Instant Kill

Vol 43 Chapter 9: Defeat (on)

The trapped and killing formations are located about ten kilometers away from the city. The trapped formations are outside, and the killing formations cover an area of ​​about seven square kilometers. This is already the maximum. If the number of Zijia people is too large, Li Ran will not arrange such a large formation. At this time, it doesn't take a lot of time to arrange the array. Just insert the rune column according to the specified orientation and bury the rune stone rune.

One rune was pressed hard by Li Ran and inserted directly into the hard purple ice field. Eight rune posts were inserted into the ice according to eight directions. After checking it a little, he nodded in satisfaction, and then he played a magic spell. In a flash, hundreds of imaginary signs flew out and fell into eight runes.

A slight tremor sounded, and the eight runes suddenly expanded, reaching a kilometer in an instant, and the diameter reached hundreds of meters. Qi Wuzhen followed by a series of spells, the eight runes quickly became transparent, disappeared for a moment, and seemed to be in the air.

The eight Rune Columns are the main rune array devices. Whether it is a killing or a trapped formation, the Eight Rune Columns are the foundation. The crowd worked together to drive all the sacrificed formations into the ground and start layer by layer. It took a total of seven or eight hours to complete the two large formations, and finally Li Ran and Qi Wuzhen started the large formation together.

When the formation method is completed, the light flashes and the whole formation is bright. It was already very close to the city, and the flashing light immediately alarmed the Zijia people.

Guo twelve said with a smile: "Such a big movement, we don't have to attract them anymore, huh, huh, I think they will send someone to check it out soon, well, we still have to meet the enemy before the battle. , It is estimated that there are not even people who reported. "

Li Ran said: "Yes, we will go out and kill a group of purple armoured men first to anger them."

Halechi raised his hand and said: "I'm not going, I'm in the formation, hey, I'll control the formation." Although his strength is still not up to the nine-story altar, there is no problem in controlling such a large formation. No. The formation of manipulative manipulator and self-running are two concepts. Only the manipulative maneuver can exert the most power.

Li Ran nodded and said, "Okay, Harlech left to control the formation, and the others and I met the enemy together." The remaining eight people flew out together, and came to the periphery of the large array in a few breaths, preparing their own sacrifices. Bing blade, waiting quietly.

At this time, the fog has dissipated, and their group can clearly see the city in the distance. It didn't take long to see a team of purple armour rushing in. When they saw Li Ran's team clearly, they immediately issued a shocking alarm, but it is strange that this team of purple armoured men did not rush over, but slowly backed away.

Zhenwu was surprised and said: "Why, they are smart!" When they first met the Zijia people, they could be said to be afraid of death and injury, and desperately hit the fight, they didn't care about death at all, but this time it was completely different. There are about a thousand people in this team of purple armor. With such a large number of people, when they saw the eight people in front of the line, they were afraid of being shocked.

Qi Wuzhen sneered: "No matter how stupid creatures, as long as they are wise, I do n’t believe that they are not afraid, a few are not afraid of death, and thousands of dead, I believe they will be afraid!"

Eight people stood in a row, each holding a sacrificial weapon blade, and looked at the group of purple armor people coldly, the momentum was simply overwhelming. The distant city was once again filled with purple mist, and this thing seemed to be a means of their defense. About ten minutes later, a large group of purple armored people poured out of the city. From a distance, it looked like a stream of water that opened the gate, and instantly dyed the ground a deep purple.

Li Ran smiled: "It's done!"

The place where the eight people stood was about 300 meters away from the large array behind them. Countless Purple Armored people came in, approached them quickly, and split two tide heads, outstrapping them along both sides.

Zhenwu said: "They want to surround us? Ha ha, interesting."

Guo Twelve said: "We can slowly back away ..."

Li Ran nodded and said, "Well, retreat slowly." The eight of them retreated very slowly, and they still faced the crowd of purple armor. The Zijia people came very fast, maybe they were already ready, and no longer gave these aliens a chance to escape.

With the approach of Zijia crowd, Guo XII and other eight people have retreated to the edge of the large array, and are still slowly retreating. At this time, the large array has not yet started.

When the approaching Zijia people can be seen clearly, they have retreated into the trapped formation. Seeing the Zijia people rush into the battle, Li Ran shouted: "Retreat!" The eight people turned around and ran without any burden, and the speed suddenly accelerated. The Purple Armor immediately issued a sharp howl and caught up with excitement.

A few minutes, eight people entered the killing formation. Li Ran shouted: "Hallechi!"

Hallechi was already ready. He heard a series of spells immediately, and in an instant, eight huge runes were revealed, and crisscross runes of light came out, and the ray of light immediately lit up, and the large array started.

The Zijia people suddenly found that the surrounding environment had changed greatly, the purple ice on the ground disappeared, and the distant scenery could not be seen at all. A gray mist rose up and instantly covered the entire large array. Suddenly, the Zijia people A mess.

Li Ran said: "Okay, Harlech, hand it to me here, if you are interested, go to Fuzhu and preside over a position."

Guo Twelve had flown to the edge of a fuzhu, his body rose quickly, and he immediately reached the top of the fuzhu. He sat cross-legged on the rune column and cast a few hand spells. Everything around him was immediately imprinted into his soul. He could clearly see everything in the large formation. His soul fluctuated slightly: "I control this rune!"

Eight rune columns, the best way is to have eight people to control, but unfortunately Ezek and Meili will not control. In addition to Li Ran controlling the entire large array, only six people controlled six runes, and there were two runes that no one controlled. This is a weak point of the large array, of course, Zijia people may not be able to find this weakness.

The gray mist quickly spread, and the purple mist in the city of Zijia people also spread rapidly. After ten minutes, the two mists merged together. If you can see it in the sky, a huge gray haze circle is surrounded by purple haze. Innumerable purple armor rushed into the trapped formation, and it still enters continuously.

The killing array was designed by Qi Wuzhen, and the sleepy array was designed by Li Ran. The people in the trapped formation will kill each other under the guidance of the formation. If they survive, they will be guided into the formation by the formation.

As long as the purple armor enters the trapped formation, they will find that the surroundings are all enemies, and they frantically attack everything that can move around. Guo Twelve saw clearly at the top of Fu Zhu, and the handsome old man also came out of his head. He said, "It's this kind of thing that makes you handicapped? Alas, a bunch of messy guys."

Guo Twelve said: "Although they are not very strong, but we have a lot of scruples, they can not exert their own strength, and they are very suffocated." He complained a few words.

Soon, many strong Zijia people rushed into the killing array. Li Ran was still waiting. At this time, there were not many purple armored people who entered the killing array. Among them were a few black armored people. They were rushing around in the killing array. There was a gray fog around, and Zijia people were also very confused. If they were in the purple fog, they could clearly distinguish everything around them, but in the gray fog, their greatest advantage was lost, and even the scenes a few meters away could not be seen clearly.

Purple man still rushed into the trapped formation continuously. The sound of fighting was covered by the trapped formation, they could not judge, and could only enter the trapped formation. In the trapped formation, blood had flowed into the river, and the pieces of the purple armored people slaughtered each other and fell down. They never thought this was a big killer of another world.

Soon, tens of thousands of purple armored people entered the killing formation. Li Ran played a few hand spells, and the killing array began to show countless virtual signs, which turned into countless flashing arrows of rain. With Li Ran ’s gesture descending from the sky, a wailing suddenly sounded, and the purple armor in the killing array was quickly killed by a flash. Only a dozen powerful black armoured men remained, and all others were killed.

The deaths of the Purple Armor people, this killing, even Guo XII also felt extremely cruel, he kept playing virtual symbols, the whole array was running fast, the gray mist was even stained with blood.

Another group of purple armor rushed into the killing formation, these purple armor were elites. The purple armor people who can get away from each other in the trapped formation are quite powerful. Unfortunately, they do not know that when they enter the killing array, no matter how strong they are, the final ending is death. There are countless ways to kill the killing array. Entering creatures.

Guo Twelve said: "Ah, these people are really strange, why are they staring at us and not letting go ..."

The handsome old man sneered: "Don't say it's useless. It's the same for entering other worlds in the future. I guess ... Any outsider is a natural enemy of the local indigenous people. The world, the small world is too dangerous. If it were not for the strength and strength of your team, I'm afraid it would have been dead. "

The large array is running wildly, and in less than an hour, it consumes thousands of spirit beasts, and the purple armor is still endless. According to estimates by Guo Twelve ~ ~ at least more than two hundred thousand purple armoured people died in the trapped formation, and tens of thousands more died in the killing array, but watching the purple armored people coming from afar , He has a feeling of powerlessness.

"Fuck, where are so many Purple Armored people!"

Handsome old man said: "Be patient, no matter how many purple armor people, as long as they enter the trapped formation, there is basically no possibility of alive. Even if you can escape a few, that is nothing."

Don't say to escape a few, after entering the trapped formation, until now, a purple armored person has not escaped. This large formation is also the top means in the spell world.

Guo Xie said: "There are too many people, I estimate at least millions, even millions."

The handsome old man nodded and said, "There may be more and more ..." He was also secretly shocked, which is almost comparable to the insect wave of the spell world. At this step, everyone must persevere and kill as much as possible, otherwise they cannot leave. .

Two days later, the tide-like purple armor finally became sparse, and they began to hesitate, no longer madly pouring into the rune. In two days, Guo Twelve estimated that at least tens of millions of Zijia people were killed in the trapped and killing formations, most of which were due to their fratricidal killings, and a small number were killed in the killing formations.

Thousands of black armor people also died. It can be seen that the black armor talents are the masters here, and their strength is equivalent to the low-level altar professionals in the spell world. Even with the help of Rune Array, Li Ran and others felt extremely uncomfortable. Although the Purple Armored Man is not a real human being, it can only be regarded as a humanoid creature, but killing such a terrifying amount in one breath, no one can face it calmly.

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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