Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1485: Surrounded by spirit beasts

Si Yue's eyes widened, "You know she's going to kill you, do you still agree?"

"At that time, who will die and who will not live!" Sima Youyue shrugged indifferently, and continued to move forward.

Si Yue chased after him, suddenly realized, and said, "So you want to!"

"It's not me, but they." Sima Youyue grinned. "If they don't move, I don't move. They move, and I'm not meat on the chopping board!"

"Che, I think you just want to deal with them." Si Yue said affirmatively, "Look at your little eyes."

Sima Youyue smiled and didn't speak.

To say that they didn't have any deep hatred before, but those people always looked at themselves with murderous intentions. As long as they are temperamental people, they don't like others to try to kill themselves like this.

Moreover, those men who dare to slap her man are really tired!

"Take me, too. I'll protect you," Si Yue said.

"You go, sure you didn't mess with me?"

"How come! Do you look at me like a troublemaker?"



The next day, Si Yue still followed, while Wu Lingyu came to him temporarily because of someone from Shengjun Pavilion.

Before leaving, he said to her, "Do what you want, nothing will happen."

"what have you done?"

"It's nothing, just let it go with you."

"It?" Sima Youyue froze for a moment, then reacted to what he said, "Can you?"

"What's wrong, it likes you too." Wu Lingyu said, "I don't know what it looks like now. I can rest assured that it is there."

"Well, okay." Sima Youyue didn't refuse, and the first time he went in, it would always be safer to follow it.

Wu Lingyu left, and she and Si Yue stuck up to find Yang Xi and they saw them halfway.

"You are finally here, but we have been waiting for you for a while." Li Yao said with a smile.

"Get up late. How long have you been waiting?" Sima Youyue casually found a reason.

Getting up late?

The three twitched their lips. Do you find a reason and a decent one? Will there be such a thing as a spiritual master?

They held the fire in their hearts and said with a smile, "It's not long. Just two of you? Isn't His Royal Highness with you?"

"He, something, went back to Shengjun Pavilion." Sima Youyue said.

Li Yao couldn't say whether it was disappointment or ecstasy. I thought I could see him today, but he left.

Happily, if he is away, there is no risk of being discovered by him.

"Since it's all here, let's go." Yang Xi said.

"Aren't you bringing a guard?" Sima Youyue looked at them and asked.

"No. We just go to the edge, there is nothing to do, naturally we don't need to bring a guard." Yang Xi glanced at her, meaning, look, all said it was dangerous, I did not lie to you.

"Then do they know that we have entered the desert?" Si Yue asked.

"I don't know." How could this let many people know about the killing.

In particular, you can't let Yin Yan know!

Si Yue's eyes rolled around and he asked, "In case we are in danger, wouldn't no one come to save us?"

"Yes." Yang Xi nodded. "But we are all gone, what danger is there? Naturally we will not make fun of our lives."

"Well, I believe this." Si Yue nodded, their strength is higher than You Yue, if they really encounter something, they must escape faster.

"Let's go." Sima Youyue urged.

These fake ladies, she really didn't want to be with them.

"Yes, don't leave again, it's getting late. When we get into the desert, we can't even tell the direction." Si Yue also urged.

"We asked a few things before, and we still know a little bit about it. Come with us." Yang Xi said, without flying beasts, he headed directly to the desert.

Sima Youyue sneered at the corners of his mouth. If the distance is short, there is no use of spiritual power, but if the distance is long and spiritual power is used, the consumption cannot be ignored. When the time comes, what kind of danger is really encountered, I am afraid that the spiritual power is almost exhausted.

They think she has the lowest strength and the least spiritual power. It is a pity that her tower pool is much larger than others' spiritual power pools. This consumes her not to be taken into account.

It was said to be on the edge of the desert, but they flew with spiritual power for nearly a day, and found an oasis to rest until late at night.

While setting up a tent, Si Yue came to Sima Youyue's ear and said, "Yueyue, have you noticed that we have been flying along the edge of the desert and never entered the desert at all?"

"The situation in the desert is uncertain now, they dare not." Sima Youyue said.

"Then when are they going to do it?"

"They don't have much patience. I guess it's just tonight." Sima Youyue said.

"Then let's be awake."


Set up the tent, Yang Xi, they came over and talked to them about today's feelings, and then let them rest early, indicating that they have to hurry up in the morning.

At midnight, Si Yue suddenly ran in from the outside and said, "You Yue, those three women are gone! And, we are surrounded by spirit beasts!"

Sima Youyue sat up from the bed and said, "Don't worry."

"Don't worry?" Si Yue cried, "Do you know how many spirit beasts there are outside?"

"No more than a thousand, it's fine."

Si Yue watched Sima Youyue so calm, and twitched.

Is there only one thousand?

"Relax, those spirit beasts can't get in." Sima Youyue said calmly.

"Are you so sure?"

"Don't believe me? Come with me." Sima Youyue put on her shoes and took her outside the tent.

When Si Yue went out and saw those spirit beasts rushing towards them, when they were about to set foot on the oasis, blue ripples flashed on the oasis.

"Is this enchantment?"


"This enchantment can block the attacks of so many beasts?" Si Yue was not confident.

"They will not attack." Sima Youyue said.


"Just look at it."

Si Yuejiang looked at the spirit beasts suspiciously, thinking what to do if they attacked. But I didn't expect that those spirit beasts were really like she said, just turning around outside the enchantment and leaving.

One or two are like this, she is not surprised, but nearly a thousand are all like this, she has been surprised to close her mouth.

"What's going on here?" She grabbed Sima Youyue excitedly.

"These beasts will come because those people scattered things that attracted them on their oasis. They dare not come in, naturally they have a breath that makes them even more afraid." Sima Youyue said.

"Afraid of fear? Is it in the enchantment? I remember, your brother's enchantment is blue, is he here too?"

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