North of the city, the central area, a magnificent backyard of the compound, two people were secretly talking about something, then one person gave the other a bag of things, and left with satisfaction.

Less than half a day later, the news of the northern part of the city passed back to the Zhang family.

Zhang Qi sat in a chair and looked at Zhang Peng kneeling below.

"Checked the news?"

"Yes elder." Zhang Peng said, "there has been news over there, there is indeed a young lady in the family, and she has indeed left the north of the city recently and went to play in several other areas."

"Can you be sure that woman with Mousse?" Zhang Qi asked.

"It should be. It is said that when she left, she only had a ghost tribe guard. There was only a ghost tribe around that Siyue. And it is said that the young lady of the Si family came out to play secretly, and many people in the north did not know , There is even less wind outside, if this Siyue is not, it would be impossible to know about this matter. "

"So, this Siyue is really the young lady of the Si family." Zhang Qi said.

"I think eight or nine are inseparable from ten." Zhang Peng said.

"Although this family has a good relationship with that person, if we kill their young lady now, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble. Now Zhang Shuo's affairs have not been raised, and the Supreme Master has no shadow. Since This family did not have much direct grievances with us, so let this person put it aside. "Zhang Qi said.

"Yes, Elder Kai."

"Others continue to investigate, we must find the person who killed Zhang Shuo. If there are not enough staff, we will send you another two hundred people."


At this time, Sima Youyue and Musti Diwu were still strolling around the city, and they didn't know everything by chance. If she knows, she must thank this low-key lady, who is a wonderful man of the century!

However, the only young lady she met is Xiao Hong who is a low-key person, so she never thought there would be other such low-key ladies. I didn't even think about it, but that lady just came out to play.

Those on the street who saw Sima Youyue and Mousse were all looking at an idiot.

How dare you be with someone like Mousse?

"Who is that person? How brave!"

"No. This one disappeared after chasing Mousse. The Zhang family must go to him. This person dared to be with him. Isn't this a typical death hunt? It would be miserable to be regarded as an accomplice by the Zhang family. Now. "

"Shouldn't it? Didn't you say it was Zhang Shuo and Meng Tianshan who killed them alone? And Pang Qi and Meng Tianshan of the Pang family died almost at the same time, and they should have been killed together. This Pang Qi is a half step His Holiness, the man who killed him must be very strong. This little girl looks very young. How could it be her. "

"That said, but the Zhang family is always doing things wrong rather than killing them. This mousse and Zhang Shuo's death have no relationship, this can't be escaped. This woman dares to be with him, this You do n’t have to think about it in the end. "

"This woman is so beautiful. Isn't there a few lascivious people in the Zhang family? If it is found, this small life is probably fine, but I am afraid it will end more miserably."

"Hahaha, you don't know?" Someone laughed. "I saw it in the morning."

"What did you see?"

"In the morning, Zhang Peng took someone to the mousse's house. I was far apart at that time and heard something, but I saw him distraught away after a few words of this woman. This woman Definitely not an ordinary person. "

"real or fake?"

"Huh, of course it is true!" Said the man. "You don't want to think about it, if not, does Mousse dare to swing out now?"

"That's what it is. So, is this woman coming up?"

"Sure. Otherwise, how could Zhang Peng be running with his tail clamped."

"It's a pity. I was thinking about catching such a beautiful girl back and cheerful."

"Fat man, don't even think about it. If you go, you are likely to be stunned, so you can't be a man in the future! Hahaha--"


The people around laughed. Although she guessed that she might be extraordinary and some people took it easy, but there were too many lascivious people, there were always some who could not see the coffin without tears.

Even if Mousse is not strong, he still feels the insignificant eyes of those who are behind him. I don't know why. After seeing more of this, he felt that a fire was burning in his heart.

Sima Youyue felt that his mood was not right and stopped to ask, "What's wrong?"

"Those people ..." Mousse clenched his fists and glanced at them.

For so many years, only she was good to him, he didn't want those people's wretched thoughts to tarnish her!

Sima Youyue glanced at those people and said, "Those people's eyes grow on them. What's the use of being angry? You can't go up and kill everyone?"

"But ... annoying," Mousse said.

"When you are strong, those people will not dare to do this to you, it will only be full of fear." Sima Youyue said.

"You can make them afraid." Mousse said with certainty.

He was convinced that if she would, she could keep these people closed forever.

"Fear sometimes doesn't have to be rushed directly to beat people." Sima Youyue smiled a little evil.

"Miss, what bad idea do you think of?"

"Have it?"

"Yes," Di Wu said with certainty, "I hear you laugh every time you do something bad."

Sima Youyue crossed two black lines on his face, eyes narrowed, staring at him, and said quietly, "Who said it?"

"Di Liu them!" Di Wu only saw Sima Youyue's expression was wrong after he finished speaking, hehe laughed twice and looked to both sides.

"Di Liu ..."

When Di Wu heard Sima Youyue talking about Di Liu's name, he twitched in his heart, and secretly suffered, as if he had pitted Lao Liu.

Sima Youyue glanced at those people and said, "It's been a day of shopping today, let's go back. Mousse should be hungry."

They decided to go back. Sima Youyue walked back a little distance and smiled at those people before returning with them.

Sima Youyue made a great dinner for Mousse for dinner. Mousse had never eaten such a delicious thing, and hungry again, naturally it was a happy meal. Di Wu followed with a lot of light.

And she was in a good mood because of the thought of tonight, and she ate a lot.

After eating, she put away her things and said, "We have a guest tonight, so let's say hello."

"Guest? Who?"

Sima Youyue smiled, "You will know when the time comes."

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