Inside Tyrant

Chapter 140

“Incredible cap, Su Ran’s cap height, it’s difficult for others in the whole league to reach it!”

“I can guarantee that someone can seal Dirk’s Golden Rooster Independence, but no one can seal Golden Rooster Independence like Su Ran!”

When Novitsky first shot, the height was not high, and it might be blocked.

But this ball, Novitsky has already thrown a high arc, and the basketball is about to reach its maximum height before being blocked out of bounds by Su Ran Limit.

This cover has very high requirements for height, arm span and bounce speed, and it is difficult for ordinary people to reproduce!

Even Nuo Tianwang, who was capped by Su Ran, shook his head helplessly towards the Timberwolf bench.

He seemed to be telling: This young man of your team is difficult to deal with!

It was a return to Nowitzki.

It means: no way, Su Ran is so awesome!

Due to Su Ran’s block, the ball is still on the Mavericks’ side.

Baria took the baseline serve and gave it to Novitsky, who pulled away on the right.

This time, in the face of Su Ran’s defense, King Nuo very cleverly chose to shoot a fake move, then rushed inside, and then distributed the ball into the hands of Wesley Matthews on the outside!

Matthews’ three-point opportunity was good, but unfortunately he missed a three-point shot.

The rebound was easily picked up by Su Ran and then passed to Rubio.

The timberwolves quickly counterattacked, Su Ran strode into the front court, and the king couldn’t keep up with Su Ran at all!

Rubio’s fake move to LaVine on the right outside the three-point line in front of the front court tricked the Mavericks’ return defense player, and then gave the ball to Su Ran, who followed up and rushed inside!

Facing the empty three-second zone, Su Ran took two steps and one step, and took off the small windmill to buckle!

“The Dallas Mavericks lineup completely abandoned the defense of Su Ran, they just want to shoot Su Ran with Dirk Nowitzki!”

“It’s just a pity that Dirk’s age is here, if he returns to the top, he may be able to break Su Ran’s defense and lead the team to victory!”

It’s just a pity that the king of heaven is old!

In the second half of the second quarter, Carlisle’s tactics could not be perfectly developed because of Su Ran’s strict defense of King Nuotian.

At halftime, the Minnesota Timberwolves had taken a point lead.

At the beginning of the third quarter, Carlisle still chose to use McGee to fight against Su Ran.

It has to be said that Damaiji’s bouncing and arm span did give Su Ran a certain offensive pressure.

But the point is that McGee’s defensive fundamentals are a bit of a drag!

Su Ran’s shark-like attack in the middle of the third quarter allowed McGee to eat two consecutive defensive fouls, accumulated fouls, and had to rest.

The Mavericks, who have lost their height, have once again become a stage for unbridled display of talent.

After three quarters, the difference between the two teams came to the point.

After the Mavericks missed three points in the opening quarter of the fourth quarter and were counterattacked by the Timberwolves, Coach Rick Carlisle waved his hand and replaced the five starters to announce the end of the game!

In the end, in the Dallas American Route Center, the Minnesota Timberwolves defeated their opponents again, achieving the streak since the start of the game!

The last two games are still close to the Miami Heat’s winning streak during the Big Three period!

“I have to admit one thing first, I have some envy of Kevin Garnett.”

In the post-match interview, Dirk Nowitzki half-joked: “Su Ran is the kind of player that any team desires.” ”

“His physical talent, his scoring ability, his dominance on the inside, I’ve only seen it in Shaquille O’Neill.”

After saying this, Novitsky paused, wanted to say something, and wanted to say and stop.

After the interview, the old driver walked back to the players’ tunnel and met Mark Cuban, the team owner who had been waiting for a long time.

“Dirk, we once pursued Su Ran in the summer.”

Cuban was also helpless: “But he refused our invitation.” ”

“That’s a shame, Mark.”

Nowitzki’s helplessness was written on his face: “If we can get Su Ran, we can return to the ranks of the championship!” ”

Although this is a rotten word from the whole Union, but now for old drivers, this is the truth!

For teams with Su Ran, the lower limit is the level of competition for the championship!

“It is our honor to have Su Ran.”

Timberwolves coach Sam Mitchell, who was interviewed on the other side, was also happy: “He’s a jewel that the whole league will envy!” ”

After this game, many media in the United States have also listed a list of the most dominant players under the age of the United States.

Not surprisingly, the number one player is Su Ran who has not yet reached the age of Su Ran!

After him were Anthony Davis and the Greek monster Yannis Antetokounmpo.

“To be honest, putting Su Ran and Davis and Antetokounmpo on one list is somewhat insulting to Su Ran!”

However, even this bragging list has been questioned and even opposed by many American fans.

“That’s right! Now with Su Ran put together to discuss should be players of the level of Lebraon James, Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry! ”

“Anthony Davis and Yannis Antetokounmpo are very good, they are also very young, but if they want to be compared with Su Ran, they are still not qualified!”

Although Su Ran is not yet old, in the eyes of these fans in the United States, he is enough to be compared with the top stars in the league!

Of course, most fans think that Su Ran is now the top star in the league, and naturally a small number of fans say: Su Ran is still just a rookie!

James Durant, those are superstars who have been mixed for years.

Su Ran has just played for two months, can he discuss it with them?

Is it qualified?!

As for whether they are qualified or not, the two factions of fans on the Internet, the war of words is flying.

Some people said that Su Ran’s data performance is the alliance.

Some people said that Su Ran would have to have two seasons before he was eligible to enter the league’s discussions.

Some people think that Su Ran so far this season is already the king bomber of the league’s regular season!

The discussion of Su Ran’s status so far this season on the whole network is in full swing, and the official is not idle.

In the early morning of the month and day of the United States time, the official released a hot news on its official website.

(Raptors championship!) Congratulations to the Raptors for winning the championship and crowning the NBA king! Looking forward to a wave of summer trade and signing battles for teams, next season’s NBA will be even more exciting! Guarantee seven changes today, add more to the championship team on Sunday!! )_

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