Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1492: Her strength has been despised again

In the early morning of the next day, when the Xuanqiu family saw Sima Youyue coming out of the Xuanqiu crane tent, they looked strange.

The master of his family is inconvenient, but don't be fooled by her.

Later, when we saw Xuan Qiuhe coming out with his personal guards, everyone closed their strange eyes.

Even if she wanted to do anything, the guards would not agree.

"Master?" Everyone looked at him with concern.

"Get ready to go." Xuan Qiuhe didn't plan to say anything about last night's affairs, and ordered this time.


Xuan Qiu, one of the elders of Xuan Qiu's family, is responsible for the safety of Xuan Qiu Crane as well as one of the chores along the way.

"Go and pack up the tent." Xuan Qiuzhi ordered several guards.

"Elder, Master ...."

"It's up to you, what can you ask me about the young master? Pack up quickly!" Xuan Qiu patted the guard's head and yelled.

"Elder, aren't you curious?"

"What are you curious about?" Xuan Qiu glanced at the man. "If you don't go, throw all of you in the desert."

The people were frightened and started to demolish the tent.

Sima Youyue heard the movement here and drew a corner. The guards of Xuanqiu's house are too out of mind, right?

Strengthen their young master?

Leaving them alone, Wu Lingyu was the first to hack her!

She just made an excuse to say that he had checked his body last time, that she had thought about treating him, and now let ’s see how he is doing.

Xuan Qiuhe asked her to examine her body, and the guards around her immediately asked her results.

"I still have to go back and study it." Sima Youyue didn't say it, and gave them Tai Chi.

If he is now sure, but he cannot be cured, isn't that giving people hope for nothing?

Xuan Qiuhe still had that smile on his face, "Don't worry."

Sima Youyue looked at his resolute look, but he was actually a little lost in his heart. Because there is no hope, I don't care about the final result.

Seeing his unfocused eyes, she was more determined to cure him.

Wu Lingyu naturally noticed the situation over there, but he didn't say anything this time. In the business, he was able to distinguish clearly.

The guards quickly packed up the tent, and they called out the spirit beast to move on. No matter how long they want to fly, they must stop to find an oasis.

Sima Youyue forgets that they have been driving in this desert for almost half a year. The Xuanqiu family has budgeted for these, so there has been no water outage.

She guessed that they must have something like the small world to ensure constant water flow for so long.

Finally, when she felt that she had gone wrong, they came to a huge oasis.

Sima Youyue looked at this remote oasis and saw that there were many towering trees on it, and once thought that she had left the desert and entered the forest.

Xuan Qiuhe said that this is indeed an oasis, but because it is very large and people know it, they will think that they have left the desert.

"This road is really surprisingly smooth." Sima Youyue sighed into the forest.

"If we don't have them, we really need to take a moment to get here," Wu Lingyu said. "This will save time and effort!"

Sima Youyue looked at this guy, and he would definitely be able to come here with him, but he would only encounter more trouble.

"Master, there are traces of someone walking in front of me." The guard looking ahead ran back and said.

"Check it out." Although Xuan Qiuhe was sitting in a wheelchair, he was not slow, and soon came to the place where he had camped.

"Master, is it Donglai's house?" Xuan Qiu asked.

Xuan Qiuhe smelled what he left behind and shook his head. "No, it's Du Nan's house."

"Has Du Nan's home arrived?"

"I heard that Du Nanhao was leading the team this time, and he wouldn't be slow to come." Xuan Qiuhe said.

"The Dunan family is also a hidden family?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Yes. And this Dunan family is a little bit more powerful than the Xuanqiu family." Xuan Qiuhe replied.

"Is Du Nanhao also your generation?"

"Yes, it is not much bigger than me, but the power is much higher." Xuan Qiuhe said, "Like Donglai Li, he is also a strong enemy."

"It seems that this generation is led by your generation!" Sima Youyue didn't know how many hidden people would meet, but she believed that no force was expected to fall.

Although Xuan Qiuhe said that they were powerful, there was nothing to worry about. It also seems to have his own confidence.

Just smell it at him and you can guess who's passing by. No one can do that, right? At least she couldn't do it.

"You Yue, entering from here may encounter a lot of dangers, you better not leave his side." Xuan Qiuhe urged.

Sima Youyue nodded, and it was not easy to come here safely. Now, there is definitely more danger here.

Wu Lingyu held her hand.

They continued to move forward, someone had passed before, and they did not need to open the way.

When they walked down a vine-covered path, she suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

"There is danger here," said Sima Youyue.

"What's dangerous here?"

The Xuanqiu family sniffed and said, "I didn't smell bloody."

Not long ago, the talents of Du Nan's family walked through from here. There was no **** smell, indicating that they had not encountered an attack here. There were no traces of fighting around.

"No, it has a **** smell, but it has been diluted by the smell of vegetation." Sima Youyue said, "These vines should be alive, everyone ..."

Before she could finish speaking, a lot of vines popped up all around and attacked everyone.

The vines are thick and hard, and Sima Youyue's sharp edge cuts them constantly.

"These are the old monsters." Wu Lingyu held her in one hand and kept flying out of her spiritual power, like a small knife, cutting all the vines around them.

With his protection, Sima Youyue barely needs to do anything. Well, in fact, she is useless, it is estimated that calling out the little bird to be useful.

She observes that the vines here are not as stout as before, but they can only spread out within a certain distance and cannot reach here.

Is there any regional planning? !! She couldn't help sighing.

If they went inside, they would definitely encounter stronger vines, and it would not be so easy to come out again.

However, on these vines, she saw the arms of people who had not digested.

Fortunately, they didn't go inside ...

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