Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1399: The First Valley of the World (8)

As soon as Liang Wuming came in, the whole square was quiet.

Lifetime and the old man stood on the high platform and waved to the people below, and the square was completely quiet.

"Thank you all for coming here to participate in our reorganization ceremony." The old man said, "I'm glad you all came to witness this day for us."

"Some time ago, the Valley of Gods and Demons was attacked by Baiyun Cave and mysterious forces, and suffered heavy losses. Now, more and more internal forces have come to join in the middle, causing a lot of blood and rain. Facing the increasingly turbulent situation, Everyone hopes to increase their strength. The same is true for Broken Gut Valley and Shenmo Valley. After discussions between the two sides, we have decided to re-form a new strength and merge the disciples of the two valleys into one. "Lifetime said.

"Yes, as we all know, the deputy owner of Broken Intestine Valley is also the owner of Shaogu in Demon Valley. With this link, the disciples of both Valleys want to go further. From today on, there is no Demon Valley, no intestine Valley, there is only a new force to regroup-the first valley! "


Eighty-one artillery sounds came from outside the square, and the deafening sound showed the emergence of a new force.

After the gun was fired, he continued to say, "My first valley has two valley owners, Liang Wuming, Liang Gu, and Ximen Feng, and everyone should know about them. Four deputy valley owners, thirty-four Elders, ten divisions, each division ... "

In my life, I introduced the composition of the first valley. Sima Youyue listened to the long list of names. For the first time, I felt that our power is really great!

However, sitting like this is boring.

Subsequently, Liang Wuming and Ximen Feng both spoke briefly, and then some other things, and gifts from various forces.


Sima Youyue yawned while sitting in the position, this process is really long!

Just sitting and watching these things is really tiring.

After a long time, it was near noon and it was considered to be over.

"Everyone, we have prepared a light meal for everyone at noon. If you want to use lunch, you can follow the disciples in Gu. If you want to visit the broken gut, please ask the disciples in Gu to bring everyone. They all carry Signboard, please find a disciple with a signboard to guide you. We will have a grand dinner in the evening. Welcome to come and taste one or two. "

"Oh, mom, it's finally over." Sima Youyue sat up from her seat. She felt that she was sitting so dry for half a day, more tired than practicing.

"You Yue, how about you show us?" Xia Changtian said.

"You Yue, you see that we are so busy, the presidents will leave you to entertain." Liang Wuming said.

"Okay, Master, don't worry!" Sima Youyue answered.

Everyone knows that if it was just an invitation by the general forces, Xia Changtian would not come in person at all. This was only on the face of Sima Youyue.

That being the case, it was best for her to greet them.

Speaking of them, these people haven't really come to the Broken Gut Valley, and they are a little curious about it.

As a result, Sima Youyue took them around the valley, but many places she could go were not accessible to ordinary guests, so no one was bothering.

"I didn't expect it to be like this in Broken Gut Valley. The scenery is really good." Xue Changlin sighed.

"The scenery here is okay, but those hidden in the scenery are murderous. If you are not careful, you may die." Sima Youyue said.

"Yuyue, you just give Jiedu Dan to those people, aren't you afraid they will develop an antidote for broken gut?" Xia Changtian said with some worry.

"If the detoxification dan really worked out so well, I wouldn't have spent so much time and energy at the beginning." Sima Youyue said.

"But those people with your current elixir might be able to figure out the real detoxification elixir."

"No." Sima Youyue said affirmatively, "This one-time elixir has nothing to do with our real detoxification elixir, even the medicinal materials are different. Even if there are seven identical medicinal materials, the remaining ones, They can't think of it. So even with this elixir, they can't figure out the real antidote. "

"There are at least hundreds of antidote, but only seven of them are the same. This difference is too great!" Xia Changtian sighed.

"Otherwise, one can only last for one or two days, and one can last for three or five years." Sima Youyue laughed. "If we easily pass our lifeline to others, what is the significance of our natural protection? "

"That's what it says. But it also requires this ability."

"I take this as a compliment to us." Sima Youyue said, "Master Xue, how did you check on that mysterious force?"

"The progress in the previous two years has been difficult, and the past two years have been okay. We have followed the clues we have pulled out several strongholds, and we have also found some forces associated with them." Xue Changlin said.

"Oh? What are those forces?"

"The ones we found were not very powerful, but they were all very powerful forces." Xue Changlin said, "So we guess that those forces should provide them with economic support. Either rely on them or they Our own forces. But no conclusion has yet been reached. In order to follow the vines, we have not yet fought the grass. "

"In the past two years, more and more forces have been destroyed, and fighting is everywhere. This world is really getting more and more chaotic." Fang Ming lamented.

"Anyway, those people hit their targets on us, then they must be ready to meet our revenge." Sima Youyue said, "Wait here, we will also join the investigation of the mysterious forces."

If it was the former broken gut valley, she may not have such pride, but the fusion of the two first valley after blindness, this strength is not dare to underestimate the inner circumference.

"Okay! You follow up with this mysterious force. We will continue to investigate this force. There will always be some information found. We will have to see what those people want to do ?!" He Chendong thought of the day of his succession There was a burst of fire in the hearts of those people.

"Yes, Youyue, I heard that you have something to do with Shenlong religion, is it true?"

"Well. I once taught the daughter of their leader, one of their gods is my brother." Sima Youyue nodded, wondering why they suddenly mentioned the dragon religion, and asked: "What happened to the dragon religion?"

"A year ago, the dragon religion was destroyed." Xia Changtian said.

"What ?!" Sima Youyue was shocked, and suddenly thought of the magic sword.

If Shenlongism is destroyed, where is the magic sword now? How about Shi Qiushuang, Shi Qianzhi and Jiang Junxian?

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