Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1498: The dead body was found!

Later, Sima Youyue and his team will encounter some spirit beasts from time to time. The spirit beasts here are much more powerful than the outside. Even they may sometimes be chased by the spirit beasts and run across the grassland.

It seems that Xuanqiu family's research on this desert is beyond this oasis.

In addition to spirit beasts, more and more people have arrived. It seems that after the first force came up with a solution, others followed suit.

However, there are many people coming and many people dying, and often they see broken bodies on the road.

"We have been walking on the prairie for two months, and we haven't found the mining area yet." Huahua chewed the branches and sighed.

After eating so many branches in these two months, the smell of Huahua's body is changing day by day, which is very different from two months ago.

"It should be fast." Sima Youyue looked at the mountains ahead.

Generally the mining area is in the mountains, so it should be coming soon. Just looking so close, I don't know how long it will take.


There was a sharp call in front, and Sima Youyue felt the weirdness in front.

"Dead!" She said, and hurried to the other side.

Others quickly followed.

Sima Youyue ran across several mountain streamers, and sure enough, she saw a group of people wearing black capes, and several people were carrying a body in their hands.

Seeing Sima Youyue, the group of black men turned around and flew away within a few moments.

Dong Laili and others watched the people in black disappear into their eyes and frowned. "These people feel strange."

"Of course weird," Sima Youyue said, hurriedly running over, examining the corpses left on the ground.


Donglaili ran over and saw the corpses, a very uncomfortable feeling rose in their hearts.

"You said just now, of course it's weird, what do you mean?" Shuier came to the back of Sima Youyue and saw her go through the corpses, with a strong disgust in her eyes.

"Literally." Sima Youyue felt her disdain and didn't like her.

People in Donglai's family were dissatisfied with her response. A small foreign woman, so low in status and strength, dare to talk to them like this!

"Yuyue, is there anything on these corpses?" Xuan Qiuhe asked out loud, leaving the questions behind the Donglai family's body dead in his stomach.

Sima Youyue thought about this corpse and told Xuanqiu He that it was too cold and elegant, so she stood up, washed her hands with the condensed water and washed her hands, and roasted them with small chicks. These are just a matter of ten seconds.

"The people who just wore black capes were dead bodies. They used dead gas, and these bodies were also stained with it, so you will feel that it would be uncomfortable to look at them." She explained to Xuan Qiuhe.

"Dead body? How is that possible? Don't talk nonsense!" Shuier cried.

Sima Youyue glanced at her and said, "If you don't believe it, you can go and see for yourself! I think it's mad, should you recognize it?"

"I ..." Shui Er was so stuffed that she went over the bodies? She doesn't want it!

There was an ironic smile in Sima Youyue's mouth.

"You go and see." Shuier called a maidservant.

"I ..." The maidservant was also reluctant, but he did not dare not listen, held back the nausea, and leaned over to move the body.

"If you don't have the full confidence to get rid of the dead energy on your body, it's best not to touch these corpses." Sima Youyue's voice murmured loudly, and the frightened man's hand quickly retracted.

"You believe what she said!" Shuier saw that his person was actually scared by Sima Youyue, and yelled.

"Sister Shuier, I ..."

"Check it out, don't you want the lady to know the truth?" Shuier asked.

"I didn't mean that!" She wanted to ask what Sima Youyue said, but Shuier was obviously not happy to do it herself.

She was timid at first, but now she dare not refute, but did not want to get the corpse. The corpse gave her a very dangerous feeling.

"Come on," said an older-looking niece beside her, leaning over to inspect the bodies.

Shuier glanced at Sima Youyue unhappyly, nothing happened! Dare to scare the people of Donglai family, very good, very good!


The woman suddenly screamed in pain, her body receding, and she saw her red and swollen hands.

"Ah-it hurts!" The woman choked her wrist with the other hand to keep the trend from spreading.

"What's the matter with you ?!" Donglai's maids all gathered around, and when she saw her hands, they pulled back in fright.

However, in just a few breaths, her fingers had become red and swollen, and someone accidentally pricked them. There was a thick water flowing out, and a foul smell came out.

"What's going on?" Dong Lai Li came over and asked.

The people she brought out were all elites in the maid, and she was anxious to see her tortured.

"Quickly resist with fire!" Xuan Qiuhe said.

Fortunately, the maidservant was a fire spirit master. When she heard Xuan Qiuhe's words, she quickly condensed her spiritual power and isolated the entire forearm. Since then, the redness has not continued to spread.

"What's wrong?" Shuier looked at the terrible hand, suddenly turned and looked at Sima Youyue, and said, "Are you a ghost? You poisoned the body, did you deliberately rectify us?"

"Ye--" Sima Youyue chuckled and said, "Girl Shui'er, you have to choose a good time for wrongdoing! I and she checked are not the same dead body, how can you poison you? Besides, I I have reminded you that you haven't listened to yourself, and come to me now, it doesn't make sense. "

Everyone noticed that Sima Youyue was examining her body, and the maidservant was examining her body several tens of meters away from Sima Youyue. If you say you are poisoning in front of so many people, you have concealed everyone. Sons and daughters, this is also very unlikely.

"Miss Youyue, what the **** is going on here? Why did you touch the corpse but my niece was injured?" Although Dong Laili's words were not as straightforward as those of Shuier, they were still questioned inside.

"Li, this isn't about Youyue." Xuan Qiuhe didn't like her questioning Sima Youyue like that and defending it.

"I didn't say that this was done by Youyue Girl. I just asked her what was going on." Dong Laili was unhappy that he maintained Sima Youyue, and his face was even heavier.

"Actually, this is nothing." Sima Youyue said, "I said, these people have death gas on them, and they still have corrosive death gas. Your niece is not as good as my body, and of course it can't resist it. It just eroded the fingers. "

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