Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1427: Phoenix Nirvana, reborn

Sima Youyue looked at them, tears accumulated in the bottom of her eyes, she tried not to let herself cry, but could not bear more and more, and could not help but fell down.

"How old are people and crying nose." Huang Yingying wiped the tears on her face and laughed.

"Where is it!" Sima Youyue was a little embarrassed and quickly wiped her face.

Sima Liuxuan turned his eyes to Wu Lingyu. When he was rescued, he couldn't understand. When he was fine, Wu Lingyu fell asleep again.

But just when Wu Lingyu woke up, Sima Liuxuan happened to be away, so the two sides did not meet.

So speaking, this is the first time the two have officially met.

"I heard about you." Sima Liuxuan said first, "Although you are excellent, although Youyue likes you and is willing to be with you. However, I still hope that you will not bring danger to Youyue . "

"My business, I will handle it well," Wu Lingyu said, "will not put her in danger."

"I hope you can do it," said Sima Liuxuan. "If you can't do it, and if it makes her a little dangerous, I won't agree to give her to you."

"I will." Wu Lingyu didn't say much. He wouldn't mess up the words, but he was as heavy as Tarzan.

Sima Youyue drew his lips. Is this style of painting changing too fast?

Just now I was still touching, and in the next second, I became Laozhangren and saw my son-in-law. Both of them looked dignified, and they really didn't fit here.

When this old lady saw her son-in-law, she was not really worried.

During this time, she has learned about Sima Liuxuan's temperament. As long as she likes it, he will not say anything.

Therefore, he does not embarrass Wu Lingyu much, let alone he is still so good and is extremely fond of her.

The only thing that worries them is the identity of his demons. With a demon-like opponent, things in the demon world are certainly not so smooth, and may even bring her danger.

However, when it comes to danger, it seems that there are many enemies of his own, especially in Dongpingcheng, many forces of himself and the ghost clan have probably forged a beam.

I hope it won't affect saving my mother in the future ...

"Well, you two are going to talk about these things and go aside. You Yue just came back and let her have a good rest." Huang Yingying said.

"Grandma, I'm not tired." Sima Youyue had rested in Wu Lingyu's small world for so long before returning, and now she doesn't feel tired at all.

She looked at Wu Lingyu and said, "Ling Yu, you are very knowledgeable. Look at your father's situation. Is there any way to save it?"

"Okay. Let me check my uncle's health first," Wu Lingyu said.

Sima Liuxuan originally wanted to say that it was unnecessary. His body had been eaten into this state. Where can he recover?

But seeing her earnest eyes, he could not bear to refuse, so he reached out to Wu Lingyu to check him.

Wu Lingyu checked the situation of Sima Liuxuan himself, and heard Sima Youyue's words, and he had a general understanding of his condition.

"How about, do you know any way?" Sima Youyue asked.

"The uncle's meridians are all gone, so I can't practice it now," Wu Lingyu said. "If you want to recover, the only way is to reshape your body."

"Reshape your body?"

"In fact, it is to remake all of his meridian Linghai." Wu Lingyu said.

"Do you have a solution?"

"There are ways, but it takes time to prepare things," Wu Lingyu said.

"Hard to find?" Sima Youyue asked.

"One is hard to find, the other is not sure if it is available now."

"what do you need?"

"It takes two flavors of magic medicine, and a little essence of Tsing Yi and Xiao Qi. The remaining herbs are auxiliary."

"Two flavors ?!" Sima Xiu both whispered.

Blind miracle medicine is priceless, let alone two miracle medicines.

"Tsing Yi and Xiao Qi, if you ask them for help, it should be fine. Now look at those magic drugs." Sima Youyue was surprised for a short time, and soon recovered, and said, "What are the two flavor drugs? "

"One was the one I mentioned to you, Phoenix Nirvana." Wu Lingyu said, "The other is reborn in the bath of the hermit."

"Phoenix nirvana and rebirth?"

Sima Youyue remembered that when Wu Lingyu gave himself a trace of God, he did mention the potion of Shengjun Pavilion-Phoenix Nirvana.

But it was the first time she had heard of another rebirth.

"When I went to Shengjun Pavilion last time, Phoenix Nirvana had grown buds, I don't know if it is blooming now. If not, then we have to wait." Wu Lingyu directly said the whereabouts of Shengjun Pavilion's magic medicine.

"Who's in that fire?" Sima Youyue asked.

"The news that year was received by one of the hermits, but the incidents of hermits were rarely transmitted outside, so the world does not know where it is. But this investigation can also be found out, but it is Fei Xiansi. However, the hermits are too strong, even if they find the whereabouts of the magic drug, it is not easy to get them. "

The strength of the hermit is strong, which can be seen from the retreat of the mysterious forces when the Yunhai City Xuanqiu family shot.

If you want to get the magic potion from the hermit, the difficulty is imaginable.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will definitely get it!" Sima Youyue said, "Ling Yu, Phoenix Nirvana wants you to take a look."

"I haven't gone back for decades. I don't know if it is blooming now. When you return to the inner circle, I will go back and take a look." Wu Lingyu said.

"Things are almost done here. When they all come back, we will pass after they resign." Sima Youyue said.

"Okay." Sima Xiuqi they wanted to take a look at the family. For so many years, they hadn't returned to find him.

I don't know what it would be like to go back.

"Okay, then wait for them to come back."

A few days later, Simon Feng and Liang Wuming returned one after another. After they all returned, Sima Youyue went to them and told them what they were leaving.

Everyone was silent after listening. Although she knew what she was going to leave for a long time, she didn't expect it to be so fast. This had just wiped out the patriarch and Yinyang Palace, and she was about to go to the inner circle.

"Don't you pull your faces one by one, I'm not going away and not coming back." Sima Youyue laughed.

"Well, I also believe you will come back. But you don't know when you will return when you leave." Xiao Jingzhong said with a face.

"Actually, we can develop forces into the inner wall." Lifetime said, "On the one hand, the inner wall resources are much better, on the other hand, if you have anything to do in the inner wall, we can help you."

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