Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1473: Go on genealogy and get a sense of collectiveness!

Is it really good to give Sima's house to her?

This question was never thought of by them. When they knew her talent and knew her ability, they just thought that the Sima family was finally hopeful.

However, they didn't think about it. Is it really good to give her the Sima family?

With her luck, she will definitely experience a lot of things in the future. She also has a lot of things to do by herself, and handing over her to the Sima family will certainly restrain her footsteps.

"Actually, to help the Sima family rejuvenate, you don't necessarily have to take over it." Sima Youyue also said, "The current owner of the family is the great-grandfather, but in fact he is actually managing the family, isn't it also Shun Zengshu?

Sima Qing looked at her, determined that she really didn't want to, sighed, and said, "How is your temper like your father?"

"I was born to my father." Sima Youyue knew that he said that, he just gave in and smiled.

"Well, don't laugh, this thing isn't settled!" Sima Qing said, "They are here, let's go."

Sima Liuxuan and Sima Zhiyuan stepped up and saluted Sima Qing solemnly.

"Old ancestor."

"It's a shame to make yourself look like this!" Sima Qing looked down at him with a hand, "I will be in the family in the future, don't think about those that are missing."

Sima Liuxuan leaned slightly, without saying yes or denying.

Sima Youyue pouted his lips. This guy, obviously, kept his father safe at home, but his speech was so stinky.

"Let's go." Sima Qing took them into the enchantment, and on top of the mountain that had nothing at all, a majestic shrine was erected.

The gate of this shrine is the same as the gate of Simafu, but it is a smaller version.

Sima Qing came to the ancestral hall, stood in front of the stone lion in front, reached out and held down its left eye, and the ancestral hall door opened automatically.

"go in."

Sima Qing and Sima Zhiyuan took the lead in. Sima Youyue and Sima Liuxuan followed.

The moment she entered the door, Sima Youyue felt a force to stop her, and then she seemed to be glancing at herself.

"Only people with the blood of the Sima family can come in here," Sima Liuxuan explained.

"Isn't that kind of mother like that?" Sima Youyue asked curiously.

"They have another channel to come in. In that channel, as long as you have the breath of the Sima family man." Sima Liuxuan's face was slightly reddish when she said this.

Well, she knew what that breath meant.

They crossed the courtyard and came to the center of the shrine. Before the door was pushed in, the door opened from the inside.

"Homeowner, ancestor, Master Liu Xuan, Miss." An old old man came out of him, saluted them, and turned away.

"This is the guardian of the shrine. The strength is not lower than the owner." Sima Liuxuan did not introduce the person to Sima Youyue, but he could still hear his respect for the old man in a few sentences.

Sima Youyue guessed that the old man's status in the family was not low, otherwise he would not just leave after a ceremony.

They entered the shrine, and the huge shrine was full of tablets. At a glance, it is estimated that there are thousands.

"These tablets are all historically related tablets, and the adjacent ones are not eligible to enter here." Sima Liuxuan said.

"Then where are they?"

"There are several auxiliary temples next to it. Important people in the clan are in that temple."

During Sima Youyue's explanation, Sima Qing lit a few incense sticks, distributed them to the crowd, and then took them to incense the ancestors of all ages.

Sima Youyue is the youngest, and naturally is the last one. When she inserted the incense into the incense case, there was a sudden feeling of dying.

At the moment when her incense was inserted into the incense case, she seemed to flash countless fragments in front of her eyes, as if to see the prosperity and decline of a family. At this moment, she had a feeling that she was a member of this family, and her blood seemed to be surging.

Waiting for the good fragrance, Sima Qing took them to the ear chamber beside.

The ear chamber is not small here, but it is much smaller than the shrine.

Sima Qing took a brocade box from the wall, opened it, and put many rolls of brocade. He took out the largest brocade and poured his spiritual power into the air.

Jin Ye flashed golden light, slowly opened, probably the area of ​​a wall, full of names on it.

Sima Qing clicked on one of the places. The words in that area were enlarged. Sima Youyue saw a lot of familiar names on it, such as Sima Zhiyuan, Sima Heshun, Sima Liuxuan, Sima Liufeng, Sima Liuyun, and Sima Yifei. and many more.

There is a blank space next to Sima Liufeng. Sima Youyue guessed that it was the position of his father.

Sure enough, I saw Sima Qing let Sima Liuxuan bleed blood, took out a wolf from the box, stained his blood, and wrote his name in the blank space. Then he pulled out a thread and wrote his wife Yu Keluo on it, and then he pulled a thread between him and Yu Keluo, and wrote: Female Sima Youyue.

After that, Sima Youyue squeezed a drop of blood and dropped it on his own name.

Sima Youyue watched her blood melt into Jinyu, and she said she really returned to the family this time.

She is also a family member!

This is different from the home that Sima Lie gave her. At that time, there were few people and the relationship was simple. Everyone had endless love for her. The family has a long tradition, has many side branches, and has a more united force.

Sima Liuxuan watched his name appear on the genealogy again, and his mood was a little ups and downs.

Things are, people are not.

Just when Sima Youyue thought things were over, a gentle force emanated from the genealogy, enveloping Sima Youyue in the middle.

"This is ..." All three present were surprised.

"Family heritage!" Sima Qing murmured. "For many years, the genealogy has released the power of inheritance!"

Family heritage?

Sima Zhiyuan and Sima Liuxuan knew that there was a heritage, but they were the first time they saw it. At this time, they can use shock to describe their feelings.

Sima Qing sighed. If Sima Youyue had genealogy, this scene would have appeared decades ago.

If you knew this early, where would they let her leave the family, even if there was pressure, I'm afraid she would stay and cultivate her.

Get the soft light quickly spread out, through the wall, diffuse from the ancestral hall.

"this is……"

The people in the family are surrounded by that power. The gentle power makes them feel comfortable, and there seems to be something sprouting in their minds.

"Enlightenment!" Sima He whispered and said to the people around him, "Enlightenment in place."

As soon as they heard that, they all sat on their knees, sitting cross-legged, to catch the sprout that appeared in their heads.

More and more people closed their eyes and realized that at this moment, the entire Sima family seems to be still, and something is changing silently.

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