Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1325: Take her to the forbidden area

Si Yue saw her say this, hehe smiled and said, "Don't say that, I won't cause you trouble, I just want to see how you play."

Sima Youyue couldn't help sending her a grimace, and heartily, you can see by looking at your home, He Bo, how unbelievable you are.

"I thank you for not breaking me through today, but I really have something to do."

"You can rest assured, I promise, I will never disclose your affairs." Si Yue patted his chest.

"You promise, I don't think you believe it?" Sima Youyue said.

"Hey, it's not true, I am still very reliable, as long as I promise not to say it, I won't say it." Si Yue said.

Sima Youyue actually wants to say, we are not familiar with it, but I accidentally misused her identity. This is my own shortcoming. If she is really spoken out, it will definitely have an impact. I ca n’t get out of the city now. So it really is ...

"Do you really want to be with me?"

"Uh-huh. If I find it unpleasant, I'll leave, and I will continue to lend you my identity. How about it, right?" Si Yueyi took advantage of you.

"That's good," said Sima Youyue, "but if you really want to follow me, you must listen to me. If you can't, you should go now and early."

"Sister, you are so heartless, let me go so smoothly, it really hurts my sister's heart. Is this your room? I will live with you in the days to come." Si Yue said and entered Sima Youyue s room.

This way, she acquiesced in her words.

Di Wu and Mousse looked at her. She really agreed to let Si Yue follow them?

Sima Youyue shrugged helplessly and said, "Do you think you can drive away?"


After getting along this night, they probably know a little about Siyue's temper. To say that she is easy to get along with, that is the case when she comes along. But once she doesn't follow her, she will let you know what a rude young lady is.

"But she followed, wouldn't it hinder us?" Di Wu said.

"Hopefully," said Sima Youyue.

She did not know how to put such a big uncertain factor around her, but she always pursues soldiers to cover the water and cover the earth. If Si Yue is going to make a mess, she will not be soft.

No matter what, it cannot affect her to save her father!

"Well, it's been all night, you mousse, take a break and rest."

She only made a simple breakfast. Siyue's nose was more than Di Wu's nose, and the smell came out.

"Wow, I didn't expect to have breakfast." She consciously sat at the table and looked at the simple but rich breakfast on the table, saying, "Xiao Mumu, you are so happy. Some people are willing to make soup for washing their hands. . "

"Go, what are you talking about!" Sima Youyue gave her a white look, and you can't talk nonsense about washing your hands and making soup.

"Hey, younger sister, you are also at ease, you make food early in the morning." Si Yue said.

"Xiao Mumu has not yet reached the stage of digging the valley, and she has to eat all three meals this day." Sima Youyue said.

"What's your plan after eating?" Si Yue asked.

"Let Mousse go to rest, and I go out." Sima Youyue sat down and ate after making things.

"I'll take you out for a turn. I've been here for a while, and I understand a little bit." Si Yue volunteered as a tour guide.

Sima Youyue looked at her in doubt, this guy wants to take himself out, so kind?

"Don't look at me like this," Si Yue said, "I, I am more curious about your affairs, but you really want to go out, and I know you better than you, just as your guide."

"Whatever you want." Sima Youyue said.

"That's it."

After having breakfast, Mousse went to bed, and the others went out. Sima Youyue and Si Yue walked ahead, He Bo and Di Wu walked behind.

It seems that Si Yue did not lie, she did have some understanding of Chengnan, at least more than her newcomer, but for the mousse who has been in the streets since childhood, it is far worse.

They strolled for a while, and Si Yue suddenly and mysteriously said, "I'll take you to a place."

"where to?"

"You will know when you go." Si Yue said.

Sima Youyue followed Si Yue to the mysterious place she said, and the more she felt the more familiar the building in front of her eyes.

At last she recognized what it was.

"What did you take me to forbidden?"

"Do you know the forbidden area?" Si Yue said, "I heard that there is a baby here, so come and see. Didn't you say that you can't go out because of the **** of the forbidden area? Maybe after we figure it out here Can help you go out sooner. "

"Actually, I'm a little confused. Why is there a situation in the forbidden area, and people will be forbidden to go out?" Sima Youyue asked.

"I also heard someone in the family mention it once." Si Yue said, "It seems to be that there is a lifeline below the forbidden area that affects the existence of the entire ghost city. If this lifeline is broken, the entire ghost city will no longer exist."

"So important ?!" Sima Youyue was a little surprised, she thought it was just a general forbidden area, and there was nothing hidden in it.

"Yeah. I don't know what happened in recent decades. It seems that there is always something wrong here in the forbidden area. My dad has been here many times." Si Yue said.

"So do you know what caused it?" Sima Youyue asked, "No, isn't this ghost town in mid-air? There's nothing below!"

"It's qi." Si Yue said, "Ghost towns exist because of the support of qi. So I guess this lifeline will affect those qis. But it's strange, this has been good before, why so late * ***? "

"Then you know when you check it." Sima Youyue said.

"What should I go to check? You're not with me?"

"I still have my business to do," said Sima Youyue. "Besides, this ghost town has nothing to do with me. I don't want to risk going to this place for this."

After that, she wanted to go back.

The purpose of her coming here is to find her father. If these things are involved, she will lose more than she can afford.

"You're not curious at all?" Si Yue asked.

"Curious depends on the situation," said Sima Youyue. "Have you heard anything? Curiosity killed the cat."

"You can't say that," Si Yue said. "If life is alive, if you're not curious about anything, what's the point of living?"

"If you are done with my business and you are still interested in it, I will accompany you." Sima Youyue said.

Suddenly I felt something moving in the small realm, and when I contacted it, I found out that it was made by the child.

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