Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1336: I am like this, you bite me

Sima Youyue didn't expect Si Kong to say the same thing, and for a moment, he raised a big smile.

"Thank you ... Righteous Father." It was a little embarrassing to call a stranger Righteous Father.

"Sikong, isn't this good?" Someone was unwilling. "Now the situation is still so critical. If you don't handle it well, everyone can't be at ease."

"Yes, Si Kong, this is related to the safety of the people in the whole city. Isn't it good for you to do this?"

"Not really."


Sima Youyue froze for a while, talking with the Zhang family just now, and it wasn't the Zhang family but the Chengnan people who wanted to come.

Are they dissatisfied with themselves and point their finger at Sijia? I didn't expect to be mad, and I was even involved with other people. Just when I wanted to speak, I heard the words of Si Kong coming calmly: "What are we doing? Since you are so meaningless, then you go up, the people in the city will thank you of."

Sima Youyue raised her eyebrows and looked at Skong a little bit. This "Father of Righteousness" is different from everyone else. He really speaks ... pleasantly!

"Si Kong, what do you mean ?!" Those people were stunned by Si Kong, almost breathless.

"Literally." Si Kong said, "Since you are so concerned about the safety of the people, shouldn't you go up and resolve the matter immediately. Of course, everyone will thank you of course."

"If we can let that thing go back, we will delay here and make fun of the lives of the people in the city?" After that, the man also glanced at Sima Youyue.

What he meant was obvious. There was no way for others, but Sima Youyue, who had a way, was delaying, not taking the lives of the people in the city seriously!

"Oh, you know you don't have that ability." Si Kong glanced at the man lightly. "Since you don't have the ability, don't be blind. It's interesting to just say no."

"Hmm--" Sima Youyue smiled indifferently. What he said was too sharp and funny.

He is not afraid to offend these people!

But no matter whether he is not used to these people, or because of Si Yue to maintain her, she has received this love!

"Sikong, does your family want to watch the people die? What kind of heart do you have ?! I have heard that your family is the only one in the north of the city. It does not look at the people in the city. It seems that this is indeed the case. ! "

Sima Youyue's face suddenly pulled down, and her body became colder. Looking at the person who spoke, she said ironically, "I don't see you who put the lives of the people in the city in your heart!"

"What nonsense ?!"

"Where did I talk nonsense?" Sima Youyue sneered. "I came from outside. It wasn't long before this ghost town recognized the righteous father. They were also short. To be honest, I don't have a good opinion of this ghost town. These Life or death is not important to me. "

She said that many people's faces had changed. If she really thought so, how could they ask her to save everyone?

How many people will practice because of irrelevant people?

Sima Youyue looked around and continued, "Don't be angry, why do you think I am so forgiving. Think about it in other words, if you are you, will you stand up for others?"

Many people are silent. If they were replaced by them, would they really stand up without any hesitation?

"If it wasn't for me just now, I am afraid that this ghost town will really become a ghost town?" Sima Youyue ignored them, "The reason why I shot was not for anything else, but to protect the righteous father They just saved the lives of the entire ghost town by the way. Without the righteous father, I wouldn't necessarily do it! Therefore, all the people in the ghost town are stained with the light of the righteous father. In this case, what qualifications do you have Blame them? If you accuse my righteous father of them and anger me, I don't care about it, you say, are you the one who ignores the lives of the people? "


"What are you ?!" Sima Youyue said, "Am I wrong?"

"So many people's lives are in your hands, how can you be so selfish ?!" Zhang Hu scolded.

"I'm selfish?" Sima Youyue looked at him and smiled suddenly, "I think, have you made a mistake?"

"whats the matter?"

"What does your life do to me? Did I save you, and you are willing to confess that I am Lord for slaves? Or, you have prepared countless treasures of heaven and earth, and after I save you, Give me all? "Sima Youyue sneered," Saving you is my right, not my obligation! "

The faces of Zhang Hu and others were even more ugly, but they could not find any refutation.

"What do you want?" Zhang Hao said.

"This ... Zhang Guanshi, right?" Sima Youyue looked at Zhang Hao, "I don't want anything. You say so, as if I was robbed in the fire!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Sima Youyue shouted innocently, "I said just now, I'm just tired, I just want to rest. But you seem to want me to do nothing, so that some unfounded charges Put them on my righteous father. Hey, my righteous father was so unbuttoned by you for such a big hat, how can you say that I am a righteous girl? I think I should do nothing, At least let the righteous father do the work. "


This time the family members of the company laughed. She said plainly that she hadn't done it, so that the family members' crimes were substantiated, but everyone could hear her, and she said something ironic. Only she can contain that thing here, how could she really not do it?

But this little girl described herself as a private person to protect them?

It was actually maintained by a little girl. Think about it for the first time in history! They never care what others say, but it feels good for someone to defend them.

Everyone else was thinking about the power of their family, only she was different. No wonder her baby sister likes her so much, this girl is really worthy of being liked.

"What do you want?"

"I didn't think about it!" Sima Youyue said, "I said a long time ago, I had no feelings for those people, and I didn't appreciate their gratitude. I just wanted to save them. You said The righteous father does n’t care about the people in the city. Of course, I want to help my righteous father to take actual charges. ”

After that, she shrugged indifferently, and you were not satisfied with how you bit me.

"Sikong, how do you say?" Zhang Hao looked at Sikong coldly.

"Brother Si ..." Si Kong hadn't spoken yet, and Don Man shook his head gently, apparently knowing what he was about to say.

Si Kong looked at Be Man, okay, let's converge for her own sake.

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