Sima Youyue's reaction surprised other people. Did she know if she promised to smash the butterfly, what would happen next? !!

"City master, no one has ever been there, let alone she is an outsider!" Don't disagree.

"I've decided. You don't need to say any more!" Wu Mingdie was determined.

"Then when shall we go?" Sima Youyue asked.

"How about going after the banquet?"

"Let's go after the banquet?" Sima Youyue was a little distressed. "Can you be two days late? I want to talk to Sie Yue."

隗 Mingdie is anxious, but it is not easy to say clearly, then she nodded and said: "Then wait for two days, I will send someone to borrow you two days later."

"Now that the Lord of the City has decided so, let me go with you. Take her there directly at that time." Don Man said.

"No. I'll take her there. You need to preside over the things in the city." She Mingdie refused.

"Aunt Man, there are so many things in this city every day, you don't have to go. Anyway, we will come back when we record the image of Xiao ** backing out of that thing." Sima Youyue said.

"So ... okay." Don't nod.

"Master, Lord, will I come here to meet you directly?" Sima Youyue asked, "I don't know if I can come to the Lord's Mansion alive when I come out of the house."

He Mingdie heard the maiden's story about the day, knew the contradiction between her and the Zhang family, and immediately understood her meaning, and said with a smile, "You can rest assured that nobody dares to move you."

"Thank you, then, the city owner!" Sima Youyue got up and saluted Hao Mingdie, saying cheerfully.

"Oh, really a sensible child." Wu Mingdie praised.

Sima Youyue felt a chill. Now it looks so kind and kind. If you didn't know she was forcing her father to marry, or if she wanted to force her to force her father out, You Yue would really think she was a good person.

They chatted for a while, Lianxiang came in and saluted everyone, saying, "Master, the banquet is about to begin."

"Unconsciously, it's time. Lianxiang, you take them to the banquet room first, and I'll come and change my clothes." Wu Mingdie ordered.

Everyone in the living room stood up, saluted Hao Mingdie, and followed Li Xiang away.

Puppet butterfly sitting in position did not move, at this time another puppet girl came up from behind, ready to wait for her to change clothes.

"Xiyu, what do you think of that Sima Youyue?" Wu Mingdie asked.

"Slave feels that she is the same as a normal family lady." Xi Yu replied.

"Really? But how do I think, she seems a little different, but it is the same when you look at it closely." Xu Mingdie said with some confusion.

"Whether she is the same or not, as long as she can help the master," Xi Yu said.

"So is it. When she pushes those things back into the ground, I see how he can isolate himself!"

When it comes to Sima Liuxuan, 隗 隗 butterfly is love and hate. The two have been dead for so long, and she can't tell whether she loves or hates him now.

But she knew that she must push him out. If he couldn't be together, then destroy him and let him live in his heart forever.

"Let's go. Change clothes."

On the other side, Lianxiang led everyone towards the banquet hall and left the courtyard. Be Man said to Lianxiang, "Okay, Lianxiang, we know how to get to the banquet hall, you go to the other."

This happened before, so Li Xiang didn't think of anything else, and obeyed her and left.

When Lianxiang departs, don't set up a soundproof enchantment, look at Sima Youyue calmly, and say, "Do you know what you just promised? Do you know what the consequences of going with her? "

"I know," said Sima Youyue, "but at that time, I had no choice but to cooperate with her?"

"Then you should not rush to promise her!" Doman is really angry. "If you lose your life because of this, I will face your father in the future?"

"Aunt Man, don't worry, I'll be fine." Sima Youyue said. Regardless of the reason she protects herself like this, at least for her, she is still grateful.

"You go with her. Even if you meet your father then, you two can recognize each other, so how do you escape from her?" Wu Man did not relieve her anger because of her words.

"I have Ling Yu!" Sima Youyue held Wu Lingyu's hand. "He is very good. With him there, I don't have to worry about scumming butterflies, and I can avenge my father by the way."

This was a decision she made on the way. Since Wu Lingyu said that it was okay, then it was okay.

"He?" Zou Mingdie Zou frowned, some did not believe him.

Wu Lingyu seems to be only two or three hundred years old. How strong can he be?

"Otherwise, I'll tell the city owner later, go with you." She said, "It's better to drag you up then."

"Aunt Man, if you go, how will you stay in the city in the future? I'm afraid the first one will not let you go." Sima Youyue said, "You can rest assured, I'm trying to save my father They are not here to die. "

"Man, You Yue is right, she can promise the city owner, she must be sure. Don't worry about it." Si Kong also advised.

Don't see Si Kong help her speak, and understand the truth.

"It's Hulai!"

"Don't be angry. Let's go to the banquet. If you delay it for a long time, it will attract others' attention." Sima Youyue said with a smile.

"Well. Let's go."

Don't retreat from the enchantment and take them to the banquet hall.

Sure enough, by the time they arrived, Zhang Hao, Mengsha, and Rocky had arrived, with various family elders sitting in their area behind them.

"Why are you so slow?" Frost asked before they sat down.

"I went to the owner's yard first, and came here after a few words," said Man.

"What are you going to the main courtyard of the city?" Zhang Hao said weirdly, "Willn't it be a complaint?"

"You think you are narrow-minded, and others are just like you?" Don't spread him a grimace. "The city owner just wanted to see Siqin, and thanked her for the things in the forbidden area. By the way, give her thanks . "

"Hum! How long can you please." Zhang Hao Lengheng.

Don't make a meaningful smile and say nothing.

After a while, Wu Mingdie came in with Lianxiang and Xiyu, and everyone stood up to greet.

"It's all free." Lu Mingdie came to the main seat and sat down. She saw Sima Youyue and waved at her. "Child, come here, sit next to me."

Lianxiang and Xiyu had a seat beside the main seat, which made all the people below look pale.

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