An Lei looked at Sima Youyue and looked humiliated.

In the eyes of others, that's how I came from the hermit. How can you be your maid?

She and Sima Youyue are facing each other and one is facing away from everyone, so you can only see her expression, and you cannot see Sima Youyue.

"Sima Youyue, don't go too far. Why can't she go out from the hermit, how can you be your maid?" Shuier called.

Doesn't this make her look like her own lady?

That's too missy!

Sima Youyue looked back at Shuier and said, "According to you, are you going to help her pay back the 700,000 top grade crystals?"

"How is that possible ?!" Not to mention that she doesn't have so many spar, even if she does, she won't pay back for An Lei!

"Since you don't pay back, who would you help her pay back?" Sima Youyue looked around, and everyone in Donglai's family would take a step back.

They were just nieces and guards. Where did they get so much spare money to help a man who betrayed the Donglai family?

Yes, although An Lei left under such circumstances, in her eyes, she is still a traitor.

Sima Youyue shrugged. "Since you don't help her pay back, I can't help it. You can't make me suffer, right? You're right, Miss Donglai?"

Her meaning is very clear. You said it well before, but now you come back. I haven't asked you for money. If you stop me from accepting a maid, then you will compensate me for my loss?

"Since she is now free, my Donglai family can't control her." The Donglai family stated.

Anyway, this An Lei and Sima Youyue did not intend to let go.

Although Xuan Qiuhe said that it was Sima Youyue who saved them at that time, she didn't think so, and still felt that Xuan Qiuhe saved her.

Therefore, she never regarded Sima Youyue as a life-saving benefactor.

Love rival? Mingmingxuan Qiuhe did not express his love for Sima Youyue. There is also a Wu Lingyu beside Sima Youyue. Why does she think she is annoying?

"Have you heard that, your lady has no opinion." Sima Youyue finished, looked back at An Lei, and said, "How about, do you think about it? Do you want to repay or repay? I think Don't the people from Donglai's home education deny it ?! "

The crowd twitched. Where did she give people a choice? Obviously only gave others a way!

Her last sentence was very important. If she refused, Donglai's family education was not good.

"I promise you! Miss." An Lei lowered her head, as if she did all this to maintain the reputation of the Donglai family.

"Let's see you!" Shuier snorted coldly. In this case, he also knew to maintain the image of the family.

But she didn't think about it, she just got rid of Donglai's house and became the niece of others, so she also hit Donglai's face in the same way.

"Since it's my niece, then you have to be branded by me." Sima Youyue finished, and put a ray of divine knowledge into An Lei's body. Once she was going to betray herself, this would kill her!

This was still the inspiration she got from Donglai Li. If Donglaili had just taken back the brand of Donglai's family, she wouldn't have thought of this, and she could only swear by An Lei.

"That's fine." She retracted her hand and said with a smile, "However, I just don't know if you are worth 700,000 top grade spar."

An Lei was silent, did not answer her words, bowed her head, no one knew what she was thinking.

"Yuyue, now that you have handled your business, can you take a look at these corpses?" Xuan Qiuhe hasn't urged her except for a few words that just helped.

"Wait a minute, I'll bandage her hands first." Sima Youyue said, took out the ointment, reapplied An Lei, and then hugged it with a bandage.

An Lei found that after applying the medicine this time, her hands became a lot more comfortable, and she looked at Sima Youyue with some doubt.

Sima Youyue smiled, "My own person, of course, it is better to use it. You rest here, I'll look over there."

An Lei found that Sima Youyue's smile had a healing power, and she nodded unconsciously.

Sima Youyue took Wu Lingyu to the side of the corpse and examined them one by one.

"How are you, Yueyue girl?" Xuan Qiu asked.

"As I previously thought, these corpses were not only drained of essence blood, but the dead gas on the wound was corrosive." Sima Youyue said, "I don't know if this was the case before, but these dead bodies have evolved. But there is one To be sure, the people who support them must have spent a lot of energy and will definitely die many people. I think if you want to check, you can check from the places where many people died, Tucun, Tucheng, etc., or many People are missing or something. "

"Should not, the news of the inner circle has been spreading relatively quickly. If there is any slaughter in the city, the news should have come out long ago." Xuan Qiuhe said.

"That's right. Do you really know it? Isn't it nonsense?" Shuier hummed.

Sima Youyue ignored her and said, "If there aren't many people dead, then this matter will be more difficult."

"How do you say?" Xuan Qiuhe felt dignified in her words, and her body could not help sitting upright.

"It is certain that they are using human blood to feed these dead bodies. If there is a situation such as the slaughter of the city, it is easy for you, the great forces, to find clues. But, I think, it is most likely The situation is that scattered people around the inner area are missing and you can't find them. "

Everyone was silent. She was right, if there was a massacre, it would not be difficult to find out. However, if only a few dozens or hundreds of people are missing, no one will notice. Because this kind of situation is too common in the continent where martial arts are regarded as the strong.

"Well, if you know if this is the case, the truth is the same." Shuier hummed. "If it is true, why haven't they become skulls like An Lei?"

Others have such questions.

"That's because they're dead. Dead gas has an impact on living talent." Sima Youyue explained.

"Back to the tribe, let them arrange the forces below to investigate." Xuan Qiuhe ordered.

"Since Crane said so, let's send a letter back to the family, too," said Dong Laili. "Four uncles, this matter will bother you."

Don Leah nodded and went aside to send a message to the family.

"Are you still looking at these corpses? They will be burned if you don't see them. There is dead energy on them, so you can only burn them." Sima Youyue said.

"No, just burn it." Donglai frowned in disgust.

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