Soon, the news was found.

"Miss, the reason why the competition will be held here in Ye County this time is because the He family brought out a thousand years of moon fruit." The guard said.

"A thousand years of Xuanyue fruit!" Li Yao whispered.

As alchemists, they naturally know the role of Xuanyueguo and want to refining more than ten kinds of elixir. This Xuanyueguo can increase the probability of becoming Dan. Moreover, this is also an indispensable medicinal material for many elixir.

They also know that black moon fruit is not easy to mature, and it is often rare for thousands of years.

I am afraid that the world of Xuanyuegu with tens of thousands of years is the only one.

"Miss Yang, I remember you said earlier that you were also looking for the black moon fruit of the year ..." Fang Qi thought of a previous conversation and said.

"No wonder those two people have come out, and there is such a thing, and they want to hide me!" Yang Xi sneered, "This Xuanyue fruit, I want to order!"

"Your alchemy can be above those two, they must not be better than you!" Fang Qi seized the opportunity to make a flatterer.

"During the last match, the two of them were on par with me. After such a long time, I have improved, and they have improved." Yang Xi was not too proud when facing these two people.

Li Yao and Fang Qi think about it too, she has always regarded these two as her opponents.

Who can be her opponent?

"However, I will win them!" Yang Xi said with confidence.

"Then let's go to Ye Jun. But what about Sima Youyue?" Fang Qi asked.

Sima Youyue, thinking of Huang Zhong smiling so happy at her, Yang Xi couldn't hold back the anger in her heart.

However, the other party refused to be with them, or he could be with him on the way.

"Miss Yang, should we send someone to take her ..." Li Yao asked.

Yang Xi shook her head. "He can't kill her with him."

"Master of the city?"


"He was not accompanied by anyone."

"When we look at nobody, it doesn't mean there is no one. He ... is not an ordinary person!" Yang Xi said.

Not ordinary people, this is what the family says.

"Then what do we do now?" Fang Qi.

"I said just now, go to Ye County." Yang Xi said, "If you get Xuanyue Fruit, you will be able to give alchemy to your grandfather. On the day of your birthday, you will surely win his favor. As for Sima Youyue, you will not live too long. . "

The guards on the side did not mean to step down.

"What else?"

"Miss back, the He family has another request," said the guard.

"any request?"

"The one who won the first place had to wake up the house owner's wife to get Xuan Yueguo," the guard answered.

"Mrs. He family?"

"Yes. The property inquired that the wife of the He family had no sleep for five years. It is rumored that the owner of the He family loved his wife as well as his life. In the past five years, he has exhausted all methods and could not wake her up. Come here, so I will bring out the ten thousand years of mystical moon fruit, hoping to find a way to wake up his wife. "

"It's an infatuation." Yang Xi said, "What is this He family?"

"The He family is the strongest in 64 states. Although it is not as good as ours, it is also on the stage."

Put it on the table, that is, you can't offend at will.

They all know that in the latter states, there will be some stronger forces. For various reasons, they did not go to the front, but this does not affect their status in the inner circle.

This is the case with the Yin family in forty-nine states, and the He family in these sixty-four states seems to be the same.

"In which city?" She asked.


"Then let's go to Qucheng." Yang Xi said, "You don't have to follow along with Fang's family to check the Sima family and Sima Youyue."

"Yes, miss."

Yang Xi and others rushed to Qucheng, and Sima Youyue also went to Qucheng.

Originally they were going to return to Sima's house, but Sima Zhiyuan, who was informed of their return, sent them to Qucheng.

Qucheng, they listened a lot during this time, many people were talking about the upcoming Qucheng conference.

Said to be a conference and a competition, because all the women participated in it, many beautiful women would appear. Therefore, there were many people who came to watch.

Therefore, Qucheng is also very lively these days.

Sima Xiuqi said that the He family is the strongest family in 64 states, but it is very low-key. The current owner loves his wife very much. He wants to come out because his wife's coma has made him helpless. . They have also met before, but it is not that much friendship.

Sima Zhiyuan said that letting them go directly to Qucheng, and want to come with the younger generation of the family to participate in the Qucheng conference.

"Since it's a coma with no reason to find out, why not go to the doctor? Is it enough to find those who can make alchemy?" This was a doubt in her heart.

"This lady, you don't know about it now." The second child who poured the tea heard her say, "He has invited all the famous doctors, but he didn't get any useful method, he Mrs. is still lethargic. "

"Nothing doctors can do?"


"Since the doctors can't help it, then these women are professional teachers. What can I do?" Mousse asked.

"I heard that I went to Lord Yinlin. But Lord Yinlin didn't see him directly, but told him that only women can resolve this matter. This is the only meeting."

Only women can solve ...

This is indeed like the style of Silver Pro talking. Sima Youyue laughed secretly.

"Later, I don't know what happened. The conference fell to Qucheng. It seems to be changed temporarily! Guest officer, the tea is ready, use it slowly."

Xiao Er finished talking and left with a teapot.

"Master, Master Yinlin, is that what you said before, directed you to the ghost town?" Mousse asked.


"Then he said, will you meet me there?"

Sima Youyue stunned.

Yin Lin didn't say, but told the child the name of Mousse.

This can be regarded as telling her.

"Why ask this?" She asked.

"I want to see if our encounter is also what he expected!" Mousse said with a smile, "Speaking of which, I want to thank him! If it were not for him, you would not go to the ghost town, I will never meet you. "

Sima Youyue saw the smile of Mousse, but remembered a word that Yin Lin once told her.

Causal loop……

Why did she think of this? Is this cause or effect?

She shook her head and set aside her thoughts.

It felt that she had always remembered something that she wouldn't normally think about recently, and suddenly it seemed like a sign of something that made her heart burst.

After drinking tea, they continued to rush to Qucheng.

At that time, listening to Sima Zhiyuan's voice was more anxious, I don't know if something happened.

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