Sima Youyue gave Ximen Feng the life card, and the Sima family did not know her news.

As soon as he was angry, the whole atmosphere changed. Sima Youyue understood his thoughts, went up and held his hand, and said, "Great-grandfather, you have the grandfather's card."

If something happens to them, Sima Xiuqi's life card knows the same.

"But that's not yours." Sima Zhiyuan said.

"Great-grandfather, who is not the same?" Sima Youyue held his hand to coquettishly. "How can I be the deputy valley owner here, and they must have my news, too. Never, let grandfather their life card. Stay in the Broken Gut, and I stay with you? "

"That's fine, too ..."

"Okay, that's it." Sima Youyue said, "Great-grandfather, we're all on the road. You can't let me go in a hurry?"

Sima Zhiyuan looked at her smiling and coquettish, and didn't want to make her unhappy, and said helplessly: "Well then. I'll do it this time, you can give me a good job."

"I must be fine." Sima Youyue responded quickly.

"When your father is rescued, come back to the family." Sima Zhiyuan said, "If you can't rest assured, you can let them go with you and go to the inner circle."

"Great-grandfather, they are doing well in the Broken Gut Valley," said Sima Youyue. "The broken gut valley is a dangerous place, and poisonous poisonous pupa is a natural barrier. It ’s better for Guli disciples who have a lot of enemies. Find your father and talk. "

She didn't say anything to death, indicating that she may or may not go back. Everything must be seen at the time of Sima Liuxuan.

Sima Zhiyuan always knew her position and knew it was useless to urge her. She patted her on the shoulder and said, "Then you must rescue your father and I will wait for you at home."

"I will. You will be assured of your great-grandfather."

Sima Xiuqi and Huang Yingying saw the two getting along and looked at each other. Dad really likes Youyue, this intimate look, it is estimated that only she can do so in the family.


A few dog barks surprised everyone present. They didn't find a spirit beast approaching!

Xiao Hei didn't know where to run out, came to Sima Youyue, and also had a piccolo in his mouth.

Sima Youyue squatted down, touched her head, and said, "Where have you been these days?"


Xiao He put the piccolo in her mouth into her hand, and pleased twice.

"What is this?" Sima Youyue looked at the piccolo, a dozen centimeters long, milky white flute, with a small skull on the far side, which was cold in the palm of her hand.

Seeing the piccolo on the side, Di Wu jumped up in fright and called, "Bone Flute!"

"Bone flute? What is this?" Sima Youyue asked sideways.

"The famous artifact of the ghost world, the sound of the flute blowing out can control people's soul. It is one of the top ten ghost instruments of the ghost world. If I guess correctly, the last thing in Dongping City was that someone used the ghost flute. Your people in the air have opened the channel. "Di Wu said.

"That's it?" Sima Youyue looked at the bone flute in her hand. "Speaking, there really is a flute sound in Dongping City ... is this thing blowing out?"

"That should be it," said Di Wu. "Don't let anyone know that the bone flute is with you, otherwise those in the ghost world will only come to trouble you again."

"Is it so attractive?" Sima Youyue said.

"Why not! The top ten artifacts of the ghost world, one hundred ghosts, bone flutes, and extinct seals are all ranked high. Any one of the artifacts in this world will cause the entire ghost world to rob and cause blood and rain."

"It's so powerful." Sima Youyue smiled, and she liked baby!

"Wangwangwang—" Xiao Hei saw Sima Youyue happy and followed.

Sima Youyue put away the bone flute and hugged Xiaohei, saying, "It must have been the owner who was chopped to death by the thief and left it here. Xiaohei, you went to find it for me, is not it?"

"Wangwangwang--" Xiao He shook his tail cheerfully.

"I'll study my eyes when I wait for my turn. Okay, let's go." She took out a one-time formation and told everyone.

"Be careful." Simon Feng told.

"Boss, I believe you can come back safely." Feng Kai said.

"We will take care of things here. You go out, don't worry about this side." Lifetime said.

Sima Youyue looked at them, nodded, and started the formation. Everyone went in.

The light of the formation method surrounded them, and several people disappeared quickly.

"If you have any trouble with Broken Gut, you can take this to me." Sima Zhiyuan put a jade in Ximenfeng's hands. "You should know how to find it?"

"I know," Simon Wind said.

"Well. She's gone, and I'll take care of her for you. Now that I know, I won't say much." After speaking, he opened the space channel and went in.

Seeing Simon's wind a little bit of worry all his life, he said, "Relax, You Yue's ability we all know that nothing will happen. Besides, there are so many people in Xuesha City."

"Well. Let's go, it's time to deal with the yin yang palace and the zongzheng family."


This formation method was made by Sima Youyue in the days waiting for Fang Ming. The distance this time is too far, and she cannot arrange such a far-reaching array.

Although Fang Ming was a little curious about her sudden departure to Nanhuang, she didn't ask much, and soon she got the formation for her.

There is an endless swamp in the south-south area, which is said to be the largest and most dangerous swamp in the middle wall. It is said that the marsh mud here is very light, but extremely sticky. If you enter the marsh, it will be difficult to come up.

Somewhere in the marsh, a formation exit suddenly appeared, and Sima Youyue and his team came out of it.

Sima Xiu recognized this place after a few glances, and said, "It's a south swamp."

"Nanhuang Marsh? How did we get here?" Sima Liufeng also knew this place, and came here unexpectedly.

"Here is the ghost town?" Sima Liuyun frowned.

"I should let President Fang arrange the array according to the space coordinates given by Yin Lin. It should be right," said Sima Youyue.

"The master said that the ghost town will start from the south desert marsh." The child confirmed the accuracy here.

"But we have been here before and haven't found anything special here." Sima Liufeng said.

In order to find Sima Liuxuan, they have visited many places in recent years, and Nanhuang Marsh is one of them. When they came here before, they found nothing special here.

"Since the child knows, then take the lead."

Who knew the boy shook his head and said, "I don't know the way back."

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