Since each direction is the same, several people choose a direction.

Sima Youyue called out Chong Ming and asked him to take everyone on his way.


The oncoming gust of wind blew everyone's eyes open, and the speed of Chongming dropped a lot.

"Chongming, change direction." Sima Youyue said.

"Okay." Chong Ming responded, and immediately changed his direction.

But the direction is the same, the wind still blows head-on, but there is no wind in other directions.

"It's useless," said Huang Yingying. "Since each direction is forward, then no matter which direction we go, the wind is blowing onwards."

Sima Xiu condensed spiritual power, and that spiritual power turned into a faint ripple that wrapped the people, even including Zhongming.

With this layer of protection, the wind's power is suddenly reduced a lot.

"Go on." Sima Xiuqi told Chong Ming.


The resistance of the wind was reduced and their speed was much faster. After the protection layer dissipated, Huang Yingying arranged another one, and then changed Sima Liuyun and Sima Liufeng, and then Wu Lingyu to take turns.


The farther you go, the stronger the wind. Chongming can't support it in the morning and has changed to Xiaopeng.

"Look, is there a brighter light over there?" The child cried in surprise, looking at the sky in front.

"Looks like it! Is this going to be past this place?" Sima Youyue said.

Although they did not encounter any danger during this journey, the strong wind made them almost exhausted. If it weren't for eating too much elixir to restore spiritual power, I'm afraid that all the way down, even if it passed, their spiritual power would be exhausted.

Xiaopeng kept moving forward, all of a sudden the wind in front disappeared, and the pressure followed.

"No?" Di Wu looked up at the sky. Without pressure, they were breathing more smoothly.

"Well, it seems to have passed." Sima Liuyun said.

"The sky here is much brighter and fresher than the previous road, not so grey." Sima Youyue said.

"Well, there are plants here, except there is no sun, it's almost the same as outside."

Xiaopeng flew forward again, but suddenly fell.

"Yueyue, you can't fly here," Xiaopeng said as he landed.

"Everyone protect themselves!"

If you fall down such a high place without protection, you are afraid that you will fall into slag.

Fortunately, when approaching the ground for dozens of meters, Xiaopeng fluttered a few more wings and lifted a few meters to the top, buffering the speed and strength of the fall, allowing everyone to land smoothly.

"There is a space restriction here, you can't fly." Sima Xiuqi looked at the sky. If he couldn't fly, the distance behind them would be slow.

"Not only is there a space ban here, but also gravity traction. Do you feel your feet are heavy?" Sima Xiuqi said.

"Well, it really feels heavy." Huang Yingying said.

Sima Liuyun nodded.

"I think it's okay, there isn't much feeling." The child raised his legs and said, it was really easy.

"I also feel okay." Sima Youyue took two steps. Although heavier than usual, the impact was not particularly great.

"Both of you look a lot easier than us," said Sima Liufeng. "Is this based on strength? The stronger the strength, the heavier the gravity."

"It's possible," said Huang Yingying, "I have clearly felt that it is a bit difficult to lift my feet."

"Me too," said Sima Xiuqi.

"Oh, I don't feel anything. Mo San, how about you?" Di Wu asked.

"Two legs are the same as being filled with lead." Mo San said.

"It seems that only Youyue, Diwu, and children are less affected by gravity."

Sima Xiu walked a few meters forward, which usually took only a few seconds, but took a few minutes.

"This will not work, I am afraid that this speed will not be able to get out of this place for a few months. We have to think of a way to reduce the effect of gravity." Huang Yingying said.

"I have a way," said Sima Youyue, "Since I and the child and Di Wu have no effect, it is better for us to go outside and you can go inside the small world."

"Small world? Whose small world?" Huang Yingying asked.

"Mine." Sima Youyue took out the small door and opened the door to the small world. "You go in first, and you will come out after this distance."

As people in the inner circle, Sima Xiuqi and Huang Yingying were not surprised to see Xiaojie, but they were a little surprised that she had Xiaojie. She never depended on the family.

"How?" Sima Youyue looked at everyone.

"This method is good." Sima Liuyun said, "But if there is danger, if we come out again, will it be too slow?"

After all, they are still worried about their safety.

"Relax. This small world opens quickly. If something goes wrong, you will be fine again." Sima Youyue said.

"That's the only way now."

All the people went to the small realm, leaving only Youyue, Tong and Di Wusan.

Sima Youyue closed up Xiaojie and said, "Now we are three of us, let's go."

"This way is not dangerous, it just takes some time and energy," said the child.

With his words, Sima Youyue and Di Wu went forward boldly and confidently.

As the children said, they did not encounter any danger along the way, but they could not fly, they could only walk, and there was also the influence of gravity. They also had a hard time on this journey.

Along the way, they saw a lot of bones, both human and spirit beasts. There were more spirit beasts than humans.

Most of those spirit beasts should have entered here by mistake, because they couldn't go back and had to go forward. After coming here, I can stay here forever because I can't resist the influence of gravity.

This distance is also considered a wading mountain, and after walking for two months, they finally got out of the gravity area.

They turned over a mountain, there was gravity on this side of the mountain, over the top of the mountain, and came to the other side, the gravity disappeared immediately.

The child's health was relatively poor. In the later stages, Sima Youyue also put him in the small world, leaving her and Di Wu alone.

"After walking for so long, I finally came out." Sima Youyue sighed.

Ca n’t fly, and powerful spirit beasts ca n’t be used. They can only rely on their legs. This taste has not been experienced for many years.

"I'll take them out first." As soon as Sima Youyue took out the small door, she saw the rolling black clouds roaring in the distance.

"What's that ?!" Di Wu cried.

The dark cloud flew over quickly, and after they approached, they found out that this was not a dark cloud at all, that is, a group of flying beasts would die at all.

This flying beast is different from the human world. Each one looks strangely ugly, and its eyes are all red.

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