Instant Kill

Vol 41 Chapter 7: Forced to join (below)

The Aolan caravan has more than 20 large vehicles, most of which are loaded with goods, and a few are loaded with food, because there are not many supply points along the road, and a large amount of food must be carried. This is not enough. It also requires a part of the hunters to hunt on the way and supplement some meat.

Guo Twelve has not sat with ordinary people for a long time, sitting on the smelly fur, he is content with himself, chatting with Auduoba from time to time. He is in a good mood, especially when he turns back and sees Ezek running behind the team, he is in a better mood, and even diminishes the smell of fur.

"Hey", Guo Twelve couldn't help but laughed and scared Audubba trembling. This sudden laugh was indeed a little scary, and Guo Twelve was embarrassed himself, saying: "Suddenly remembered something, so ... hehe." At this time, Auduoba realized that Guo Twelve was actually very good at speaking, not at all. The majesty of the master.

Auduoba said: "The Principality of Exe has a main city and seventy-one castles, which are very famous in the Principality." He continued the topic he just chatted with.

Guo Twelve calculated and found that there are many masters in this Principality. According to the rules of this place, it is necessary to achieve some kind of force to build castles and cities. According to this calculation, this principality is not weak.

On the spell continent, there is almost no concept of a country. Most of them are family and sect, and they often occupy a lot of continents, which is completely different from the situation here.

Guo XII asked: "The Principality of Eck ... well, whose is it?"

Audubar couldn't help laughing, and said, "Of course it is Eck's. It has been handed down for seven generations. This generation of Duke Eck is amazing. He is a true barbarian master. Very, very powerful. If not this generation, Duke Eck, Maybe the Principality of Exe does not exist anymore. "

Guo Twelve said: "What do you mean?"

Auduoba said: "It's a long story ..." He looked at Guo XII and found that he didn't have the expression of impatience. Then he said: "It was a war, a war between the principalities. There are 154 castles in the Principality of Kyrgyzstan. After that war, there were 52 castles left. Until now, only 71 castles have been restored. "

"At that time, the Grand Duke died in battle. If the new generation of Grand Duke Ek was born, it is estimated that the Principality of Ek would be finished. Ha ha, no one thought that Grand Duke Ek was Hesabado."

Guo Twelve secretly said: "Seventh level ... turned out to be a seventh-level barbaric master, no wonder." The so-called Hesabado is the name of the level here. He is too lazy to translate, but the meaning is very clear. According to the force of the place, then Is the seventh-level master, has been close to the top master.

The seventh-level barbarian master can almost sweep a large area, and to the level of the seventh-level master, many people will give up the Principality, but Grand Duke Eck has not given up, he is dedicated to running the Principality left by his ancestors.

Guo XII asked: "Duke Ek is not going to leave to maintain the Principality, so has he not yet cultivated heirs?"

Audoba said: "That's not because he can't leave. The principality of Exe is the principality of Chisca ..." Chisca means savage, and the principality of Chisca is the savage principality.

"... The Grand Duke of the Principality of Chisca and the Principality of Ek are rivals. Once Grand Duke Ek leaves, then the Principality of Chiska will attack without hesitation."

Guo XII asked: "Is the Grand Duke of the Principality of Chiska very powerful?"

Orduba said: "They have many masters, the castle has 478 blocks, the castle has more odds than the principality of Eck, and the strength of Grand Duke Chiska is only slightly worse than Eck. Grand Duke, huh, the Principality of Ek has long been wiped out. "

Guo Twelve smiled and shook his head, saying: "Duke Ek is really unlucky."

Audoba said: "That's not what we worry about ..."

Went all the way, and soon passed ten days. Every night, Aizek has to complain a lot, complaining about why Guo XII should follow the caravan. The speed at which the Oran Caravan travels really annoys him that he wants to kill. If flying, this distance can pass in less than half a day.

Gradually, Guo Shiu also talked to many hunters. In his capacity, he put down the shelf to communicate with the hunter, and the men did not dare to refuse. With the passage of time, those hunters gradually eliminated their hostility to Guo Xie, but they still remained hostile to Aizek.

On this day, the crowd came to a place with dense forest. Wutu begs for the horse to come to the cart, and he said, "I'm going to the Karabaza trail soon. Will you take a break here and enter the trail again?"

Auduoba said: "We come to the bend, where there are often caravans staying to rest, maybe you can enter the team."

Guo Xie said: "The Karabaza trail ... hehe, finally arrived." He thought that maybe the Karabaza trail had some plants and materials needed. The harder the place, the better there are often good things, he has a deep understanding of this.

It sounds ambiguous in Ordoba's ears. What do you mean? Finally reached the Karabaza trail? Are you going to rob or do it? He was secretly bitter in his heart. If Guo Twelve started the robbery, it would be in trouble, and his face could not help showing a look of doubt.

Guo XII didn't know what Auduoba was thinking. He sat happily in the car and watched the caravan move forward quickly.

Bypassed a forest with a wooden fence in front of it, and there were noisy human voices. Audupa secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and having more people meant safety. He said: "We entered the corner and took a break today to see how many caravans have been with the Karabaza trail."

Aizek watched the team enter the wooden fence, followed and ran in. The guy jumped into the big car where Guo Twelve was. Fortunately, the cart had just stopped, and the two horses pulling the cart roared in horror, and they lay on the ground when their legs were soft. Ezek shook his head and said, "It's so weak ..."

Guo Twelve said helplessly: "Aizek, can't you take a breath of yourself? It makes everyone very hard."

Aizek said: "I won't!" He said straightforwardly.

Guo Twelve said: "Follow you, anyway, if you don't take a breath, then run with the team."

Ezekiel suddenly had a bitter face. He was not afraid of running, but the lonely one followed the team and was really boring. After thinking for a while, he said: "I ... I will not take a breath ..." He is used to being Zhang Yang, never thinking about the breath to be taken, for fear that others do not know his strength.

Guo Twelve sighed and passed on a method of disguising his breath. He said: "Follow this, don't say you can't do it, it's very simple."

Ezek studied for a while, and said, "It's really simple." His body shook slightly, his breath suddenly weakened, and then he walked over to the horses. Although the horses were still a little scared, they were no longer scared may not.

The camp is very large, and each caravan has a circle surrounded by carts, and a lot of campfires are lit. Guo Twelve glanced and calculated. There are seven large and small caravans, and there are many hunters who line up in groups. There are about 100 people scattered, so the camp is very lively.

The Oran caravan also circled a large vehicle defensive array in a corner, and used the large circle to form a circle, so that there was a defense to resist. This is a common practice, and it is the same for any caravan resting outside.

The horses were led to drink water to eat, and the caravan people started to ignite to eat.

Guo Twelve and Ai Zeke sat by the campfire. This time Ai Zeke did not ask for a barbecue. He sat quietly and continued to learn to hide his breath.

Wutu came and begged. He took two plates of food and said, "Let's eat a little." He said that he placed the big tray in front of Guo Shizuo.

There is a slice of hard bread in the tray, a large bowl of thick soup, and I do n’t know what to put. A scent of onions comes out, and there is a little milky flavor, a few pieces of white boiled meat sliced, tray There is a handful of fine salt in the corner, and ten boiled eggs in white water.

Ezek glanced at the tray, and there was no interest in eating. This kind of thing, no matter how much you eat, will not be full. For him, it is garbage.

Another hunter came over. He took a small wooden barrel and said, "Drink some ale?"

This man Guo Twelve knew ~ ~ Like Wutuqi, he was a hunter named Aru. After a long winter, he saved a lot of good things, intending to return to the Principality of Eck to sell, and then rest for a year. The concept of a year here is twenty-four months, equivalent to two years in the previous life, of which twelve months are winter, three months in spring, six months in summer, and three months in autumn.

A wooden barrel of rum is about fifteen pounds. Aru took out four wooden bowls and placed them in a tray. Then he opened the barrel lid and filled it with rum.

Guo XII is curious, this is his first time to see the local wine. Narrow ale is a kind of ordinary wine here, which is affordable to the general public. The liquor is dark brown, with a bit bitter taste but a long aftertaste. The ale brought by Aru is better. According to him, the wine has been in storage for seven years. The wine tastes very pure, which is much better than the ale mixed with water in the wine shop.

Aru looked at Guo XII with anticipation, hoping he could agree with the wine.

Guo Twelve took a sip, this wine tastes a bit like the whiskey of the previous life, of course, it is just a bit like it. He nodded and said, "Don't have flavor ... a very special drink."

Aizek picked up the wooden bowl, poured it into his mouth at once, and then spouted with a puff. He said, "What kind of stuff is this ... so bad!"

Alu smiled bitterly. He knew that he had met someone who wouldn't drink, but Guo Shier's appreciation made him very happy.

Auduoba came over, he sat next to Guo Twelve and said, "Alu, give me a bowl of rum, alas, we are in trouble ..."

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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