Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1323: Oops, it's time to wear!

"and also?"

"Wait, there should still be." Sima Youyue said leisurely.

She felt more than just these sights when she went out during the day.

"There are a lot of raccoons in this ghost town, and there are many daring ones, and there must be more than that. Especially here you are, a slum area, there is no identity background, there are definitely many people who want to come together." Si Yue said, "Sometimes, this identity is also a shock."

"Ahem." Sima Youyue was choked for a moment, and quickly drank the fruit wine.

Didn't she use her identity to deter Zhang Peng during the day?

If this matter is known to her, I don't know what will happen.

She's really a little embarrassed about this genuine card that suddenly appeared ...

Sure enough, as expected, there were several waves of people that night. By the time the sky was white, there were already a dozen people trapped in the formation, each of whom was superior in strength.

"Yuyue, it's all bright this day, it is estimated that no one will come." Si Yue reminded.

"Well, it seems that this should be here too." Sima Youyue said, "I have more than a dozen people a night. Should I be happy about my attraction?"

"I rarely admit that others look more beautiful than me, but if it were me today, I don't think so much," Si Yue said.

This is also an admission that Sima Youyue is more attractive than her.

She just went around the street and recruited so many people. If she really went out and did something, she would be afraid that half of the cities would be crazy for her.

Alas, there are so many ghosts these days!

"Miss, how are we going to pack them?" Di Wu asked.

"People are embarrassing!" Si Yue cried excitedly.

"..." Sima Youyue drew his lips, this guy wasn't talking about fun last night! But she had no interest in people. "Eat all Huahua."

"Who is Huahua?" Si Yue asked, "Is it a dog?"


"The dog is here." Sima Youyue pointed to Di Wu, "but he doesn't eat people."

"I'm a **** dog, not a dog!" Di Wu shouted.

"Dog, isn't it just dog?" Si Yue asked, blinking her big eyes.

"..." Di Wu was speechless. Although it is the same word, don't hesitate? !!

Man does not fight women! He can always drink alcohol!

"But who is Huahua?" Si Yue was not interested in the difference between dogs and dogs, and was very interested in eating a large wave of master Huahua.

"Huahua is my covenant beast." Sima Youyue said, "Huahua, come out and meet with Siyue."

Hua Hua came out, petite and exquisite looks suddenly attracted Si Yue's attention.

"Youyue, you want such a small person to eat so much? You won't hold her down ?!" Siyue cried.


Di Wu sprayed again.

"Hold on, hold on? Hahaha—" He wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, and laughed: "How can such a few people support her? Even a hundred more won't support her."

"Why?" Si Yue looked at Huahua unknownly.

Obviously it is such a small body, how can it eat so many people?

"These people are so strong, can they afford them?" Mousse asked a bit worried.

The strength of these people is much higher than Zhang Shuo's guards. If they resist and want to eat them smoothly, it is probably enough.

"It's really difficult to eat directly," said Sima Youyue, "but Xiao Mumu, sometimes it's not easy to do, you have to find a way, you know?"

"What can you do?" Si Yue asked.

"It's very simple!" Sima Youyue said and took out a bottle. "It's going to be bright. It seems to be faster."

She threw the bottle into the array, and those people glanced subconsciously when they saw the bottle.

"So sweet ... what is this ?!"

"Good stuff," said Sima Youyue, "something that will make you obediently eaten."

"Wow! It's poisonous!" Siyue cried. "Take them down with poison so that they can't fight back. This method is good! It's poisonous and insidious."

Sima Youyue smoked at the corner of her mouth. What is so poisonous and insidious? !!

"But they are so powerful, if you want to bring them down, this poison must be more powerful!" Si Yue reminded.

"No problem." Sima Youyue said confidently.

Soon, the people in the formation fell down one after another, looking at her in disbelief.

"Huahua, eat it. Someone is here." Sima Youyue said.

"Okay." Huahua nodded, hands stretched out, two vines flew out of his sleeve, and then spread out more than a dozen, each of which was a flower taller than a person.

"Eating Man Kao!" He Bo recognized Hua Hua's identity at once.

Sima Youyue withdrew the formation, flowers one by one, and contained all the people in the flowers within a few seconds, and then collected them back.

Sima Youyue gave the antidote to several people when she was talking, so now they are all fine. He Bo was surprised when he saw Cannibal Kao, and Si Yue jumped up in surprise, and jumped to Huahua twice, saying, "Originally you are Cannibal Kao! I only saw it in the book, but I didn't expect I really saw it today! "

Huahua thought, the flowers slowly shrank, and then all the vines retracted into her arms.

"Well, don't worry! Let me see your vines again!" Si Yue said, holding Huahua's hand.

Hua Hua was startled by Sie Yue's excitement, and suddenly shrank to Sima You Yue.

"Is this afraid of me?" Si Yue was hit.

"Not afraid." Sima Youyue said, "Huahua is not used to outsiders touching her. She is afraid that she cannot control herself and hurt you."

"Um, that is to say, you are not afraid of me, you are disgusting me." Si Yue said with some frustration.

"Hehe." You can say so. Sima Youyue added in her heart and went up to put away the formations. In this way, the yard looks no different from last night.

"Well, that's the night." Si Yue stretched his back. "I thought there would be a big battle last night. I didn't expect you to solve it so easily."

"Looking at you like this seems quite boring." Sima Youyue said.

"It's not boring." Si Yue smiled. "If it weren't because we heard that these people were coming to the streets, we wouldn't follow them, and we wouldn't eat such delicious barbecue and fruit wine. ! "


"Miss Siyue." Zhang Peng came in from outside with a subconscious look at the yard, but did not see any blood. "I've heard that someone is trying to come here to misbehave you, are you okay?"

Sima Youyue felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

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