Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1424: Blood debt and blood compensation (3)

The visitor is the old ancestor of the Zongzheng family.

Zongzheng Liying saw Zongzheng Hongfeng and was pleasantly surprised: "Old ancestor, you have been successfully promoted."

"Um." Zong Zhenghong Feng nodded slightly, frowning when he saw those people.

He just closed it for a few years and it turned out to be like this.

"Why do you destroy my patriarch?"

"Of course it was blood debt and blood compensation." Simon hummed.

"Blood debt and blood compensation? When did my Zongzheng have trouble with you? If I remember correctly, you are just the forces that have just been built and we have no contact with each other." Zongzheng Hongfeng said.

"Old ancestor, he is Simon style," Zong Zhengli Ying reminded.

"Xianmenfeng?" Zongzheng Hongfeng didn't respond at first, but later he remembered the Ximen family that had been destroyed. "He's from Simon's house?"

"Yes. He is the sister-in-law of the Simon's house. The one who was forced to jump off the broken intestine valley at the beginning." Zong Zhengli Ying said.

"I didn't cut the grass and take root!" Zong Zhenghongfeng glared at him.

If he was killed in the first place, what would happen now?

"At that time, he had been seriously injured and fell into the Broken Gut. We naturally thought he would not survive." Zong Zhengli Ying also regretted it, but who knows that the Ximen Wind fell from Broken Gut and actually survived.

Not only did he survive, he also established the ancestral gate, and gathered so many forces in such a short time to come and seek revenge on them!

"Father, do you remember me?" Sima Youyue asked.

"You are?" Zong Zhenghong Feng stared at Sima Youyue with a little doubt in his eyes.

She didn't know her, but she spoke in a different tone, as if they knew each other.

"It seems that the old man is really forgetful. We still drank fruit wine together. You said, let me not mind the grudges between the two, some things can not help ourselves." Sima Youyue thought of the original drink, ridiculed. .

"You are ..." Zongzheng Hongfeng remembered that scene, and the person drinking and chatting with himself was not the girl in front of him.

"The surname is Sima, Sima Youyue." Sima Youyue said.

"No! You are not Sima Youyue, you are Ximen Youyue!" Zong Zheng Hongfeng said affirmatively.

"Ximen Youyue? How is it possible! Yue'er killed her with her own hands! She couldn't be alive!" Zong Zhengli Ying exclaimed.

"Old ancestor, she is Sima Youyue. She is a junior who has only risen in recent decades. She is only a few decades old and cannot be Ximen Youyue. When she died, she was two or three hundred years old." Also explained.

"No, she is Ximen Youyue." Zong Zheng Hongfeng looked at Sima Youyue. "At the time of drinking, only Ximen Youyue knew what was said."

"However, she is indeed only a few decades old and cannot be Ximen Youyue. Moreover, she came from the continent below." Zong Zhengli Ying was also very sure.

When they knew Sima Youyue, they also went to check her, and were very sure.

"You are Ximen Youyue." Zong Zheng Hongfeng said watching Sima Youyue.

Sima Youyue watched them discuss their identity so enthusiastically, smiled, and said, "The old man has a good memory."

"You really are Youmen of Ximen ?! How is it possible!" Everyone in Ximen cried.

"What's impossible?" Sima Youyue sneered, "I said before I died, and I will definitely come back to seek revenge from you. Now naturally, I will come back to seek revenge from you."

"Resurrection? How is it possible ?!"

"What's impossible?" Sima Youyue looked at them coldly. "Even Cang couldn't see what you did to my Simon's house and let me come back to life. Come to seek revenge on you and impose you , Little by little! "

"Rebirth really ?!"

Not only were the people of the Zongzheng family surprised, but even the people in the First Valley.

Sima Youyue is Ximen Youyue, this news is too powerful for them!

Because there were people from the Ximen family in the first valley, and they did not deliberately conceal the original events, everyone knew that the Zong Zheng family destroyed the Ximen family when it went to Ximen Youyue's birthday.

When they heard this, they lamented that Ximen Youyue had the same name as Sima Youyue. If Sima Youyue is Ximen Youyue, according to her temperament, I don't know what guilt will look like.

Unexpectedly, they were really alone! !! !!

No wonder she hated Zong Zhengjia so much because they destroyed her home!

No wonder she worked so hard these years, it turned out that there was blood and deep hatred on her!

All of this makes sense ...

At this time, everyone was not shocked by her rebirth, but felt pain for her from the bottom of her heart.

It turned out that she had suffered so much.

Those who were bold onlookers were shocked to hear the news.

There are actually reborn people in this world. Is this too scary? !!

Sima Youyue didn't originally want to tell her identity, but when faced with the old enemies, she still had to let them know who came back to find their revenge!

She is going to correct the name of Simon's house!

"Zongzheng old dog, when you killed my whole family, today is the time for you to pay off the debts!" ​​Xi Menli looked at them, screaming resentfully.

"Hum, just you, want to destroy my Zong Zhengjia too, it is too whimsical!" Zong Zheng Hongfeng turned back from shock, humming.

He has just used this gap to feel a bit, and determined that no one in the First Valley is stronger than himself. Coupled with the insider's words, it is not difficult to fight back and win.

"With the old ancestors, nothing will happen today!"

"Old ancestor, you have to take revenge on those who died in the family!"

"Be assured, as long as you kill their leader, the rest will be easy to handle." Zong Zhenghong Feng said.

"The spirit beasts around Sima Youyue are very powerful. Only the ancestors can deal with it!"

"Don't worry! Ximen's family will not miss one today!" Zong Zhenghong Feng looked at Sima Youyue and said confidently.

"Who dares to touch my woman ?!"

When Sima Youyue heard this voice, her eyes brightened and her mouth rose.


Zong Zheng Hongfeng was so surprised that someone could approach when he was unaware!

"Huh! A little patriarch, dare to scream here!"

Wu Lingyu's figure suddenly appeared beside Sima Youyue, and everyone was taken aback by his hand.

This strength ...

Zong Zheng Hongfeng frowned, when did Wu Lingyu become so powerful?

"I didn't expect it to be His Royal Highness. Today is the case of the patriarch and the First Valley. His Highness will not be involved?"

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