"Who are you? How come you are at Mousse's house ?!" He single-handedly tricked him. If Mousse said they were bad people, he would immediately attack the past.

"We are the benefactors of mousse." Sima Youyue said.

"Saving life benefactor?" Yangzi turned to look at Mousse, saw him nodded, then put away his defense, folded his fists in both hands, and said gratefully, "I have offended a lot, and I want two Haihan."

Sima Youyue nodded slightly, which was a response.

"Mousse, have those injuries been hit by those people again?" Yangzi asked.

Mousse nodded.

Yangzi didn't care about her attitude and turned to ask Mousse: "I heard that you were caught by Zhang Shuo again today. They also saw him running after you, but soon they found him dead. Mousse , Tell the truth to your uncle, does his death have anything to do with you? "

Mousse just wanted to say that he killed someone, but Sima Youyue spoke first.

"Muse's strength is so low, but Zhang Shuo is carrying a dozen or twenty big guys. Do you think he can kill them?" Sima Youyue said quietly.

Mousse gave her a surprised look, but she didn't expect that she would say so, but still said what she meant: "They are many."

He did not kill him directly, but did not deny it.

However, Yangzi thought about Sima Youyue's meaning, and thought that it was really impossible for Mousse to say it. Then he turned his attention to them and asked, "You know so clearly that you have taken him away from Zhang Shuo saved you, did you kill them? "

Sima Youyue shrugged. "We did kill a few guards, but Zhang Shuo didn't kill us."


"Don't believe you ask Mousse."

"Uncle Yang Zi, Zhang Shuo really did not kill them." Mousse said.

Yangzi stared at Mousse and confirmed that he was telling the truth. Then he patted his shoulder and said, "Uncle is also worried about you. This family is too powerful. If you killed Zhang Shuo and they knew it, then It's troublesome. "

"Well, I know." Mousse nodded. "But Zhang Shuo did not kill them."

I killed it. He added in his heart.

"Well, you have nothing to do with this matter." Yangzi seemed relieved. "If you are caught by them, that thing may leak out. It will be even more impossible to find your father. Then Did you find something? "

Mousse shook his head and said, "Uncle Yang Zi, I really didn't find one. Either this thing hasn't been seen at all or it was taken away by my father."

"If you look for it, your dad will definitely keep a copy at home when he leaves, to prevent anyone from going to him if something goes wrong," Yangzi said affirmatively.

"But Dad never told me about it, and," said Mousse, he looked around and said, "the home is clear now, if anything, it must have been discovered long ago."

"Maybe you missed something." Yangzi said, "This is the key to finding your father. If we can't find that place, let alone find your father. Do you understand?"

"I know." Mousse bowed her head, somewhat lost.

If you can't find that thing, you can't find your father. But he searched the whole house and saw no trace of that thing. His mood can be imagined.

When Yangzi saw him depressed, he said, "You should look for it, and don't go to the street during this time, lest you be angry with the Zhang family."

"I know."

"These are the expenses for this period of time. Your father is a big hero. Don't let your cultivation fall." Yoko handed him a bag.

Mousse took the bag, looked at him gratefully, and said, "I will work hard, thank you, Uncle Yang Zi."

"Well, although they are your life-saving benefactors, they don't know who they are. In order to avoid trouble, be careful about everything."

"I will, Uncle Yangzi."

"Well, I'll go back first. I'll come over and let you know if there is any news."

After Yangzi turned around and went out, Mousse went to see him off and returned soon.

He sat on the futon and opened the bag to see what was inside. Sima Youyue glanced at it, but it was only a few inferior dark spirit stones, and two more were in the middle class.

Sima Youyue supported her chin with her right hand and looked at him and asked, "Who is your uncle Yang Zi?"

Mousse put away the spirit stone. He knew that Sima Youyue was not an ordinary person, and he certainly did not care about this spirit stone, so he was not worried.

"Uncle Yang Zi is a good friend of my father. He has been taking care of me and helping me all these years, otherwise I must not live now."

"Do you trust him?"


"Then you lied to him just now." Sima Youyue said, "You believe him, why didn't you tell him the truth in the end?"

Mousse lowered his head, holding the bag in his hand, and said nothing.

What did he say, although he had only known her for a long time, but he had inexplicable trust in her?

Sima Youyue sighed and said, "You child, you only have to ask three questions to answer, it's tiring to talk to you."

"Who are you?" Mousse suddenly looked up at her with tears in her eyes. "You always ask me questions, but you never say who you are."

Why should a stranger care about him so much? !!

Although he is still young, his experience over the years has given him a keen sense of people. He can tell who is genuine and who is false.

Sima Youyue did not expect that he would be so stubborn all of a sudden, he stunned, and then laughed, and said, "My name is Sima Youyue. Like you, I am looking for my father."

"Your father is gone too?"

"Yeah." Sima Youyue changed her posture, held her hands on her knees, and put her head on her knees, and said, "In fact, we both have some sympathy. You didn't find your father at the age of eight, and I was I was sent to other places when I was born. I never saw my father in the past, I do n’t know what he looks like, I do n’t know if he thinks of me like I think he is. I only know that he is doing very badly now, I must Find him soon. "

"Your dad is in a ghost town?" Mousse asked.

"Well. I came here just to find my father." Sima Youyue said and took out Sima Liuxuan's life card, and the fine jade was covered with cracks, which shows what the master looks like now.

Maybe they are sympathetic to each other, and the two of them have drawn closer.

Sima Youyue sighed and said, "Do you know, your uncle Yang Zi is not so simple on you?"

Mousse clenched the bag again and whispered, "I know. He didn't look at my father's face to take care of me, but for other reasons."

"But when I saw you heard him, you ran out with excitement. Don't you care?" Sima Youyue asked.

"He can feel it outside."

Sima Youyue was a little surprised. Could he say that he was intentionally so intimate?

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