Instant Kill

Vol 42 Chapter 4: Surrender and Extermination (Part 1)

Guo Twelve noticed that the person headed by the other party has a military temperament, and the force should also be the most powerful among their group. The man is not strong. It is a little different from the barbaric masters here. His appearance is very beautiful, with blond hair, which is very similar to the white man of the previous life. Instead of wearing leather armor, he wore a metal mail armor and a large two-handed sword in his hand.

The man leaned on his two hands and his sword, staring at Guo Twelve with cold eyes, said a word back, and immediately an old man walked out of the queue. He took a few steps forward and said, "Give you two roads, one to surrender and one to be destroyed!"

Guo Twelve was ecstatic, he said: "Damn, don't they know who just lost it? It seems that I should say this!" He said again: "Essen, you negotiate, let They surrender, or kill them all! "He issued the same order.

Essen dared to step forward and said, "Hey, you attacked our camp ... who killed us, what are you going to do?"

Guo Twelve frowned, this guy was too weak, shouted: "Come back!" He took a few steps forward, pulled Essen back, and said: "I originally planned to include you, but ... I changed my mind, huh, huh, I do n’t bother to know who you are, since you are so powerful, then fight! "

The old man sneered: "Find death!"

Ezek became very hot when he heard it. He simply said a word: "Dead!" The man rushed out. I saw a black line flashing and instantly reached the old man, slap it out, and then returned to the original place. The slap sound just spread, and the old man's head burst like a blooming flower, and his body fell to the ground.

The leader was shocked, and thought that the opponent was not afraid. He killed his adjutant with a single blow, and suddenly a wave of blood poured into his brain. He shivered with anger, raised his hands in his hands, and shouted, "Kill! Just kill them, I do n’t want to be captive, kill them all cleanly! "

Guo Twelve was also not calm. He hated these crazy guys the most. Although he didn't know who they were, he didn't care at this point and said, "Aizek, since you started, kill them! "He flew into the air, slapped it with a slap, and a big imaginary hand suddenly appeared.

The roar of the big hand suddenly swelled to a few hundred meters in a circle, and I saw the runes flowing. The big hand was like a substance, and it fell down. The man looked up and was suddenly shocked. He instantly understood that he had gotten into a terrific super master. The opponent could not only fly, but also issued such an amazing attack. He didn't dare to resist at all, but fled U-turn and was so fast that anyone who blocked his retreat was thrown out by him.

There was a muffled noise, and his big hand was on the ground. Except for a few clever guys who escaped the slap, all others were smashed into meatloaf with a slap, and they died completely without sound.

Guo Twelve glanced coldly at Zhaizi, and the Moon Blade flew out, said indifferently: "Storm!" The Moon Blade turned into a violent storm, and flew out suddenly. A tornado-like sword mountain rolled forward frantically, and the robbers in the other party's array suddenly became chaotic.

Boom! boom! boom……

Any person or thing that blocked Daoshan Mountain was shattered and shattered. A road about a few hundred meters wide appeared in the tornado formed by Moonblade. This road from Moonblade extended to the center of the camp, and all obstacles and people on this road were smashed. This blow collapsed the entire camp.

Aizek was also very surprised. He did not expect Guo Twelve to be so powerful. He whistled and shouted, "Follow me!" He immediately ran out and rushed towards the center of the camp.

Yade Lan, Essen, Germany University and others were also scared, what is this means? so horrible. They didn't react until Ezek rushed out. All the players cheered and rushed out. With this kind of powerful and terrifying leader, they will no longer be afraid, one by one with courage, and then rushed out of the forest and rushed towards the village.

Guo Twelve followed closely in the air, and his moon blade seemed to be a post of the king, from time to time to eliminate some gathered robbers, so that they could not form an effective resistance.

The entire village was completely messed up, and Guo's Moon Blade destroyed the arrow towers one by one. This thing does not threaten him, but can hurt his team members, of course, try to destroy it.

The path of Aizek has become a bloodline, and anyone who appears within 100 meters of him will instantly die. More people died in his hands than Guo killed.

Yadelan and others took the brigade and chased them down. They had already fallen into madness. It had never been so painful. Hundreds of people chased down thousands of people. The thrill of killing made them collectively crazy.

Any robber who tried to counterattack was killed by Guo XII. Therefore, Ya Delan and others only need to chase and kill, others don't have to worry about it.

Guo Twelve did n’t even release the altar, but attacked with the Moonblade and the Void Talisman, and the opponent was unable to fight back. Gradually, he no longer gave a heavy hand, just dispersing the gathered robbers from time to time, so that they could not form an effective attack. Ezek, regardless of what he did, kept on killing. He was born a butcher, and once killed, it is difficult to control. This group of robbers is also unlucky, and has caused such two evil stars.

Soon, robbers knelt on the ground and surrendered, and more and more robbers knelt down. They were terrified, they could neither resist nor escape, and the only chance to save their lives was to surrender, or they would die.

At least three thousand people surrendered. In the end, only sporadic resistance was quickly killed.

Guo Twelve fell to the center of the village. There were also a group of robbers gathered together. When Guo XII fell, he knelt down and surrendered. They have been completely discouraged, especially for Guo Twelve, and they are like a ghost, shaking one by one.

Groups of captives were driven to the open space in the middle of the village, densely packed, with more than 4,000 people. Guo Twelve didn't expect to capture so many captives.

Ya Delan took a group of people and escorted a person over. Guo twelve smiled at the first sight. The man turned out to be the leader here, the guy who threatened to kill them at first.

Guo Twelve said: "This guy is not weak ... How did you catch it?" He was very curious. At the level of Yadelan and others, he knew very well that even if Yadelan added up, he might not be the opponent of that person.

Essen said: "Sir, he surrendered voluntarily."

Guo Twelve couldn't help but stay. In fact, he underestimated his deterrent power. When he flew into the sky and used Moonblade to fight against the Void Rune, these robbers had collapsed. Other robbers may not understand it, but as a leader of the Zhaizi, he knows that Guo Twelve's strength is simply not something they can resist.

A little robber moved to the low stool, and asked Guo Twelve to sit down. Ezek returned in a sullen manner, but there was no blood on his body. With his ability, it was difficult for those blood to splash on him. He sat down and said, "They all surrendered, and I am embarrassed to continue killing, alas, a group of gangsters!"

A red awn flashed, Guo Twelve reached out and grabbed, a letter fell into the palm of his hand. Ezek surprised: "Who sent the letter?"

Guo Xie put the letter on his forehead and looked at it for a moment. He couldn't help but stay, and said, "Brother Li Ran ... uh, so powerful?" He handed the letter to Aizek.

Aizek said: "I don't like this thing, you say it."

Guo Twelve said: "Brother Li Ran was besieged, but there was no danger. He was all killed. He reminded me that this world ... there are very powerful opponents, do n’t neglect it ... strange, he did n’t say For something. "

Ezek didn't believe it at all, but he knew Li Ran's power. The level of robbers here couldn't be looked down on, and it was too weak. He asked, "Where did they go?"

Guo Twelve shook his head and said, "Druakaba, I don't know this place ..." He beckoned to Wusi and asked, "Usi, do you know Druakaba?"

Usi said in horror: "A place of recklessness?" Druakaba means rash.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Yes, this is the place, have you been there?"

Wu Si shook his head desperately and said, "I dare not go there, even if it is on the edge. It is a land of legends. Only the king-level barbaric masters have the strength to enter. That place is too dangerous, I just listen. Say, I heard that there are countless ancient ruins there. The king-level barbaric masters will choose to enter there before they die. "

Guo Twelve whispered: "There is such a good place, hell, I don't know." He said: "Usi, tell me about the wild land, hehe, I'm curious."

Wu Si said: "I am not very clear, but there are a lot of legends, talking about the wild land. That is a taboo land, I heard that it is an ancient battlefield, there are many ancient ruins ~ ~ According to legend ... In the ancient times, there were many powerful masters, much more powerful than our current masters. Later, after a terrifying war, many super masters died ... "

Aizek was very interested and said: "The master at that time, is better than you now?"

Usi said: "It is completely incomparable, let alone us, not even a master master ... And now, the master master is the most powerful." The so-called king master is the ninth-level barbaric master.

Guo Twelve pondered for a moment, and now he understood that what Li Ran encountered might be the so-called king-level barbaric master. However, he still has some doubts in his heart. With Li Ran's strength, he shouldn't be struggling even if he is a king-level barbaric master. To know that this guy is a master beyond the nine-story altar, there may be other secrets, but he did not explain it in the beacon.

Thinking for a while, Guo Twelve put the question down temporarily and said, "Put up their first tie."

Essen waved his hand, and several robbers escorted the man over. Essen shouted: "Kneel!"

Poof! The man knelt down. Ezek pouted, whispering, "Boy!"

Guo Twelve said: "Say, what's your name? Where did it come from ... Don't tell me, you are a rootless person, you should be a person in the army."

The man bowed his head and said: "Pinata, my name is Pinata, is from the Principality of Chisca ... Man, um, is the vassal castle owner of the Principality of Chisca and the officer of the Principality of Chisca.

Guo XII asked: "That savage principality? Ha ha, your task is ..."

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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