Sima Youyue observes this tree, and finds its breath a bit strange, presumably because it has the breath of the ancient spirit beast.

"This tree, is it degraded, or has it evolved?" Wu Lingyu looked at the tree and said to himself.

"It's really hard to say." Sima Youyue also understood that if it was degraded, it has an ancient flavor compared to other similar ones. But if it is said to have progressed, with the ancient atmosphere, it may not be able to grow better. "

"It doesn't matter if it has evolved or degraded. When I met me, it was unlucky!"

"It's really bad luck," Wu Lingyu said. "However, although it is afraid of you and will allow you to break its branches, it will still fight back if you go to pick its roots."

The step that Huahua was going to take was closed again.

"Hey, Brother Ling Yu, you are so good, you go." She smiled charmingly.

"Come on. Maybe we are going to start soon." Sima Youyue said.

Wu Lingyu walked over, the tree felt dangerous, and immediately began to resist, but after Wu Lingyu sacrificed a black flame, it completely retracted.

It was the first time Sima Youyue saw the flames of Wu Lingyu. Although it didn't look as brash as Xiaoqueque, it was equally frightening.

Wu Lingyu quickly uprooted the tree, with one hand on his shoulder.

Huahua was excited to jump up, but her enthusiasm was put out by Wu Lingyu.

"This is not the same as what you ate before. With your current strength, you can't eat more. Just eat one a day." Wu Lingyu handed the tree to Sima Youyue and did not give it directly to her.

You can only eat one a day! Huahua went on, but immediately wanted to open, better than nothing.

Sima Youyue closed the tree and threw the branch in her hand to Huahua.

"Let's go back."

Dong Laili and Xuan Qiuhe talked to each other in the place of rest. They saw that time was almost there and said, "Everyone is almost rested. Let's go."

"Take a break," Xuan Qiuhe said.

"If you don't leave, it will be dark." Dong Laili did not know why he was not in a hurry.

"It's good to stay here overnight when it's dark. It's also familiar to stay here for so long. It should be safe to stay overnight." Xuan Qiuhe laughed.

is it?

Dong Laili looked at him with some doubts, which did not conform to his previous style!

She looked around and found that Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu were not there, were they waiting for them?

"Okay, then you take me next time."

"no problem."

"That's the answer."

Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu walked over there jokingly, Huahua followed, holding a tree branch and chewing. It didn't seem so easy.

Xuan Qiuhe heard their voices, and turned with Dong Laili in that direction.

"You Yue, you are back."

Sima Youyue watched everyone stand up, chuckled, and said, "Are you ready to leave? Sorry, we encountered something over there and came back late."

"It's okay, it's just coming back," Xuan Qiuhe said, "I'm about to notify you!"

"Now that people are back, let's set off." Dong Lai Li took away the discomfort in her heart.

Sima Youyue went on the road again, Donglai Li and Xuan Qiuhe walked in front, Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu walked behind. It can be seen that the relationship between the two is really good.

"Girl Youyue, what did you just do?" Dong Laili turned and asked.

"I just turned around." Sima Youyue said, after thinking about it, she decided to tell them what they had just discovered. "One thing, I think I should tell you."

"what's up?"

"When we went out just now, we found the breath of ancient spirit beasts." Sima Youyue said, "So, we suspect that there should be some ancient spirit beasts in this Taigu mining area, and that they have escaped.


Everyone cried.

Even the smile on Xuan Qiuhe's face disappeared.

"You Yue, are you sure?"

Sima Youyue turned and reached out, "Huahua, borrow me."

"Ah? Oh." Huahua handed the branch in her hand to Sima Youyue.

Sima Youyue took it, put it in Xuanqiuhe's hand, "Look at this."

Xuan Qiuhe sniffed with a tree branch and said, "It really has a long history."

"Let me see." Dong Laili took the tree branch and studied it carefully, saying, "Yes, this should be the breath of the ancient spirit beast. How could this spirit beast's breath be on this branch?"

"It should be something that happened to be left by this tree after coming out." Xuan Qiuhe speculated. He thought the same as Wu Lingyu thought.

"No wonder you will stay that long before you come back." Dong Laili didn't care about them delaying everyone's time, this discovery is extremely important, they are even excited.

If there is one, there may be others. If you can find one, even one will have a great effect on the family.

Of course, this can also be a serious problem. If there are many spirit beasts coming out, this trip will be quite dangerous.

However, that's an ancient spirit beast! Just thinking about it will be exciting!

Wu Lingyu looked at her hot eyes, looked at the excitement of other people, and thought about the short-term surprise and surprise of Sima Youyue after she knew it. This is the difference between her and these people.

"Now that we know this, we will have to be more careful about our later trips." Xuan Qiuhe was not dazzled by the news, he exhorted.

"Yes, Master." Everyone in Xuanqiu's family answered.

"Yes, the road behind is still dangerous, we should not take it lightly." Dong Lai Li also restored peace, but his eyes were more eager than before.

They continued to move forward, and there was no attack in the forest. A few days later they walked out of the forest and into a grassland.

"The environment here is really weird. It's obviously in the desert, but it can form a forest around the oasis, but here it has become a grassland." Someone expressed his doubts.

"That forest was not formed by rainfall. It was an underground river." Xuan Qiuhe said, "The river is only in that area, so the forest is only outside."

"There is a dark river under the desert? How is this possible ?!"

"You haven't seen it underground. How can you determine whether it is or not?" Dong Laili said. "Everywhere is thirty-two continents, weird. It is impossible to have this."

"Also." Xuanqiu answered. What's impossible on thirty-two continents?


Suddenly, a baby-like cry came, and then a group of people fled from the depths of the grassland in this direction. They saw Youyue and others and ran towards them immediately.

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