Inside Tyrant

Chapter 142

Historically, there are only a handful of players who can make it to the All-Star Game as rookies.

There are even fewer players who can make All-Star starters as rookies.

And there is only one who can be elected as an All-Star as a rookie.

That is the original Jordan successor – Grant Hill!

As for the player who was elected All-Star as a rookie and broke the all-time All-Star record for total votes.

Throughout the glorious history, it has never been seen before!

Now Su Ran gives people hope to achieve these!

“Su Ran has now broken the first-round voting record of Warcraft Howard, and it has exceeded it a lot!”

“As long as he can maintain this progress and break the record record of Howard’s ten thousand votes, it is only a matter of time!”

“At the beginning, he Howard can break the 10,000 mark from a million votes, and Su Ran can go from 10,000 votes to 10,000, it’s not a problem!”

“Brother Moe! The first thing I do when I get up every day is to shout: I want to vote for Su Ran! ”

The extensive publicity of the major media of the Celestial Empire made the fans of the Celestial Empire go all out for Su Ran to break the record!

“Su Ran is not the same as the former Dayao and Space Yi!”

After the results of the first round of Toronto All-Star voting were released, basketball experts from major media in the United States were also full of discussions.

At the symposium, the United States said directly: “I learned from reliable sources that even if the votes of the Celestial Empire are removed, Su Ran is still the voting king of the whole alliance so far. ”

“Although he failed to break Howard’s first-round record, if Howard’s Celestial Empire vote was removed, he would not be the all-time voting king.”

“Therefore, Su Ran’s popularity is not limited to the Celestial Empire, he is a real top star!”

What Smith didn’t say was.

Even in the current era, the votes of the Celestial Empire are still compressed.

Even after the number of votes in the Celestial Empire was compressed, Su Ran still attacked the all-star all-time vote king!

He became the All-Star first-round all-time ticket winner and was seen as a favorite to surpass Howard to become the all-time voter.

Su Ran himself was not interested in these.

“All I can do is win the game in front of me.”

Minnesota Target Center, United States.

Su Ran, who is about to face the capital team Washington Wizards, was interviewed expressionlessly: “As for the All-Star, that’s a fan thing. ”

Su Ran’s task is just to play.

As well as winning.

The Washington Wizards who are sitting in Minnesota today, starting with the backcourt double guns John Wall and Bradley Beal, there is some contention for All-Star spots.

Because, being an All-Star can be a bargaining chip for them to sign big contracts.

Therefore, after the first-round vote situation was released, knowing their current situation, players of Wall and Beal’s level must play enough amazing performances in the next time.

Use this to canvass for yourself.

After all, not everyone is called Su Ran!

The pre-match warm-ups for both sides ended and the starters came on separately.

Washington Wizards starters: Walbradley Bill Otto Portdudley and Polish Hammer Gotat!

Minnesota Timberwolves start the same: Rubiozac Raven Wiggins, Porzingis and Su Ran!

Since this is the last game of the year.

It was also the last game of the Timberwolves of the season month.

So many Timberwolves fans on the scene also worked very hard to cheer for the team.

“Minnesota Timberwolves fans just want to watch the team end the month with a total victory!”

The center of both sides was about to stand on the center line, and the commentator on the sidelines said: “They want their home team to enter the new year with an undefeated appearance!” ”

The commentator’s words landed, and the referee threw the ball high!

Su Ran jumped up directly, got ahead of Gotat, and dialed the ball into Rubio’s hands!

All Timberwolves fans cheered and stood up!

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of spectators in the audience, Su Ran strode into the front court!

The Polish hammer Gotat played his life to defend the pursuit, but he could only watch the distance between himself and Su Ran getting bigger and bigger!


Rubio’s opening long pass technique is becoming more and more perfect.

This is also the project that Sam Mitchell has been training and training Rubio since the first game of the Timberwolves season!

The basketball fell into Su Ran’s hands accurately!

The entire stadium fell silent for half a second.

Like the tranquility before a storm!

The next moment, Su Ran, who was holding the ball, stepped forward with his foot on the free throw line, and took off to pull the bow and tomahawk to split!

Split the Alps!


Su Ran landed violently, and the entire target center court instantly erupted into a tsunami-like cheer!


Minnesota Timberwolves score first!

The Wizards attacked, Wall broke through inside with the ball, and the ball went down Dudley!

Dudley got up quickly and made a layup!


Saying that it was too late and fast, Su Ran under the basket directly took off and grabbed the ball in the air with one hand!

After finishing grabbing the cap, Su Ran passed the ball long to LaVine in front of the court, and stood in place, turning around and not looking at the front court!

In the audience, Zach LaVine greeted the cheers.

In the backfield, Su Ran, who turned to look at the fans, directly raised his hand and shook his fingers!

“This game, the Minnesota Timberwolves have won!”

Seeing everything that happened almost synchronously before and after, the commentator on the sidelines said excitedly: “At least from the momentum, Su Ran alone crushed the entire Wizards team!” ”

The opening five-ball level dunk one step ahead of the free throw line, the back is a one-handed cap grab, receiving a long pass to assist teammates flying dunk.

Don’t even watch your teammates finish off the offense, finish the thumb shake after the cap first!

Su Ran really exploded the entire Wizards team in terms of momentum!

Of course, not only in terms of momentum, Su Ran was on the court, but also used his strength to burst the inside line of the Wizards.

As a former Warcraft substitute, the Polish hammer Gottat really can’t withstand Su Ran’s desolate beast.

Even the Warcraft himself couldn’t withstand Su Ran, and it seemed reasonable that the Warcraft substitute was burst.

Another effortless three-quarter clock-in battle.

Su Ran’s final game of the month at Minnesota Target Center Court featured rebounds and blocks in the third quarter, plus assists.

The first triple-double of the season, leading the team to a winning streak.

At the same time, keep the month, single month undefeated!

(The third more sent, today’s guarantee of seven changes, and four more, will come immediately, please readers greatly reward flower tickets support, thank you very much!) )_

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