Everyone will have a room card when they board the boat. Hold the card and swipe the door to open the door.

Because some people take the space boat for too long, they will choose to practice on the boat. If the door of the room is easily opened, they will be disturbed.

Sima Youyue listened to Huang Yingying's explanation, and was surprised. The design of this space ship was really powerful, and she didn't know who invented it.

"Does this space ship cost a lot? In this case, the price is not expensive. However, this ship is not long and how many people can it accommodate?"

She remembered that the ship was longer than the previous Titanic. At that time, the family was not a single person, but it also accommodated more than a thousand people. Now this one person, one room, the number should be less than half.

"You guessed it wrong," Huang Yingying laughed. "This medium-sized spaceship can hold eight thousand to ten thousand people."

"So much?" Sima Youyue whispered in surprise, then responded, "Is the space container used in the room?"

"Yes. Although there is a door next to the door, there is a separate space inside. Therefore, there are more rooms after all. And, according to the distance, the charges are different. Our distance is not too far, so Five thousand, if it is far away, it may be 30,000 to 40 thousand or even more expensive. "

This is top quality spar! Not Chinese cabbage on the street!

"Really rich!" She muttered.

"Occasionally once is okay. No one will sit all day and be fine."

Sima Youyue thinks about it too, this kind of occasional thing is more expensive and acceptable. Moreover, the cost of this space ship is not low, and the consumption is not low every time. The so-called wool comes out of sheep, and these must also be paid by passengers.

"The owner of this spaceship must be rich." She sighed sighing.

"If you like it, I can send you a boat." Wu Zhong didn't know where it came from, scaring someone who was sighing.

Sima Youyue looked at the demon's evil face in her heart, and she said that her strength was unknown.

Her perception is much higher than others, so even if she is stronger than herself, she can perceive it in advance. But every time she appeared in the room, she was silent. If she wanted to attack her, I might not be able to hide it.

She bit her lip, and she was here just like a drop in the ocean.

It seems that she needs to improve her strength as soon as possible.

"What are you thinking? How good is the suggestion I gave?" She saw that she was deliberately looking at herself, and stretched out her hand before her eyes.

"Not good." Sima Youyue gave him a white look. "Although this spaceship is going to stay in Orange City, this ownership does not belong to you? What qualifications do you have for me? Besides, if I like it, I will do it myself Build one out, where you need to send it! "


There was a sneer, followed by a taunt.

"Really unsophisticated hunk, do you think you can build this spaceship if you want to build it? Without your mind, don't come out and shame yourself!"

Sima Youyue turned her head and saw a pink skirt woman standing not far away. She had a standard goose egg face with extremely delicate facial features. Her two strands of hair dangled on both sides, and she was very charming and rugged. crime.

However, it was such a beautiful woman with a disdain on her face, saying such bitter words.

She shook her head slightly, and she was so blinded!

She ignored the woman, but the people next to her didn't intend to let her go, saying, "Miss Yang, don't you know? Those frogs at the bottom of the well always say something nonsense, this is not possible if you want to build a space ship. Now. "

"But this is not completely useless," said another woman.

"Oh? Yao Yao, what's the use of this big talk?"

"Isn't it just that we laughed?" Li Yao laughed. "We usually can't hear that. If it weren't for her, where would we be today?"

Li Yao laughed, covering her mouth, looking pretty, as if she really heard something funny.

"Huh." Yang Xi, a beautiful woman, snorted coldly, in agreement with them.

Sima Youyue looked at Yang Xi, but her eyes did not fall on herself, but passed over herself and fell on the back of the magpie, obsessed.

Sima Youyue turned her head to look at her, believing that this insult was caused.

"Do you know?" She asked.

"I don't know." Huang Zhong shook his head very simply.

These Yingying Yanyan, he did see a lot, but who this person is sacred, I really do not know!

After hearing this, Yang Xi's face turned dark instantly.

He introduced himself solemnly to him, but he didn't have any impression?

It is said that the owner of this Orange City is chic and casual, but has no interest in women. He passed here by himself, staying curious for a while, and made excuses to meet him.

At that time, he was also interested in looking at his own eyes, and now he doesn't even know himself!

If he did this to all women, then he could figure it out, but she saw him smile so brightly at a spacecraft, and she said the words to send this woman to the spacecraft!

Most people say this, and it will definitely be a joke, but she Yang Xi knows that he has this ability, because someone in the family once mentioned a few words, although he does not know his identity, it is definitely not easy.

She looked at the woman again, thinking that she was not as good as herself, she was not as good as herself, she was not as good as herself, and she was definitely not as good as herself.

Such a woman who is inferior to herself is actually smiling at her?

She was resentful in her heart, so when she heard Sima Youyue say that she would build a ship, she would be sarcastic.

"Master Lord, why don't you remember us? We only saw it a few days ago," said the woman who first agreed.

"Really?" Huang Zhong pretended to recall it, and then said seriously: "The owner of this city really doesn't remember the three of you, where did you come from? Is it because of my unparalleled beauty? If that's the case, I don't really remember, because there are too many women like that. "

This ... It's really merciless!

Sima Youyue twitched her mouth. Although she didn't say this to herself, she was so ruthless. She all felt egg pain for the three women who were opposite.

People with eyesight can see that they are interesting to him, and they are so ridiculed by their beloved ones, that feeling, knowing with their toes, these three people must be sour now to the family!

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