?" Han Miaoshuang asked.

"Just because I feel familiar, I don't know why." Xiao Qi said with a pout, "If I knew what it was, it wouldn't be like this. Do you smell a light scent?"

It was said that the others smelled with their eyes closed, but did not find any special taste.

"No taste, Xiaoqi, are you mistaken?" Han Miaoshuang asked.

"No, it must have a taste! Yueyue, did you smell it?" Xiao Qi asked.

Sima Youyue took a few deep breaths, shook her head, and said, "There are grasses and trees everywhere, there are many kinds of light fragrance. Which one are you talking about?"

"Oh, how can you not smell!" Xiao Qi anxiously, chopped his feet on Chong Ming.

Wu Lingyu on the side frowned a little uncomfortably. Sima Youyue happened to have something to tell him. Seeing his pale face and slightly frowning brows, he asked nervously, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Somewhat uncomfortable." Wu Lingyu leaned against Sima Youyue without holding her back.

"What happened to Brother Ling Yu?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Brother, you ..." Before Sima Youyue asked, Wu Lingyu fainted and leaned down on her shoulder.

"Brother ?! Chongming, land." Sima Youyue supported Wu Lingyu and shouted at Chongming.

Chong Ming took them back to the land, Sima Youyue laid Wu Lingyu flat, and then examined him.

"Yuyue, how is he?" Simon Feng also flew over and asked aside.

"His pulse is slow, as if he's falling into a drowsiness," said Sima Youyue, "but it's okay, I will wake up after a while."

"You already knew this would happen, so don't worry about it." Xiao Qi comforted.

When Wu Lingyu's soul merged, something went wrong, and his body would fall into a coma every once in a while. Even if he woke up, there was a period of weakness. This is something that Sima Youyue and Xiaoqi knew for a long time. Now I know he is because of this coma. Youyue's flustered heart just calmed down.

"Already know? What's going on?" Simon asked.

"My brother's body has old diseases, and he will fall into a coma and fall asleep every so often, and he will be fine when he wakes up." Sima Youyue explained.

"Is that okay? Why is it so sudden?" Han Miaoshuang was a little confused.

"There are really no signs." Sima Youyue said.

"Will it be related to the taste that Xiao Qi said just now? It seems that he is uncomfortable after Xiao Qi said what he smelled." Kong Xiangyi guessed.

"I'll take him to the small world to check it carefully, you don't want to follow me. Fenger, you take them to go forward first." Sima Youyue said.

Wu Lingyu's body hasn't been examined carefully, she doesn't know what it will look like when she goes in, and how long it will take. If they follow them, they don't know how long it will delay them, it is better to let them search for themselves.

Simon Feng also understood this, so he didn't say much.

"Remember to contact us if there is any danger."

"You too."

Ximen Feng took the people from Broken Gut Valley and Kongming Valley, Xiao Qi, Han Miao Shuang, and Su Xiao Xiao remained.

"Please look around for me. I will check it for my brother." Sima Youyue said.

The three nodded, and came around in a triangle to surround her.

Sima Youyue infused his consciousness into Wu Lingyu's body and examined his condition carefully.

"How is this going?"

After she went in, she found that Wu Lingyu's internal organs were beating slowly, and her heart rate was less than half that of ordinary people.

"Kirin, Kirin!" She called Wu Lingyu's contract beast in his body.

"Why?" Huo Lin's lazy voice came.

"Is that the same thing when my brother was unconscious before?"

"No. It used to be normal," Huo Lin said, "but I can feel that he is fine now, just sleeping."

"Brother said that there were signs during the last coma. Why is this so sudden? Do you know why?"

"You don't know, how can I know. I'm not a doctor. Okay, don't bother me, I'm resting!" Huo Lin's voice went down slowly, and he seemed to be sleeping with Wu Lingyu.

Sima Youyue was helpless and had to continue to investigate his situation. She came to Wuling Yu Dantian and found that there were two black and one white light here. Needless to say, it should be the demon power brought by his soul. White light shrouded the spiritual power of various colors.

Black and white exist at the same time in Dantian, but they don't seem to be together.

"It seems that as the brother said, one belongs to the soul, one belongs to the body, and two are in different containers, so even if the attributes conflict, they are not as dangerous as I am." Sima Youyue sighed.

I don't know how he escaped from the fate of the demon body.

She examined him carefully, but still found nothing abnormal, except that the body organs were running slower than half.

After searching for a while, but did not find out why, she had to retreat.

Since Huo Lin said he was all right, it should be all right.

Han Miaoshuang, after seeing her, they flew back.

"Little brother, how is it?" Han Miaoshuang asked.

"Nothing was checked out," said Sima Youyue, "but his covenant beast said he was fine, that should be fine."

"What shall we do now? Will he wake up?" Xiao Qi asked.

"No. He doesn't know when he will wake up. We don't know how long we will wait." Sima Youyue said, "Put him into the soul tower and let the little spirits look at him."

"Also. This will not affect our search for ruins." Han Miaoshuang said.

Sima Youyue took Wu Lingyu into the soul tower, and then let Chong Ming take them to continue to fly deep into the island.

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