Instant Kill

Vol 42 Chapter 6: Convergence (below)

Delong Aike said: "I am the head coach of this army." He also has no way. The five most powerful masters in the army are all controlled by Guo Twelve. Even if he is powerful, he is only slightly higher than these five. So he must come out.

Guo Twelve said: "Well, I will talk to you."

Dronecker asked, "What do you want?" His eyes swept over the five masters, and he was extremely disturbed. This is the core strength of this team, and most of the soldiers of this team are brought out by these five people. Once they are killed, the team will be completely chaotic.

Guo Twelve said: "I want peace ... You retired, and I put these five people." There were no chips yet. Now that there are five hostages, the weight of his speech is completely different.

Droneck smiled bitterly in his heart, how to withdraw his troops at this time? All of them have reached this level. The forces of the Principality of Chisca have been wiped out, leaving the team in front of them. At this time, the team quits, then this team still blocks the Karabaza trail. This is for the Principality of Exe. But a deadly threat.

He said: "It is impossible to withdraw troops! If you surrender, I can guarantee your life safety."

Guo Twelve dug his ears, he thought he had heard it wrong, and said, "We surrender? Am I not wrong? You let us surrender?"

Deron Eck nodded affirmatively, he said: "As long as you surrender, I will intercede for your leader-level people, let Grand Duke Ek pardon you, you know, you only have thousands of people, we have tens of thousands Once you fight, your soldiers are not opponents at all. "

Guo Twelve was funny himself, he said: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to say, give you the last chance, I don't say anything nonsense, you retreat ... If you don't retreat, then don't blame me for being rude, I don't Captives are needed! "He said murderously.

Droneck felt that he had tens of thousands of soldiers. Once the attack was launched, the other party could not resist, so he was full of confidence. The only thing he was worried about was the five castle owners. He said: "You put them five, we have a good fight!"

Ezek was extremely impatient, and he sprang out and said, "Boy, do you want to die? I still have something to do with you. I don't have time to spend time with you. I will either roll or die!"

Deron Eck dropped his face. He was a proud son in the Principality of Eke. Although his strength was not very high, he had a very high status. He slowly raised the lance in his hand and slammed the reins, and the horse under the crotch stood up with a long hiss. He shouted, "Prepare to attack!" He didn't care about the hostage anymore. He commanded the tens of thousands of troops to strike in the past, he didn't believe that the other party could block it, and the opponent's walled door was gone. Even if the other party had two masters, they couldn't block the army s attack.

Before Guo Twelve could speak, Aizek was furious. He said, "Look for death!" He came to the five castle-level masters who were pinned and said: "Hey, your adults want to die, why are you so alive to live?" "" With a few punches, he killed five people directly.

Dronecker never thought that Aizek really dared to kill, he suddenly went crazy and shouted: "Attack!"

Guo Twelve sighed and said, "This world is really crazy, then kill it." He was eager to leave, and impatiently continued to struggle.

Pinata shouted: "Defense!" At this step, he could not help but he could not attack. After all, there were too few people to defend, he had no confidence in defeating each other.

Such as locust arrow rain, all concentrated on the body of Guo XII and Ai Zeke, the two do not cover up, let the arrow rain fall. Just listening to the buzzing sound, the falling arrows filled the ground within a hundred meters around the two. The arrow landed on the two of them and was quickly bounced off, not wanting to pierce at all.

Guo Twelve slowly took off. Deron Eck screamed: "King-level master!"

At this time, the soldiers had launched a charge. Guo Twelve did n’t release the altar either. He played a series of spells and lightly said: "Soul Deterrence!" The Soul Calder violently fluctuated in the body, an unparalleled soul shock came out, and a circle of fluctuations quickly moved forward, in an instant, The soldier rushing in front was as if hit by a sledgehammer.

With the spreading ripples, the charged soldiers fell in rows. The power of the soul is very powerful in this world. The force of this world may be good, but it has no resistance to soul power. Perhaps it is only possible to achieve the level of a king-level master before it is possible to resist one or two. These soldiers and even military officers simply cannot resist soul deterrence.

Instantly fell thousands of soldiers, this time even Ezek was a little surprised, he did not have any soul deterrent, this is a high-level spell ability. He was surprised: "So perverted?" Soul deterrence is useless to him. After all, he is a humanoid alien beast, and his soul is no worse than Guo Twelve. This level of soul deterrence is like a breeze to him.

Droneck could not resist, and he fell to the ground together with the horse he was riding. He felt his head was knocked hard, the whole person became muddled, everything in front of him became star points, and these star points were flying around. He vaguely sighed with emotion: "A lot of ... a lot of ... gold ... silver ..." He fainted when he tilted his head.

The wave of soul deterrence spread into the forest, and the sound of buzzing sounded. The soldiers in the forest were also attacked and fell down in batches. They were lucky, just comatose, but the soldiers who rushed to Guo Twelve were miserable. Soul deterrence directly beat them into idiots.

Guo Twelve slowly fell, he said lightly: "Well, you don't have to retreat, we don't have to surrender." He shouted back: "Pinata! Go and capture the captives, it's all yours!"

Pinata was very happy for a time, he knew he could return to the principality of Chiska. Having captured so many soldiers in the Principality of Exe, even if there were any mistakes or losses, they would be enough to offset.

Fortunately, there are thousands of people under his hands, even if one person is **** with five or six captives, the speed will not be too slow. He shouted: "Crush! Capture the captives ..." The soldiers under him watched that they were about to finish. They didn't expect all the enemies to fall to the ground. They didn't know the life and death. The sudden excitement and ecstasy drove the soldiers crazy. stand up.

Guo Twelve said: "Well, there is nothing about us here, Ayzek, we go to the principality of Xilin, huh, don't know if anyone else has arrived?"

Ezek didn't want to stay here for a long time, and heard the words: "Okay, let's go!" He flew into the air without hesitation, the two turned into two runes, and disappeared on the horizon in an instant.

Ya Delan looked at the sky, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Leave ... they're gone ..." I don't know whether I like it or not.

Essen said: "Yeah ..." He glanced at the soldiers who rushed past and whispered: "Let's go quickly." He knew in his heart that once Pinata reacted, they could not go. They are also a great force. If Pinata wants to annex them, it will be difficult to go again.

Yadlan also understood that this place is not a place to stay for a long time. She said: "We're going from there." She took her men through Dazhai and ran to the other side.


Originally half a day to a day of flight time, Guo Twelve and Ai Zeke tossed for three days, because they are both Luci. Coming along the way, Guo Twelve found that there were really many small countries and countless castles. The two didn't stay much, and occasionally went down to ask for directions, and fluttered in the air at other times.

Guo pointed at the distant city and said, "I hope this time I made no mistake."

Ai Zeke said: "It's wrong seven or eight times, I don't think it's right this time ..." Guo XII wanted to beat someone.

Guo Twelve scolded: "His grandmother, besides you will complain, what else?"

Aizek smiled and said, "I will give you advice."

Guo Twelve said: "Forget it, a few opinions you gave ... It's better not to give, let us run so many injustices, alas, hope this time is right, go!" The two soon Came over the city. A teleport, the two appeared on the street. Ezek grabbed a passerby and asked, "Hey, is this the principality of Xilin?"

The man said, "No ... no ..." He struggled desperately, trying to free Ezek's hand.

Guo Twelve felt cold, and said, "Fuck ... wrong again!"

Ai Zeke also said: "Fuck!" He finally learned the slang. With Guo Twelve, he didn't learn anything else, but he learned a lot of rude words. Although sometimes he doesn't know the meaning of this, he still likes to say it because it is very smooth.

The man shouted: "Let me go ... let go ..."

Ezek suddenly let go, and the man couldn't react as if sitting on the ground. Guo XII asked: "Which principality is this?"

Looked at them dumbly for a long while, he said: "This ... this is the Principality of Xilin!"

Guo Twelve could not help but scold: "Fuck!"

Aizek also scolded: "Fuck!"

The man got up and ran. When I went out early in the morning, I met two neuropaths and shouted inwardly.

"Arrived? Actually arrived! Haha!"

Guo Twelve was immediately excited ~ ~ He has been disappointed many times, finally found his destination. He shook Ezek hard and said, "Fuck, we found it!"

Ai Zeke also excitedly said: "Yeah, yeah, the **** is finally here!"

The people on the street looked at the two lunatics curiously, not knowing what they were doing, and avoided each of them one by one.

Guo Twelve took out a letter, and left a short message: "It's here!" And immediately sent it out.

The two sat on the side of the street. Guo Xuan patted Aizek on the shoulder and said, "I don't know how many people they are coming ..." Before he could say, he heard someone say, "It's just the two of you. Now. "

Guo Twelve turned his head and saw that Zhen Wuji was standing not far away.

Azek asked: "Is my woman here yet?"

Zhenwu said: "Well, Meili and Harlech are the first to ..."

Ezek suddenly remembered that his woman was with Harlech, and hurriedly asked: "The two of them ... do they have two ..."

Zhen Wuji frowned and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Guo Twelve casually said: "It's very simple, he wants to ask ... Does beauty and Harlech have adultery, uh, I don't mean that ..." He found himself saying this directly. Unexpectedly, Ezek went on to say: "Yes, yes, that's what it means!" He stared at Zhenwu Proudly.

Zhenwu was suddenly dumbfounded, he said: "Ah? Ah!"

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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