"What about the bones of your ancestors?" Sima Youyue pointed to the old Suzaku in the cavity.

If it was the bones of another spirit beast, she might still have some thoughts, after all, these are good things for the refiner. But since it is the ancestor of Chiyan, let's forget it.

"I'll take it back, and it will help me to comprehend it. Maybe it will have other functions in the future." Chi Yan thought about it and did not make a decision directly to the corpse.

However, he didn't mean to be profane, maybe he could use it later.

"Okay." Sima Youyue nodded, his ancestor, he had the best right to decide.

"Although I'm in retreat, I'm not dead. If there is any danger, just call me the same." Chi Yan looked at Xiaoqi and Huahua a little uneasily.

Their strength is still not strong enough!

Despite Wu Lingyu, he was still not so relieved.

"Just rest assured, if something really happens, I will call you together." Sima Youyue said.

"That's good."

Sima Youyue took back Chi Yan and the old Suzaku's body, and sighed in his heart.

I really didn't expect to meet the old Suzaku here. At this time, they can no longer think about who was killed by it and how it appeared here. They can only sigh for themselves, the world is unexpected.

Perhaps, Chiyan who has inherited it knows.

The red flames and old Suzaku disappeared, and the atmosphere of the cave returned to normal.

"Shout, scared the baby." Xiao Jin came out of Sima Youyue's arms, shook his head, and his body relaxed.

I was really scared just now. If I come here a few more times, I think it will be paralyzed.

In fact, with the indirect contractual relationship with Chi Yan, Xiao Jin should not be afraid of enemies such as birds. But the old Suzaku is stronger than Chiyan, and it is from the ancient times. It can't resist the suppression of deep bone marrow.

"It's all right now." Sima Youyue patted Xiao Jin. Not only is it now, I am afraid everyone is scared by such a thing.

The old Suzaku in the archaic period, even if only looking at its remains, it is shocking enough!

They wanted to keep going, but their legs were soft and they couldn't move at all.

"Let's take a rest here," Wu Lingyu suggested, noting that Yueyue's face was not very good.

Sima Youyue looked at An Lei. She was scared just now, but fortunately, An Lei was really scared.

She nodded. "I haven't rested for so long. Just rest here."

An Lei knew that Sima Youyue was good for herself, and smiled gratefully, then sat down, crossed her legs with her legs, and began to regulate her body's injuries.

No wonder she is so uncomfortable. Although her strength is much higher than Sima Youyue, Sima Youyue and Chiyan have contracted, and they are much more immune to Suzaku's breath at the same time. And Xiaoqi they also benefited from the contract, that coercion did little harm to them.

Only her, from the old Suzaku to the disappearance of the bones, endured its coercion. At this time, her internal organs were like heaven, and her pain was hot.

"Take a panacea." Sima Youyue's voice sounded above her head, and a emerald green panacea was handed to her.


"You must have been hurt by the prestige just now. This elixir can help you ease the situation in your body." Sima Youyue saw her pale face and said, "If you fall here, the back The road is troublesome. "

Although An Lei didn't say, Sima Youyue could see her condition at a glance. Forcing yourself to condition naturally does not have the effect of the elixir.

An Lei didn't postpone it either. She took the elixir, said thank you, and took the elixir.

She did not ask Sima Youyue what elixir was this, nor did she suspect that her elixir was wrong. She believes that she will not harm herself.

There was nothing to harm her.

The elixir soon became effective, and the viscera and entrails of the fire felt a cold and comfortable for a while.

They rested for a while and went on, and picked up a lot of ore on the way. Sometimes Xiao Jin would be very excited, swiping his tail, and sweeping a bunch from the wall, let Xiao Qi pull out.

Sometimes when encountering Xiao Jin's excitement, she let Xiao Lingzi put it up. There must be something good in it!

An Lei followed her, slowly numb from the start to the back. Along the way, Sima Youyue didn't know how much ore was picked up, so she calculated that the chance of green was not great, and she could drive some good things.

Thinking of this, she remembered Sima Youyue's identity as a spiritual master. The afterlife is awesome!


A sudden roar stunned Sima Youyue. Then, a figure quickly ran from the front road, and passed by Sima Youyue, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Sima Youyue was clinging to the wall, and there was cold sweat that was scared. Looking at Wu Lingyu, he said thank you.

The moment the spirit beast rushed over, it was Wu Lingyu who protected them all with enchantment, so that the spirit beast did not feel their breath and did not attack them.

However, they were still startled by the guy who rushed over.

"So rich and ancient flavor ..." An Lei murmured, "that ... is an ancient spirit beast?"

"Should be." Sima Youyue said, "I didn't expect that we would really see the ancient spirit beasts. So, the spirit beasts here really started to be born."

"For this living thing, the seal of the spirit stone also has a certain age." Wu Lingyu said, "As soon as the age is reached, they will naturally come out."

"How could it be just at this time?" Sima Youyue couldn't figure it out. No one had noticed it before. Now someone came in, and it was time for the spirit beasts to be born.

"Spirit beasts in the Archaic period are much better than those of the present. The world is deteriorating!"

Sima Youyue rarely saw Wu Lingyu sigh, always thought he was faint about everything!

"Be careful on the road ahead. Now that there are spirit beasts waking up, there may be others coming out too." Sima Youyue told Xiaoqi them.

"Uh-huh, we know." Xiao Jin nodded again and again.

As for the spirit beasts in the Archean period, they were more afraid than humans like Sima Youyue as spirit beasts.

After walking for a long time, they can already feel the ancient breath coming from their faces.

"Are there too many ancient spirit beasts?" Sima Youyue was shocked.

Wu Lingyu took her hand and said, "Isn't it? Just look at it and see."

They proceeded cautiously, crossing the narrow lane, and the front widened suddenly.

While Sima Youyue saw the scene in the cave, they all froze for a moment.

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