Xiao Jie was a little funny when he looked at the angry little female insect, and he didn't know what the little brat thought. He was dressed like a worm, his body was clean, and he combed the sparse pile of hair on the top of his head.

There are no mentally retarded people on Junk Star who will buy hairspray. Hairspray is more tasteless than cake, and the mother father of these little kids can't use it for them, so Xiao Ji reasonably suspects that this little kid is in his head The top is smeared with oil, or the cooking oil that is secretly used at home.

Cheng Chaoci's face became ugly: "Get out!" He knew that these children should have guessed his identity, but he didn't want to expose it in front of Xiao Jie, it's not that he couldn't trust anyone, after all, there was more to do Better to be less.

And this little worm broke into his house without authorization, even his room, Cheng Chaoci actually didn't care that much about the worm's privacy. And generally speaking, it is not so fierce to children, provided that it is an ordinary child in the previous world, not the child in front of him who, although not as tall as himself, can easily push himself to the ground and beat him.

Insecure, Cheng Chaoci refused.

The little boy opened his eyes wide, as if in disbelief. Then, aggrieved, he ran away. That back... how should I put it, it's like Yiping was so helpless when she found Shuhuan and Ruping hanging out together, a little pitiful.

Xiao Tzu froze when he saw it: "Hey! What is this little brat doing? I got goosebumps just looking at it." He also rubbed his arms.

After confirming that the child would not suddenly reappear, Xiao Ji opened his brain and entered Cheng Chaoci's ID word by word.

The star network in this world is very different from the mobile phone in the previous world. The most obvious one is that there is no APP anymore. All functions are integrated into the star network, from The map navigates to various videos, all of which are in the star network, and all the worm needs to do is to select the plate they want, voice or input it by themselves.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that Zerg really has no entertainment. Cheng Chaoci has watched some Zerg TV. The characters are one-sided, good and evil are clear, black and white. In the interstellar era when there is no need to consider traffic at all, Zerg doesn't even know what to load, but they still don't even have a short video.

In addition to that kind of TV series, there are only clips of various war types, mixed with video clips of various male insects, and the clips are better than those handsome guys and beauties that Cheng Chaoci saw in his previous life. Mixed shearing is far worse, it is basically the daily vlog of male insects. But that doesn't prevent a bunch of female bugs from yelling that I can.

Cheng Chaoci thought it was very strange, how did the creature like a female perfectly combine the two temperaments of a tough guy and a mother in herself? Just like his female father, who is ruthless and indifferent to the outside world, and feels that he can break steel plates with his bare hands. Internally, it is an all-round and dead-end interpretation of what is called kindness.

But there seems to be no such split between my two little friends, oh no, there is still Xiao Jie.

Let's talk about males, there are males who are bored to be stars. That's true, filming can't be sunbathing or drenching, and even places with bad air conditions will use virtual doubles without hesitation.

There is nothing wrong with the Zerg in the view of the Zerg. After all, males are willing to come out and become stars for people to watch! Why are you demanding so much from him?

Cheng Chaoci thought of this and couldn't help but sighed, they are all males, why is the gap between everyone's living standards so big? But to make Cheng Chaoci really do nothing, just like other female insects, Cheng Chaoci can't do it either. After all, Cheng Chao resigned from this bug. His work is to paint the company's things, and his rest is to paint his own things.

Don't draw? Impossible, although being squeezed like this, painting makes him happy.

He reopened the hand-painted board and began to prepare the content of the second chapter. He didn't care about Xiao Jie, after all, Xiao Jie was staring at the brain at the moment.

Suddenly, a scream resounding through the sky almost shattered Cheng Chaoci's eardrum.

Cheng Chaoci looked at the source of the noise—Xiao Ze, who was covering his mouth with a red heartbeat, and realized that he might have seen the last piece of the comic, a close-up of the little zombie king.

Well, looking at the expression, I should have been very successful in portraying it myself.

More than just success, it was just galloping on Xiao Zai's cute point, Xiao Zai couldn't say anything, "This, this, you, you, you! You don't know how to paint when you paint. Are you shy?"

"It's not." Cheng Chaoci's face was cold and indifferent, but he was quite happy in his heart. After all, who doesn't like to be praised for his things? But this kind of happiness shows that he is very unleveled, unlike an old manga author who has experience in serialization.

Killed by the first master? Xiao Jie is reluctant, wait, wait...

Cheng Chaoci chose a few answers, the first explanation is that the type of zombie was not thought of by himself, but who came up with this setting, Cheng Chaoci is a worm I don't know, and then I picked a few questions to answer one by one. Xiao Jie listened more and more vigorously and became more and more fascinated.

"Then can you show me the draft after you finish drawing?" Xiao Jie finally asked.

"Yes, yes." Cheng Chaoci looked at Xiao Jie's eyes and said that I was familiar with them. His old classmates from the previous life came to visit him every now and then after finding out that he was the author of a certain comic. The main classmate is a fan of that comic and wants to know the plot ahead of time, oh, reader.

But this time, the group of children didn't come to harass Cheng Chaoci, but because the little female who came to look for Cheng Chaoci just didn't go back, they waited anxiously and came to see the little female Is the worm at Cheng Chaoci's house?

No worms were found, and the youngest of the little worms cried: "He, he said he would be back soon. He came to the door to put something, but, but we waited for a long time, no Wait until the worm."

After hearing this, Cheng Chaoci couldn't help frowning, looked at Xiao Jie, and asked the little bug cub if it was possible that the other party went somewhere else for fun.

The little females shook their heads in unison. After shaking their heads, they hesitated, thinking that it was not impossible.

Cheng Chaoci thought about the little female worm that ran out just now, and sighed: "Let's go out and look for it." A female worm died inexplicably in the place where Xiao Jie worked, which made Cheng Chao feel very uneasy when he resigned.

Look for it, it doesn't take much time.

About one kilometer from Cheng Chao's resignation home, in a dilapidated and old shed, a female with golden eyes and blond hair looked at the exposed metal tiles above her head and laughed. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it in his mouth: "How long can you live?"

Behind him is a group of tied females, old, weak, sick and disabled. The blond female turned her head to look at them and looked away, these gray things on her body hurt his eyes too much.

However, a different little female worm in the swarm made him take a few more glances. The body was clean and tidy, and the few hairs on the top of the head were smeared and reflective. Small, big back, nondescript.

As a rank A female who is about to break through the S rank, the blond female worm can smell the smell of vegetable oil on that little brat's head, which is disgusting. The blond female suspects that the cub has an abnormal IQ, but this does not hinder his plan.

Sure enough, many insects in the old, weak, sick and disabled who were tied into gourd strings subconsciously trembled.

"If you can play a role and make the people in the military feel afraid and let me go. Then I am happy that you may still have a job, although I am generally not too happy, but in case, you That's right." The blond female ruffled her hair, which was straight and long, reaching to the waist. The whole worm looks very delicate and good-looking, but good-looking is good-looking, and the whole plus the temperament where to stop, let the worm feel that this guy is a pervert at a glance.

Seeing these gray and simple females shaking more and more, the blond female slowly continued: "Of course, if those people in the army are miserable, you will probably be with me. Die together. You will die horizontally and vertically, cooperate well with me and you will have a chance to live, right?"

"Oh, by the way, don't think about running away, it will only make you die faster." The blond female laughed, with a hideous smile.

What? ! Cheng Chaoci, who came out to find the little bug cub, stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. Exciting, it was the only time in his two lifetimes that Cheng Chaoci saw the little worm cub.

Then Cheng Chaoci prepared to leave silently first, and then went back to discuss with Xiao Zai or He Huaijian, or his female father.

As for why he didn't rush to save the bug. Cheng Chaoci was very sure of his own strength, and he was sure that if he rushed forward, he would most likely be shot in the head by the opponent.

Cheng Chaoci couldn't bear his head.

But just as he was about to leave quietly, the blond female voice sounded again: "The little things outside, have you heard enough?"

Cheng Chaoci felt a chill go straight to the spine from his forehead, and he was about to escape without even thinking about it.

But the other party was obviously faster, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Cheng Chaoci.

Cheng Chaoci was frightened, and so was the blonde female.

No one will react so quickly when they face the dense face that makes the dense phobia commit suicide on the spot for the first time. : "Fuck! What a piece of shit!"

Blonde Zerg lost his balance and fell on the ground. Cheng Chaoci saw the opportunity and turned around and ran. After two steps, he couldn't run anymore.

The disgraced blond female worm held Cheng Chaoci's neck with her hand, and smiled savagely: "It looks very strange, this one - ugly."

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