Instant Kill

Vol 41 Chapter 10: Cooperation (on)

With a choking noise, Ya Delan pulled out his two-handed sword and dropped half of the steel scabbard. She clasped the long hilt in both hands and said, "Dare you insult me? I'm Ya Delan ... swear to kill you!" She waved the sword and sprang up.

Guo XII and others retreated in a tacit understanding, leaving the open space. Ezek said, "Hey, you can't kill me ..." He greeted him.

Ezek was determined to persuade this woman, so he did not use any weapons. In fact, his most powerful weapon is the fist and foot. To know that he is a humanoid alien rune beast, his body can be harder than steel, and he is not afraid of weapons in this world. In the past, for the sake of face, he almost never let his opponent's weapon hit him, and this time. He decided to scare the beauties in front of him.


Ya Delan stepped back in disbelief, her two-handed sword was severely cut on Ezek's neck, but she couldn't cut it at all. What was more terrible was that she was numb with her hands and her bones were making noises. Fly out. With this sword, Ezek hadn't even fought back yet, so Yadelan felt a chill.

Aizek made a chuckle, he said, "Little girl, huh, huh, huh, a little weaker."

Yade blue storm shouted, the waist was twisted vigorously, and the big sword in both hands drew an arc. It really exerted the power of breastfeeding, and the big sword gave off a gleaming glory. There was an uproar in her hands: "Kill him!"

"Hack him ..."

"Look how he resists this sword!"

This sword, Ya Delan had enough strength, and straightly split into Ezek's head. There were originally two white horns on Ezek's head. Since Li Ran's inheritance, the white horns have been retracted into his head, and then suddenly appeared. I saw his head slightly shifted, and the sword was split in the white corner.


The sword with both hands broke. Guo Twelve couldn't help laughing, he knew how hard Aizek's head was, let alone the white horns on his head, it was an absolutely good thing, a super material that could be sacrificed into a sacrifice, a two-handed sword It is not a grade at all, the gap between the two is really too far.

Ezek teased: "Little girl, you can change a weapon, really ... I don't lie to you."

Yade's blue eyes were full of fear. Of course she knew how powerful a sword was just now, that is, stainless steel can also be cleaved. In front of this strange-looking guy, his head is even harder than stainless steel.

Essen and Deda are also the first time to see them, and they are also frightened like Ya Delan. It's a fart. The two-handed sword is cut casually without hurting him. If he fights back, no one can stop it.

Ya Delan was extremely decisive, she jumped back and shouted: "Let's go!"

Essen exclaimed subconsciously: "Don't let them leave!"

Aizek smiled: "I can't go." He suddenly rushed out, instantly knocking down the men around Yadelan, and then blocked her way and said, "Don't go!"

Guo XII asked: "What's crazy about this guy?"

Azek suddenly hugged Ya Delan, flicked her to the shoulders, hugged Ya De Lan's slender legs with both hands, and walked back with a smile.

Yadelan pulled out a dagger, she could only see Aizek's back, and with a dagger, she pierced Aizek's back. What made her desperate was that Ezek's back was as hard as a dagger and he couldn't poke it in. She yelled, "Asshole, let me down! I will kill you ... I will kill you!"

Aizek patted her **** gently and said, "Don't be naughty!"

Yadelan was embarrassed and angry, she was carried on the shoulder by Aizek, and the upper half of the body was swaying behind Aizek. She screamed, "I will make you regret it!" The dagger suddenly pierced into Ezek's **** ditch, and saw a semi-arc flash of light flashing, and the dagger stabbed in smoothly.

Listened to Aizek's roar, raised his hand and threw Yadran out. Ezek jumped up and down holding his ass.

Guo Twelve froze for a moment, and could not help bursting out with a laugh. Ezek's body is stronger than steel, but he also has weaknesses. The back door is one of them. He was too careless and was inserted directly by the dagger. It's no wonder he jumped around, this knife could not hurt his life, but it made him hurt in the bone marrow.

Ya Delan pressed his waist and legs firmly in the air, and landed on the ground steadily, and turned to escape. She also knew in her heart that she was angry with this super master.

Ezek was really angry, he shouted: "I'm going to tear you ..." The body has sprang out, and the dagger is still inserted in his butt, leaving only a knife handle exposed, slipping away The blood drops sprayed out.

How Yadlan could get past Aizek, was pinched by his neck and dragged him back.

Azek opened his mouth and bit towards Yadelan's neck, Guo Guo was forced to block it. He said: "Ai Zeke, heal first, don't kill her." In fact, he admired Ya Delan in heart, this girl has a fierce, an unyielding fierce spirit, so he does not want Ai Zeke to kill Drop her.


Aizek pulled out his dagger, and suddenly blood spewed out. Guo Xie took out a high-level Fu Dan and said, "Eat!" Another Fu Dan was shot directly into Aizek's wound by him.

Essen couldn't help but shrink his neck, his legs could not help clamping, he felt a little uncomfortable in his back door. This is too scary. If you are stabbed with such a knife, it is estimated that it will be better than death.

De Da has been completely frightened, he evaded to the distance, as if he was beating the drums in his heart, chaotic ups and downs. He couldn't figure out who these people were. Even if Aizek was stabbed, he felt that Aizek was too powerful.

Ezek swallowed senior Fu Dan, and he stepped back aside, his eyes gleaming fiercely. He is really angry. He has never suffered such a loss in his life. Although he likes this beautiful girl, he was stabbed in a key part. It was not a taste in his heart, especially Guo Xuan ’s laughter, it was even more He was upset. He wanted to kill as soon as he felt uncomfortable, staring at the woods.

Guo XII knew he wanted to appease Aizek, otherwise this guy would really kill the people in the woods. He said: "Aizek, with my Fu Dan, there will be no hidden dangers ..." He desperately held back his smile, Aizek's cry really made him hard to hold back a laugh, it was so fun .

Yadlan stabbed Aizek, but she was also afraid. Just now, she was close to death indefinitely. If Guo Twelve was fast, she would be bitten to death. She had no doubt that Ezek would bite her. Seeing the brutal force of his open mouth and teeth, she knew it was not a joke.

Aizek waved his arm violently, an invisible force suddenly spread out, and in an instant, countless big trees blasted away. Taking him as the center point, all the trees in the semi-circle in front of him, including those giant trees that were thick and shattered, all shattered apart. Suddenly, each tree fell down, and then a scream was heard.

Yadlan looked desperately at the camp, regretting deeply in her heart that she thought her men were all finished.

Guo XII knew that Aizek had just destroyed the camp. He did not kill anyone, but the robbers in the forest almost injured everyone, and no one was spared. He said: "Aizek, I am useful to these people, don't kill."

Azek said angrily: "Why don't you let me kill? I'll **** kill them all! Don't block me!"

Guo Twelve lowered his face and said, "You try to kill one!" Melee may not be as good as Aizek, but he has more means, Aizek may not be his opponent.

Ezek was also dazed, he opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath. When Guo Twelve waved his hand, Zhen Zhen Ding suddenly appeared, blocking him in front of Aizek. He said, "Aizek, don't make people laugh, stop!"

Ai Zeke originally wanted to spit out a fire to burn all the camp, but when he saw the Soul of Soul appeared in front of him, he knew that it was impossible to achieve his goal. He hated to punch a punch, this punch hit the body of the soul of the soul, a sudden shock, an invisible wave suddenly spread out.

An extremely huge force returned from the shock and immediately flew Aizek.

Essen screamed, and he saw Ezek fall into the huge gully. In a blink of an eye, he saw Aizek flying into the air, he shouted: "Guo XII! What do you want?"

Guo Twelve said calmly: "Don't you get stabbed when you come down, are you crazy?"

Yad Lan was frightened. She looked up and looked at Aizek flying in the air. Her heart was like eighteen buckets all over the place. What it means to be able to fly, she is very clear in her heart, that is definitely not the height she can reach, this is a sign of the top master. She couldn't help but get a cold sweat.

Guo Twelve withdrew the Soul Soul ~ ~ also flew into the air. He grabbed Ezek and whispered: "I've cured all your injuries, what are you angry for? It's not worth it, come down." This guy is a child's temper, and he is coaxed.

Aizek had the intention to be angry, but Guo Shizuo did not accompany him crazy, he had to fall down angrily, staring at Yadelan with bad intentions, and did not know what to mutter in his mouth. There was a chill in Yadelan's heart, and there was an extremely dangerous feeling. She was not stupid and immediately said: "I agree to merge the teams, but I have a request ..." She saw her men crawling out of the pile of wood, knowing they were not dead, and relaxed a little in her heart.

Guo XII said: "Oh, you agree to merge? Well, what do you say?"

Yadlan said: "Anything else is ok, just don't let him get close to me!" She wished she could flee far away, and Ezek threatened her too much.

Aizek picked up the dagger and kept looking at Yadelan's lower body. Not only did Yadelan feel chills, but even Guo Twelve felt guilty and secretly said: "This guy will not poke Yadelan Lan Yidao ... No, I want to separate them. "He nodded and said:" Okay, you just follow me. "

Ai Zeke smirked suddenly while holding the dagger, so that Ya Delan suddenly rushed behind Guo Twelve, clutching his chest tightly, and said, "Mother, scared me to death ..." No matter how ruthless, I dare not imagine fighting a top-level expert, especially the laughter of Aizek just now, very ridiculous.

Yade blue whispered: "I have cooperated, I have cooperated!"

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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