The real idea was dismantled, and Yang Xi was a little annoyed, especially her voice was so loud that everyone in the tea house knew it.

But the people who watched her said that she hadn't seen Langzhong leave at all, and now she only saw her and didn't see Langzhong.

She wanted to see Langzhong and wanted to miss it, so now she can only ask Sima Youyue.

She held back the anger in her heart and laughed, "The Lord of the City said that he would follow you, but now I haven't seen him, so I'm curious. Has he left?"

"Yes. I haven't seen him for a few days, and I think I left." Sima Youyue said, "However, he always comes without a trace, and I'm not sure if he left. . "

"Don't you know?" Yang Xi was a little happy when she heard she didn't know.

If he really liked her, how could he not tell her where he was. This shows that he didn't like her at all.

"However, I think he will come back." Sima Youyue didn't seem to understand the joy in her eyes and said, "It's been said that he will always follow me. I've been in retreat recently, and now I'm in retreat. He should be back. "

It turned out that she hadn't seen anyone for a few days, but she actually said this?

Yang Xi's face turned black instantly.

"Well, really, you say that he is the grandeur of the Orange City. What do you hang around with me all day?" Sima Youyue sighed, and then said, "You help me with my tricks, I will be stabbed by him Yeah, I'm so sad. "

Yang Xi's hand on his knee suddenly clenched.

Is this **** showing off on purpose?

"We really don't know this," Fang Qi said, "because we never seduce others with shame!"

"Well, this is not a problem of seduce or seduce. My father and mother made me born with natural beauty, so that he could stick to it. It is too beautiful and makes people headache." Sima Youyue sighed.

How dare she seduce? Then call you ugly!

"The Lord of the City is not the kind of superficial person."

Meaning, if it wasn't for you to seduce him, how could he be fascinated by you?

However, Sima Youyue smiled and nodded in agreement: "You're right, he's really not that kind of superficial person. Otherwise, how could he always entangle me! This doesn't mean that I have not only appearance , And connotation! "

In a private room on the third floor, the two women watched the movement below, and when she heard her boasting so much, they twitched.

"He likes such women?" E Qiuyu asked with a smile.

"Where does he know what he likes," Yin Susu said lightly.

"Also, he has always had a low emotional quotient, especially after that incident, and this emotional quotient has turned sharply." E Qiuyu nodded with certainty, "However, this Yang Xi does not know his identity, if she let Langzhong It turned out to be your little uncle, would he vomit blood with anger? "

"She has heard my uncle's name, but she hasn't seen it. Now he changed his name. Where can she recognize it?" Yin Susu said of her uncle and shook her head helplessly.

"He's gone now?"

"No. I don't know where to go," Yin Susu said. "Every time he hides something, he doesn't know where it is now. It will come out when the game is over."

Like last time, it was also hidden. After many years, the family members knew that he had come to Orange City alone.

"What happened this time?" E Qiuyu asked.

Yin Susu shook her head and said nothing.

She turned her attention downstairs and found that Yang Xi did not know when they left.

She stood up suddenly, left the private room, and went downstairs.

E Qiuyu saw Yin Susu anxious, and her heart raised doubts, and she followed.

Sima Youyue was staring at the street scene outside, feeling a lot better when she thought about leaving the three people angry.

Huh, she's in a bad mood right now, and she has to catch up to find the difference.

Surrounded by shadows, she looked up and saw Yin Susu in black and E Qiuyu in a pink skirt.

I don't know the pink skirt, isn't this the black one who was with the **** the boat?

Is it another one to find the difference?

"Is there anything?" She asked.

"Do you know where he is?" Yin Susu asked.

"Yanzhong? Another one looking for him!" She murmured, "but I don't know where he is."

She and Yin Susu had no complaints. Judging from the situation at the time, Langzhong and she were relatively familiar, so she did not behave like before.

"I can't reach him." Yin Susu said.

Sima Youyue blinked, "You can't reach him, then go to him, it's useless to find me."

"I can't contact him, indicating that something went wrong." Yin Susu didn't doubt her talking. "What I want to know is what happened before he left?"

She knew even if he had an accident, it seemed that the relationship was really extraordinary.

"To say what happened, that's what happened to me, and he looked at it. Then he disappeared." Sima Youyue thought for a while and said, "If he was a little strange at that time."

"How strange?"

"He gave me Danfang, an antidote for a hundred days of sleep, and he will be gone when my refined antidote comes out." Sima Youyue shrugged, saying that he really didn't know, don't ask me.

However, Yin Susu cried when she heard her words: "Hundred Days Sleep ?! Are you sure it is a hundred days sleep?"

"What's uncertain about this!" Sima Youyue said, "Can I still take the antidote for a hundred days' sleep to cure other poisons!"

"That's the case, no wonder this guy is hiding again." Yin Susu murmured, feeling a little worried, this time I don't know where he will be.


Has it been hidden before?

Yin Susu looked at Sima Youyue. He is now interested in her. Will she be the only one to contact him?

She said what she thought, Sima Youyue shook her head and said, "He didn't leave a way for me to contact, but I can find him."

"You have a way?"

"The solution is there, but I'm very busy right now and don't have time to find him." Sima Youyue said.

"If you find him, I can pay you."

Sima Youyue smiled, "Deal!"

After a while, the three of them left the tea house and went out of the city.

"Are you sure he left in this direction?" Yin Susu looked at Sima Youyue's little black with uncertainty.

Sima Youyue got paid and was in a good mood. When she heard her, he patted Xiaohei ’s head and said, “Relax, Xiaohei ’s nose is the best. Do n’t say that he has n’t gone far, even if he returns to Orange The city is gone, we can all smell him and find him out! Right, little black? "

Xiao He waved his paw, indicating that this was a piece of cake.

Yin Susu looked at Xiaohe, who had no spiritual power, but he was still a little uncertain, but now he can only choose to believe it.

Then the reward is not low!

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