Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1310: Father's name is a forbidden word

Sima Youyue looked at Mousse, as if she had seen herself then, the same age, and the same stubbornness.

Thinking of his experiences in these years, my heart was full of pity, which she had never before.

She filled him with a bowl of snakehead and said, "Don't just eat meat, try this. This stew is made with millennial black jade snake meat. Drinking it is good for you."

Mousse took a bite with a spoon and it tasted really good. After eating the belly, I can feel a gentle strength coming out from the belly, which is very comfortable.

"How come you have so many good things?"

"Accumulate slowly." Sima Youyue said, "The more you experience, the more you accumulate."

"But you're not much older than me," Mousse said.

"How do you know? Maybe I'm hundreds of years older than you?" Sima Youyue laughed.

Anyway, their spiritual master can keep his face unchanged, even a person who is thousands of years old can make himself look like twenty or thirty years old.

"Intuition," Mousse said.

"Oh, drink porridge."

"You haven't said how old you are." Mousse looked at her persistently.

"It's over fifty." Sima Youyue thought about it and said, "Why are you so surprised?"

Mousse looked at her with a stunned look, which can be said to be the biggest expression on his face for so long.

"You are in your fifties?"

"Yes indeed."

"Those in the city who are hundreds of years old are not as good as you!" Mousse said. "The ladies in their fifties only know how to play."

"The experience is different." Sima Youyue didn't feel how great she was. Her achievements were largely aided by external forces, such as encountering magic brakes, such as contracting many spirit beasts and so on.

Without these external conditions, she would not have such high strength.

Of course, she also worked very hard herself, and her devotion made everyone who had seen it ashamed.

"Anyway, you are amazing!"

"If you work hard, you will be successful in the future."

"I don't want to be active now, I just want to find my father."

"How did your father disappear? Go for a treasure hunt?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Um." Mossmer answered before.

Seeing that he didn't want to talk about his father, Sima Youyue turned his attention to other things and asked about the ghost town.

Sima Youyue thought that this ghost town was a mixed place of fish and dragons, but did not expect that because of the long time here, some families and forces were gradually formed, as well as the city's Lord Lorenz.

I heard that Luo Liansha is a stunning beauty, but unfortunately she is too fierce and powerful, and everyone in the ghost town is afraid of her.

However, it is said that there has been very little time recently and I do not know what I am doing.

The lord of the city wouldn't care about it, and someone would manage it for her naturally, so the four warders under the jurisdiction of the lord's house rose to heaven, one of which was the head of the family where Zhang Shuo belonged.

This ghost town is larger than those cities that Sima Youyue had visited before. It can be seen from the fact that they haven't seen a gate for a few days before flying.

Although Zhang Shuo's talents are not very good, compared with those older brothers, they are not high, but because he is a young master, his status is still very high.

I didn't expect to kill such a heavyweight as soon as he came, it is no wonder that this ghost town man will be turned over.

She understands the thoughts of the big families. Although this person was not very fussy at home, if the family members bullied him, the people above would open their eyes and close their eyes, but once the family members appeared, they were killed by outsiders The situation is terrible. Be sure to check it out and kill the murderer to be willing.

Because the former is only a contradiction within the family, while the latter involves the issue of family face.

Someone dare to kill the younger generation of the family, isn't that hitting their faces and challenging their majesty?

So the former can tolerate, while the latter can't tolerate!

Mousse also talked about some other forces in the city, but because it has nothing to do with them for the time being, he said it more roughly.

"Muse, have you ever heard someone's name."


"Sima Liuxuan."

"Your father?"


Mousse thought about it and said, "If you ask someone, you probably won't be able to ask it, but just ask me."

"Have you heard?" Sima Youyue blinked.

"Well, I once overheard the people in the city mention this name, but it seems that the name is a forbidden word in the city, and no one can mention it. I heard two people say that one of them mentioned when I was passing by A moment, another person stopped quickly, but Rao was so, when I walked back, I saw the two people were arrested. "Muse recalled.

Sima Youyue was so surprised that she couldn't even mention it? What did his father do here?

"So don't go out and ask others. If they are heard by the patrol team, you will be taken away immediately." Mousse said solemnly.

"I see." Sima Youyue nodded. "But do you know what he did here? Where is he now?"

"I don't know. I only heard them mention the name. If it wasn't because they were arrested at the time, I don't think I remembered it. But looking at the reactions of those people, I think your father must have done something great. Unfortunately, I hadn't been here before, so I didn't know. "Mousse said apologetically.

"Well, thank you." Sima Youyue smiled at him. "At least you confirmed that my father did come here that year, and the possibility here is relatively high. That means I didn't find the wrong direction."

"But if you want to find your father, it will be difficult," Mousse said.

"As long as he is here, I will definitely find him!" Sima Youyue said confidently.

Seeing the smile on her face, Mousse nodded, and secretly vowed that she would find her father.

"Yes, there is one more thing." Sima Youyue saw that he was almost eating, changed a plate of cut fruit, and gave him a fork. "That forbidden area, you did not say when you introduced the ghost city, Where is that? "

"That was the forbidden area of ​​the ghost town. From the time I have memories, the most I heard was that I couldn't be close to that place. If it was found, it would not only lead to the killing of the body, but even the genocide." Mousse said.

"Oh? In such a mysterious place, how can there be few guards?" Sima Youyue was a little confused.

Where did she know that it was not that there was no one there, but that something had happened in the forbidden area, and everyone went there to help. No one dare to do this after killing a lot of people, who knows that she and Mousse will happen.

"Muse, you bitch, get out of me quickly!" There was a tender drink outside the door, and then a figure in a blood-red dress broke the crumbling fence.

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