Instant Kill

Vol 41 Chapter 8: Karabaza Trail (Part 2)

The thin man said repeatedly: "Yes, yes ... I will make you satisfied, satisfied ..."

Guo XII asked: "Name, age, occupation!" He suddenly woke up, this is a question after the interrogation of the enemy captured by the previous life, and he couldn't help but laugh. The laughter scared the thin skinny enough.

The thin man shuddered and said: "I ... my name is Benny Road, the nickname ... the nickname is the monkey ... I, I am thirty-eight years old ... yes, I am a hunter ..." thirty-eight years old, equivalent to Guo Twelve Seventy-six years old in the previous life. Here, thirty-eight years old is still a strong man, the average person can live to eighty years old, the barbaric masters live longer.

Guo Xingqi said: "Hunter? Are you not a robber?"

Benny Road secretly slander. Most of the robbers here are hunters. When the borders are too little, they sometimes come to visit the robbers. If they can grab enough property, they will go home happily.

"Yes, yes, I am a robber!"

Guo XII asked: "Monkey, where is your old nest?"

Benny Road smiled bitterly: "We don't have a nest, we just organized a robbery temporarily, we ... are also the hunters of Fort Edroud, but this time the harvest is too little, home ... There are a lot of people to raise, just go back like this , Really unwilling. "

Aizek scolded: "Fuck ... It's a group of poor ghosts!"

Guo Twelve took out the pile of things he had just collected, and after a little inspection, he found that it was indeed very poor. Eleven people had only a few hundred gold nuggets, a few crystals, and nearly a thousand silver pieces. Thousands of silver, I heard a lot, but they are all children with long fingers and a flat strip, and a hundred pieces of silver are just a handful.

"Poor ... you are all from the Principality of Eck?"

Benny Road: "Yes, yes ..."

Guo Twelve said: "You should not be the leader here, who is it?"

Benny Road turned his head to look at a middle-aged man. The man was two meters tall. The man lying on the ground was also a long man, but his knees were dislocated and looked very embarrassed. He propped up his body with his hands and said in a deep voice: "My name is Deda, nicknamed Tiger. I am thirty-two years old this year, a hunting man ... part-time robber."

Guo Twelve couldn't help it anymore, this man was fun, and part-time robbers came out. He asked, "Are you the leader?"

De Da laughed bitterly: "I am the convener, um, the captain, because everyone is unsatisfactory, so I just mixed some oil and water here, I did not expect to meet the two of you ... we are unlucky.

Guo XII asked: "Are you familiar with this area? Do you know other robbers?"

Said: "I am not familiar with other robbers, but I am very familiar with this area, so I have been moving on the edge and dare not go deep. There are many robber bandits deep in the Karabaza trail. We can't afford it."

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "You can't afford it, it doesn't mean we can't afford it. Hey, Tiger, are you interested in joining?"

De Da was confused, and asked, "What are you joining?"

Guo Twelve rejoiced: "I also organized a robber team to rob robbers and bandits. Hey, this must be fun."

Dade and Benny Road had cold sweats on their faces, and everyone else was sweating all over. With the eleven of them, plus these two guys, they dared to rob the robbers and bandits of the Karabaza trail. Do n’t they know how powerful the robber bandits of the Karabaza trail? The robber team of hundreds of people is only a medium team here, and the large robber team can even reach thousands. There are only thirteen of them in total. Isn't it death to rob?

Aizek suddenly became interested. He was not very interested in looting property, but he was able to take a team of robbers to rob, but he felt very new and said: "Okay, all join, if anyone does not join, tell me Immediately, I ate him immediately! "Whoever dared not to join in this remark.

Benny Road responded the fastest, immediately said: "I join!"

Germany's response was not slow. He said: "We all join ..." He couldn't help but join, he would be eaten by the crazy guy in front of him. Although he did not believe that this person would really eat people, but to kill them on the pretext of not joining, he believed that the person would never hesitate.

Others were cold and sweaty, and expressed their willingness to join one by one. Guo Twelve stood up with a smile on his back. He picked up De Da and stretched his hand to stroke it on his knee. He heard two clicks. The German University was active, and he found that he could stand up and couldn't help being overjoyed.

In a moment, Guo XII reset all eleven robbers' dislocated legs. He said: "Okay, take your weapons, we are ready to enter the trail to rob."

Eleven robbers, including three archers, others are melee melee melee masters, mostly first-level and second-level masters, belonging to the world's lowest level of force. No wonder they only dared to ambush at the front of the trail, did not dare to go in deep, only robbed a few people, but not the caravan.

The two sides added up to a total of thirteen people. They did not take the road, but burrowed into the woods and walked deep into the Karabaza trail.

In the depths of the Karabaza trail, there are countless small paths, which are like a labyrinth. Unfamiliar people can easily get lost in the middle. However, the University of Germany is very familiar with this place. He took a group of people to go through it. Guo Xia soon couldn't figure out the direction. Unless he flew into the air to check, he must be lost.

"De Da, where are you going?"

De Da said: "The front is Stoyan, where it is more precarious, and there are a lot of bandit bandits waiting there."

Siduyan, translated as Yingzuiyan. Guo Twelve said with a smile: "Stuyan? Very good, you take us to find other robber teams as much as possible." He has asked Deda to send three archers as a scout to find the way, and the news will be sent back.

Benny Road said: "There will be news coming back soon, I remember this is the site controlled by Essen ..."

Guo XII asked: "Monkey, who is Essen?"

Benny Road said: "Essen is a relatively large group of robbers near Stouyan. There are 50 or 60 people. They are different from us. We are just temporary guest robbers. They are professional robbers and have been active here."

De Da laughed bitterly: "We can't beat Essen's team, they are very strong." He was very uneasy, once their team attacked Essen's team, he did not know if he could survive.

Guo Twelve extended his thumb and pointed to Ai Zeke around him, laughing: "Relax, with Ai Zeke in, don't worry about anything, he can turn Essen's team by himself."

Germany secretly whispered, how can it be so easy, a team of 50 or 60 people, one person can turn it over? Just kidding. He had no confidence at all. Although Guo XII and Aizek showed extraordinary strength, Deutsche University believed that it was because these people were too weak, not because they were too strong.

"I hope so ..."

Said a great lack of confidence. At this moment, an archer ran back and said, "I'm going to Essen's camp ... what shall we do?" His face was pale, saying that he was not afraid that it was impossible. It's not a pleasant thing to get them off.

Guo Xie will no longer explain, they are afraid, they will not use them anyway. He said: "Okay, we speed up and rush directly into Essen's camp."

As soon as he heard this, the faces of the German team were all white. However, due to Guo Xie's strength, they did not dare to object, and each had to speed up. According to Benny Road's idea, it was to move quickly towards death.

Ten minutes later, a group of part-time robbers arrived at the camp in Essen. It was a small valley entrance. There was a fence made of logs, about seven or eight meters high, and two arrow towers. Taniguchi ’s two sentries sat lazily on the stone, still eating fruit in their hands.

Guo Twelve and Aizek walked out of the jungle vigorously, followed by eleven people. However, the German University and others came out daringly, one by one, extremely disturbed. Guo Twelve didn't care what the person behind him was thinking, he and Aizek were happily preparing to rob.


The two sentries jumped up from the rock in fright, and they waved long swords in their hands and shouted, "Who? What are you doing!"

Guo Twelve said: "Robbery!"

Woo! Woo!

The sound of vigilance sounded from the arrow tower, and suddenly the whole camp of Essen was in chaos. One of the arrow towers launched an attack, and heard two booms of bows, and two arrows shot straight at the heads of Guo Twelve and Aizek. The movements of the two were almost the same, both of them reached out and grabbed, and the flying long arrows fell into their hands.

Guo Twelve had a leisurely look at the long arrow. Very simple long arrows, great strength, metal arrows, but no threat to them both. Boom Boom is another two bows ~ ~ Two arrows are shot. Guo Twelve tapped the arrow shaft in his hand and shot down the second arrow.

Ezek didn't have such a good temper. He raised his hand and threw out the long arrow in his hand, and a sharp whistling sounded suddenly. The long arrow was faster than the arrow that was shot, and instantly penetrated the archer's head With a thud, the archer fell from the tower. The wooden fence gate of the camp opened and swarmed more than thirty people.

Guo Twelve said: "Ai Zeke, don't kill people ... I need these people."

Aizek was suddenly boring, he said: "I have no energy to kill these little guys, forget it, I want to hit you to fight, I'm too lazy to start." In fact, as long as he did not provoke him, he would not kill, just like If the archer just did not shoot the second arrow, he would not kill the man.

Benny Road leaned over to Guo Twelve and whispered: "That's Essen ... very powerful."

Guo Twelve saw through Essen's strength almost at a glance, he secretly nodded. Essen turned out to be a level 4 barbarian master, already able to serve as the army commander of the castle. No matter where he goes, there is a place for him to survive. He already has a place in this world.

Essen is an old man with a golden beard, wearing a fine linen cloth robe dyed in black, half-chain mail, and a long-handled half-moon shaped axe in his hand. He has a pair of blue eyes and extremely light eyebrows, giving a strange feeling. He carried a big axe, strode forward, and shouted, "Dade, do you dare to attack Essen camp?"

Guo XII turned his head and asked, "Dade, do you know him?"

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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