Instant Kill

Vol 43 Chapter 5: Enemy is like a tide (Part 1)

The Soul of Souls flew out, and Halechi was surprised: "Aren't you able to use the Soul Beast?" He fired a spear and instantly pierced the face armor of a purple armor. He flew the opponent smoothly and smashed another purple armor. .

Guo Twelve smiled slightly, he played a spell, and said, "Protect me!" The Zhending Ding suddenly increased to the size of the water tank. He slapped on the Zhending Ding with a slap. The Soul of Soul rolled up a colorful light, and countless small black spots rolled out with the colorful light.

Those tiny black spots grew up in an instant, and a group of desert black spotted mosquitoes flew out.

Everyone stayed for a while and then rejoiced. Although the strength of the black spotted mosquito is not strong, it is much stronger than the purple armor. Immediately afterwards, Guo Twelve took another slap shot, hitting the Soul of the Soul, and he released another colorful light, also with countless small black spots.

Desert flying ants, like a torrent of desert flying ants gush with the light. After a period of rearing, the black spotted mosquitoes and flying ants in the Soul Caldera have developed greatly, and the population has expanded several times compared with when they were first received in the Soul Calm Souls. These black spotted mosquitoes and flying ants were originally for the spirit soul beast The food prepared, unexpectedly, played a huge role at this time.

Ten thousand black spotted mosquitoes and ten thousand flying ants appeared at the same time, and rushed towards the purple armor. Guo Twelve only released a small part. He needs to experiment. If it cannot be recovered after being released, he will not continue to release it. After all, this is the food prepared for the spirit soul beast.

Black spotted mosquitoes are not small, and they are very greedy. They fall in groups, and the purple armor screams tremendously. A few black spotted mosquitoes can dry a person in a few seconds, and in a moment, the black spotted mosquitoes will kill a piece of purple armor. Everyone worked together to empty the purple Jia people around them, and stopped their hands tiredly.

Almost a day of non-stop fighting, the seven people did not even have a breathing time, looked at each one dullly.

Black spotted mosquitoes are worthy of the horror creatures in the desert. Swarms hovering in the air, seizing the opportunity and falling down in groups, killing hundreds of purple armored people instantly. The same is true for flying ants. After a group of action, after knocking down a purple armor, there are five or six flying ants up to tear up each other.

Zhen Wuji breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Twelve, if you release it earlier, we don't have to kill for so long."

Guo Xie said: "I don't remember."

All the people collapsed to the ground.

Halachi couldn't help but scolded: "This **** ... the uncle almost didn't get exhausted, there is free labor to use, and we need to work hard, alas ..."

Guo Twelve shrank the Soul Ding, directing the mosquito and ant colonies, and hit them all the way. Due to the presence of purple mist, he could not see clearly a little further away, so he had to follow the mosquito and ant colonies. Everyone also had to follow, if they stayed in place, who knew if there would be a purple armor from behind, they were all afraid of killing.

The purple armor finally began to retreat, and there was no way to retreat. If the impact continued, how many more people would not be enough to kill these perverted mosquitoes and ants. If there are only seven people in the other party, the number may still exhaust the other party's energy, but Zijia people are also shocked when so many strange creatures come out. Even if their intelligence is not high, they know that this will definitely not work.

The tide flowed in and the tide receded. After a moment, except for the pungent **** smell and the corpses everywhere, a purple armored person could not see it. Only black spotted mosquitoes and flying ants **** blood on the ground and divide the carcasses.

Guo Twelve felt it, and found that the black spotted mosquitoes and flying ants were not invaded by the power of this world. Perhaps they were invaded but they can continue to control, so he was relieved.

Zhenwu sighed: "Finally retreating, if their strength is slightly stronger, with these numbers, it is enough to make it difficult for us to leave."

This way of siege, they have only seen the mutant insects, the humanoid monster is the first time to see, especially the purple armor is also a wise creature. In fact, what they do n’t understand is this world. In this world, the wisdom of the low-level Zijia people is extremely low. The really wise Zijia people are another group of masters, and they face the low-level Zijia people. Only the purple armor people with sparse patterns have some wisdom. Above them, there are a group of advanced purple armor people who really have combat strength and wisdom.

Suddenly, the black spotted mosquitoes in the distance were chaotic. In an instant, Guo XII discovered that dozens of black spotted mosquitoes had been lost. ant. He didn't want to lose too much. If he couldn't return to the world of spells, he would never find this kind of runworm that could be nurtured.

The colorful light scrolled, and the black spotted mosquitoes and flying ants withdrew.

Dong! Boom! Boom……

Heavy footsteps sounded. Zhen Wuji and other seven people waited quietly, each holding his own sword of warrior. Harlech said: "It seems that there are not many purple armor people coming this time." His judgment was accurate, and a dozen purple armor people came out of the purple mist.

This batch of Zijia people is very different from the previous Zijia people. From the perspective of Guo Twelve, one can see that this group of talents is the elite of Zijia people. With the appearance of these dozen purple armored people, a large group of purple armored people emerged from behind them, and all of them had sparse patterns.

These dozens of purple armor are nearly three meters tall, tall and strong. The purple bio armor on the body is close to black, with dense patterns on it, and the color of the biological armor is also different. The most striking is the first three people. Dark gold, the top of the faceplate has two angles extending backwards, a spiral-shaped red angle, about half a foot long, but the bone blade at the joint is silvery white, shining cold cold light.

Guo Twelve secretly counted, there are fifteen of these special purple armor people, even if two fight one, the other side still has one surplus, but I do n’t know how strong it is. As for the purple armor people with sparse patterns on the back of the fifteen, although he has hundreds of them, he has not put it in his eyes. He knows that those people are average in strength. It may surprise people if they are caught off guard. After playing, they Seven people are basically not afraid of those people.

The horned purple armoured person headed by made a loud noise, and one of the fifteen people popped out, swinging his head back and forth, as if picking something. After a while, he extended his finger to Guo Twelve, clapped his paws, and made an unpleasant chirping noise from the mask. Guo Twelve pointed doubtfully at his nose and then at him.

The purple armor shook his head and took a step forward, reaching for a weird blade from his back.

Harlech said with a smile: "Oh ... brother, did he look at you?"

Guo Twelve said angrily: "Look at Grandpa's head!" He was depressed in his heart. So many people didn't point, but they just took a fancy to themselves. Are they weak? His heart was suddenly uncomfortable, and he muttered: "I am lazy ... does not mean that I am bullying, shit, let you taste the power of Lao Tzu!"

The purple armor man had a weird blade like an elk's horns. The branches and forks were all sharp thorns. The whole body was black, but the sharp corners were dark red. It seemed like a touch of blood. Weapon made.

Guo Twelve stepped forward, the purple armor man waved his hand backwards, and the other purple armor people quickly backed away, pulling away a distance. Guo Twelve held the long blade of the moon blade and looked at each other coldly. The two parties cannot speak the language, but each can understand the meaning of the other, which is a single matchup.

The purple armor pointed to himself and made a hissing sound, which was very strange. If it was translated according to the sound, it means Yayacha, and then he pointed to Guo Twelve.

Guo XII reflected it after a moment of thought. This guy was saying that his name was Yayacha. He nodded and pointed to himself: "Guo ..."

Yayacha can't pronounce the sound of Guo, and Guo Xie also can't make the sound of Yayacha. The vocal cords of the two are very different, just like a sheep, and the roar of a lion can never be heard. .

Halachi asked in a low voice: "What are the twelve doing?"

Zhen Wuji said: "I don't know ... it seems to be reporting the surname by name?" His guess is that Guo Xie said a word for Guo.

Beautifully puzzled: "What are the two of them doing?"

Guo Twelve almost fell. This is so ridiculous, and frowned at Zijia? The purple armor is a creature's face mask. It's hard to make him look. Halech couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, he nodded again and again and said, "Yeah, yeah ... aren't they frowning ... haha."

Yayacha didn't understand Halechi's smile, because their race didn't have the expression of laughing. He gently swayed the antler-like soldier blade in his hand, and there was another strange noise in the squawk, and then he stepped out. two.

Guo Twelve flashed a little, and those **** red awns crossed his side, making a sneering noise. Guo Twelve's pupils shrank, because when he saw the red mans across, the space even shattered ~ ~ This power is quite terrifying, and if it is accidentally hit, it is likely to be unable to resist. He snorted and waved the Moon Blade up.

Yayacha easily brushed it again with his weird warrior blade. This time Guo Twelve did not dodge, the moon blade turned into dozens of golden awns, but his body flashed to Yayacha ’s. Around him, his left foot swept violently. Yayacha didn't have time to respond, he was swept with a foot, banged, and beat him out with a strange noise.

With Guo Xia's now strong body, this leg can be discounted even with a steel column. Yayacha rolled a few times on the ground to control his body. He jumped up from the ground and snarled loudly, rushing up like a lunatic again. It was obvious that he was not injured, but he was embarrassed and obviously angry.

Guo Twelve moved a little in his heart. He found that Zijia's defense was quite good. Of course, he didn't care too much. Obviously, Yayacha is a master of this world. If he can't even stop his foot, it is too weak. The two instantly fought together and fought together.

Is completely melee combat, which is the least proficient battle of professional world spells. When professionals reach the altar level, they basically give up the melee mode, mostly using long-range attacks, so powerful, using melee mode, the strength does not drop a little. This is also Guo Xie's helplessness. In order to prevent the power of this world from invading, he had to adopt such a method.

Fortunately, Guo Twelve still has the skills of the previous life. In addition, the professional body is extremely strong, not inferior to each other, and there is a sacrifice treasure in his body to bless himself.

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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