Instant Kill

Vol 43 Chapter 6: Crazy killing (Part 2)

Guo Twelve turned his head to see Qi Wuzhen and Li Ran, and could n’t help but overjoy. He shouted: “Retreat, Zhen sister and brother Li Ran are coming!” These two people are Dinghaishenzhen. When there are two people, everyone feels more stable, otherwise I really don't know when to fight.

Seven people rose into the sky, and a teleportation came to Li Ran and Qi Wuzhen. Guo Twelve sighed: "Ah, finally, the world-breaking sacrifice is over?"

Li Ran nodded and asked, "What kind of thing is this? Humanoid intelligent creature?" Rao is the first time he has seen countless races in the big world.

Guo Twelve said: "Purple Armor, with biological armor on his body, is not very powerful, but the number is huge, and they are not afraid of death. There are only a handful of masters, and their strength is not bad. ... too soft to kill, too many. "

During the speech, everyone was still retreating. Those purple armored people were chasing like crazy and chasing them one after another. A few purple armored people also flew into the air, but they didn't fly fast enough to trap nine professionals.

Nine people faced the crowd of purple armor, flying backwards, watching the purple armor chasing after crazy, Zhen Wuji smiled bitterly: "This thing is inexplicable, can not communicate, can not touch, can only kill ... also **** We are not afraid of death. We have killed at least a few thousand. We are not afraid of it ... "Even he was softly killed. For professionals, killing is almost commonplace, and they do not care at all, but such killing makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Qi Wuzhen asked Li Ran: "Are you here or am I?" It was hard for her to give in with humility.

Li Ran hesitated a little and said: "Let's come."

Qi Wuzhen very simply nodded: "Okay." She no longer backed away. Li Ran and others continued to retreat. They were more confident than themselves. If this woman is tough, she is really shocking. Even if she can't fully exert her strength here, she must be stronger than herself.

Not far after the crowd exited, I saw a circle of flame spreading not far away, and in an instant, countless wailing sounds sounded.

No one can play with fire more than Qi Wuzhen. This woman was promoted to the level of surpassing the nine-layer altar by playing with fire, so everyone saw the flame spreading, and was not surprised at all. If Qi Wuzhen did not set fire, then It's a strange thing.

The whole ground began to burn violently. If it were not for fear of the invasion of this world, Guo XII knew that Qi Wuzhen had some means to seduce the ground fire magma. A circle of flames quickly spread outwards, and anyone and anything that burns as long as they are in contact can't be extinguished.

One after another, the purple armor struggled and wailed in the flames. Ezek and Mei shuddered a bit. These two humanoid monsters are extremely afraid of the flame, especially this kind of flame with fire character. The two retreated very quickly, a look of horror on their faces.

The flame was like a living creature, slamming its teeth in all directions. The Purple Armored Man finally collapsed and fled desperately outward, but how could they escape the speed of the flames. In a few breaths, the flame even pounced on the group of Li Ran.

Li Ran just wanted to cast a spell, and saw the flame suddenly bypass the crowd and pounced behind them.

Guo Twelve couldn't help but praised: "Great!"

Halachi was powerless and said: "True sister is mighty ..." Everyone was suddenly amused, and no one had spoken this sentence for a long time. Guo twelve also praised in his heart: "True sister is mighty!" That was really mighty. The seven people were busy for a long time, killing them softly and softly, but once she was out of the horse, they were different. Severe flames.

A fire will burn thousands of purple armored people to ashes, no purple armored people can escape, even those with dark purple creature armor are also burned to ashes. Qi Wuzhen flew back, she glanced at everyone, and said: "Give me the dharma ... I have to practice it." She had been invaded by the power of this world just now in that blow.

Li Ran said: "Relax, give it to me, you guard by her side, if there is another Zijia person coming, give it to me."

Qi Wuzhen already has the soul scripture given by Guo XII, so he only needs to recite it himself. She landed on the ground and began to recite the scriptures silently, washing her soul.

Guo XII and others formed a defensive formation around Qi Wuzhen. Except for Li Ran flying into the air, everyone else sat cross-legged and waited. Because Qi Wuzhen's soul is extremely powerful, when she recites the scriptures, the soul fluctuations are also very strong, and everyone sitting around her can benefit.

Although the soul scripture was passed by Guo Twelve to Qi Wuzhen, this did not prevent his soul from fluctuating. Since Qi Wuzhen recited the scripture silently, Guo Twelve can also enjoy himself aside.

Just after a series of fights, the people were also attacked by the power of this world to the soul, but only to a relatively low degree. Even if they do n’t need the spiritual scriptures and rely on their own souls, they can expel this force. With Qi Wuzhen's soul fluctuations, they quickly recovered.

After half an hour, Qi Wuzhen stopped chanting. With her strength, the blow just now did not allow the power of this world to invade a lot, so the expulsion was completed soon. She took a sigh of relief and smiled: "If there were no soul scriptures, I wouldn't dare to attack so brazenly. Our luck is really good, and we can show most of our strength."

Li Ran fell down and said: "No one came, we can leave here."

Guo Twelve said: "Wait a moment, I will go to collect Fuwu." Fuwu is a mobile residence. He was reluctant to discard it, got up and flew not far away, and quickly charged Fuwu to return.

Li Ran and others had already flown into the air and waited. Because of the purple mist around them, they blessed the Mingmu curse and could not see far. When Guo Twelve arrived, Li Ran said: "We can leave, hehe, the Zijia people haven't appeared all the time and saved a lot of trouble."

Released the break, Li Ran and Qi Wuzhen * came out with the spell. This step is necessary. To reach any unfamiliar small world, if you want to leave smoothly, you must rely on breaking the boundary to find the weak points of this world, so that you can leave smoothly.

Hurrying up has become accustomed to Guo Twelve and their group. Since they entered other small worlds, they have been desperately driving. In addition to fighting and searching, they are looking for the weak points of the small world, looking for the way out, and then looping again. Seems never ending.

Gradually, the purple mist began to thin, and the distant scenery gradually revealed.

"There are trees!"

"There are animals!"

This is a plain-like place with sparse woods, overgrown weeds on the ground, and a lot of strange-shaped animals. A group of animals with long horns on their heads, covered with purple long-haired animals, eat their grass with their heads down, and a group like pheasants Birds are scattered among the trees, looking for food leisurely.

The woods gradually flourished, and the trees were no longer low and sparse forests, but tall and thick primitive forests.

Some beasts and raptors began to appear in the forest. Of course, these beasts and raptors did not pose any threat to Guo Twelve.

Everyone didn't search for materials, and even Guo Twelve didn't want to search. The purple armor of this world is very strange, so everyone doesn't want to delay, the sooner you leave here, the better.

All the way, Li Ran and Qi Wuzhen played spells from time to time, driving the breakthrough. Breaking the boundary will automatically search for the weak points of the small world, which saves Li Ran a lot of trouble. If they search by themselves, God knows when to find the right point.

Zhen Wuji said: "Strange, a purple armor man did not see it."

Everyone also awakened, and along the way, I really hadn't seen a Zijia person, as if Qi Wuzhen had burned all the Zijia people.

Li Ran said with a smile: "It's better not to see it. I can't wait to see it. If we find a weak point, we will leave as soon as possible. I don't know what the next small world will look like. I hope it can be peaceful."

Qi Wuzhen said: "Don't dream!"

Li Ran has long been accustomed to Qi Wuzhen's tone. He smiled and did not speak. In fact, he also understands that Qi Wuzhen is right. The small world is the most complicated. However, there are many small worlds that are more complicated than the mystery. It depends on their luck. If you are unlucky and enter a powerful small world, if you can't run out, you won't be able to run out.

Except for Li Ran, no one knows how to go to the big world. Even Li Ran has no bottom in his heart, only an approximate position, and this approximate position is also limited by the weak point of space. God knows he will take Where is everyone going? However, Li Ran didn't disclose a bit of wind, he could not say that he didn't have the chance to enter the big world, so even if he was not killed by everyone ~ ~ he would be scolded by everyone, he would not be so stupid.

Li Ran smiled and said: "Small really, the truth is always hard to hear."

Qi Wuzhen snorted, and ignored the slick guy. The two have fought countless times and have understood each other's character and means. She really has no energy to continue fighting.

Li Ran seemed to be satisfied with Qi Wuzhen's attitude. He smiled happily and no longer stimulated her.

Guo Twelve was equally uneasy. From the conversation between Li Ran and Qi Wuzhen, he felt that this path was probably not very good.

After seven days, the crowd finally flew out of the forest. The terrain gradually rises, and a huge **** extends upwards, gradually extending to the horizon, a very magical terrain.

As the slopes began to become sparse, the species also changed a lot. In a blink of an eye, the crowd had flew to the center of the slope. Guo Xiu looked up and saw a white line in the distance, which was the snow line.

Soon, everyone came to the top of the slope. According to Guo XII's calculations, the area is tens of thousands of meters above the original forest. It was a world of ice and snow, and the cold came, but everyone did not care about the cold at all. They had seen the colder places.

Flew another distance, Li Ran said: "This is the plateau!"

The white ice and snow in the distance gave out a slight purple light. Soon after flying forward, almost all the ice on the ground became purple ice, and the whole earth was lavender, showing an inexplicable gorgeousness.

Qi Wuzhen suddenly said: "Purple Armor!"

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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